version 1.1.0: new feature: sensors output
If you start inxi for single line output: inxi -s it will show sensors if available, or error if not. line one shows temps line two shows fan speeds possible items: cpu temp mobo temp cpu fan speed; mobo fan speed; psu fan speed; sys fan speeds 1-14 There's some guess work and a lot of hacking going into this, so it won't always be right. If it's wrong, paste in the output of: sensors command so we can debug it. Back to top |
This is what I get:
:: Code ::
inxi -s Sensors: System Temperatures: cpu: 48.0°C mobo: N/A Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A and :: Code ::
$ sensors k8temp-pci-00c3 Adapter: PCI adapter Core0 Temp: +48.0°C Core0 Temp: +40.0°C Core1 Temp: +45.0°C Core1 Temp: +44.0°C f71882fg-isa-0600 Adapter: ISA adapter 3.3V: +3.39 V Vcore: +1.29 V (max = +2.04 V) Vdimm: +2.18 V Vchip: +1.73 V +5V: +5.21 V 12V: +10.37 V 5VSB: +3.44 V 3VSB: +3.39 V Battery: +3.18 V CPU: 3211 RPM System: 0 RPM ALARM Power: 0 RPM ALARM Aux: 0 RPM ALARM CPU: +27.0°C (high = +85.0°C, hyst = +81.0°C) (crit = +100.0°C, hyst = +96.0°C) sensor = transistor System: FAULT (high = +85.0°C, hyst = +81.0°C) (crit = +100.0°C, hyst = +96.0°C) sensor = transistor Back to top |
amazing, yet another totally different, and in this case, redundantly named, sensors scheme, incredible. The terseness of this one is especially challenging and would take a total redo of the core logic to handle, which I guess I will have to do, sigh... why one naming scheme can't be used by everyone is beyond me, but this is the most singularly ill made ones I've so far seen, CPU: fan speed; CPU: temp is pretty difficult to handle, all other cases so far have had at least some indication that it's fan , temp, speeds, etc in the pre : text.
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Thanks anti, I had to rework it all internally to fix many small issues, now I believe even this sparsely syntaxed version should be handled correctly:
I have now finished inxi 1.1.3, which is the reworked logic that should work for all these cases posted here. 1.1.3 includes a range of bug fixes, mostly for the sensors stuff, but also for more subtle errors. If it fails to do it correctly, post the output from sensors again, if different than above. Please note that to handle these complex cases, I created 3 distinct types: temp: cpu/mobo/psu hard fan speeds from explicit: cpu/mobo/psu/case fan output: sys-x. loose fan speeds, from generic fan readings: fan-x in output: fan-x excludes always the hard fan speeds if present, so will show only what is not shown in hard fan speeds. Ideally usually the cpu temp/cpu fan speed will match, but there are some cases where it won't, but usually it will be right, in almost all but not quite all cases. mobo fan may show as mobo, sys-x, or fan-x, depending on how the sensors output is generated, but it won't be repeated by inxi. This is about as well as this can be done unless I've missed something, so hopefully this last rewrite of the logic will do the job, third time's the charm, they say... Back to top |
Just to let you all know; Linuxmint now include inxi by default on their releases and use it constantly on IRC. It has become quite popular over there.
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oh, thanks for the update cathbard, nice to see this used and appreciated. Inxi is a strange one for me because I have absolutely no idea how many people use it.
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Konversation 1.2 is out, but inxi does that not recognize correctly:
Client[-Unknown Perl client-] And : i can set inxi in 'Command Aliases', but /inxi won't work. Only '/cmd inxi' works. Back to top |
I believe you have to set the inxi konversation like this:
:: Code :: #create this symbolic link:
ln -s /usr/local/bin/inxi /usr/share/kde4/apps/konversation/scripts/inxi The Konversation authors broke their API (what else is new?) and didn't have any interest in fixing it, at least not last time trash80 followed up on it. After that link is created, the Konversation command /inxi should work again. Of course, remove any other things you may have added before doing this, then restart konversation after adding that link. Back to top |
inxi request
Is it possible to have a switch for listing the sources.list in smxi?
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anti, you mean like smxi -v, that shows something then exits, that's easy to do.
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