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inxi - command line system information script - try it!
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Update: Please Use inxi documentatin as Current Information
Rather than try to maintain different inxi information locations, we're just going to use the inxi documentation as the authoritative information source. Please go there for all option, install, or general inxi information. You can also use's inxi install section if you just want to get install info.

inxi general information [legacy, not kept current]
All features are working, though new configurations and users systems continue to push the limits of what is supported, but most systems are now fully supported, or at least known to be unsupportable due to technically non fixable issues.

Special Thanks to...
All the super helpful and friendly people on channel #linux-smokers-club , who patiently tested each build as it was delivered, and even more patiently stayed with the debugging process until the issues were resolved, suffering through endless waves of inxi irc output in the process. Through them the support for a variety of platforms, Arch, Fedora, Mandriva, Ubuntu, Mint, and some more obscure distros I'd never heard of, was solidified and debugged. They help make this stuff fun, which is how it should be...

Download and install options
You can download the latest version here.

I recommend putting inxi into /usr/local/bin to make sure you don't misplace it or get multiple version in conflicting paths, but you don't have to. But you really should, since that's where all the other smxi, sgfxi, and svmi scripts live.

ALERT: Arch/Pardus Linux users report that /usr/local/bin is NOT in their default system path, so they will need to put inxi in /usr/bin instead.

Note: the url: is a short cut that goes to the google code inxi file, it's just easier to type and remember than

Here's a one liner download and install, you must do this as root:
:: Code ::
cd /usr/local/bin && wget -Nc && chmod +x inxi

smxi + inxi installer
smxi has an installer as well, in Post Upgrade Options -> Package Install -> Utilities -> inxi

Now also sets the symbolic link for built in Konversation script support if you have Konversation installed.

inxi script self updater, inxi -U
Rather than force you to redownload each latest release, I added an option to do that automatically: inxi -U (for update).

If you chmod or chown /usr/local/bin/inxi to user, you can do -U as user. That's what I am doing for dev purposes, it's more convenient that way.

inxi bug reports/feature requests
Please post any bug reports or feature requests, in general, on the inxi svn site, as a new issue there. (Requires Google account). We're trying to keep that site as the main authority for developers and anyone else interested in using inxi.

inxi options
New: -h gives help / options list:

:: Code ::
inxi -h

inxi supports the following options. You can combine them, or list them
one by one: Examples: inxi -v4 -c6 OR inxi -dDc 6

Please see inxi wiki options page to get latest and reasonably current list of options.

If you start inxi with no arguments, it will show the short form.
The following options if used without -b, -F, or -v will show just that complete line:
A,C,f,D,G,I,M,N,P,S,d,n,s,o,p,l,u,r,t - you can use these together to show just the lines you want to see.
If you use them with a -v + level, -b or -F, it will show the full output for that line
along with the output for the chosen verbosity level.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Output Control Options:
:: Code ::
-A  Show Audio/sound card information.
-b  Shows basic output, short form (previously -d). Same as: inxi -v 2
-c  Available color schemes. Scheme number is required. Color selectors run a color selector option
    prior to inxi starting which lets you set the config file value for the selection.
    Supported color schemes: 0-32 Example: inxi -c 11
    Color selectors for each type display (NOTE: irc and global only show safe color set):
    94 - Console, out of X
    95 - Terminal, running in X - like xTerm
    96 - Gui IRC, running in X - like Xchat, Quassel, Konversation etc.
    97 - Console IRC running in X - like irssi in xTerm
    98 - Console IRC not in  X
    99 - Global - Overrides/removes all settings. Setting specific removes global.
-C  Show full CPU output, including per CPU clockspeed.
-d  Show full disk output, including cd/dvd optical disks. Same as -dD
-D  Show full hard Disk info, not only model, ie: /dev/sda ST380817AS 80.0GB.
-f  Show all cpu flags used, not just the short list. Not shown with -F to avoid spamming.
-F  Show Fuller output for inxi. Triggers all uppercase line options as well as -s and -n. Does not show extra verbose options like -d -f -u -l -o -p -t
-G  Show Graphic card information (card, x type, resolution, glx renderer, version).
-i  Show Wan IP address, and shows local interfaces (requires ifconfig network tool). Same as -Nni
    Not shown with -F for user security reasons, you shouldn't paste your local/wan IP.
-I  Show Information: processes, uptime, memory, irc client, inxi version.
-l  Show partition labels. Default: short partition -P. For full -p output, use: -pl (or -plu).
-M  Show machine data. Motherboard, Bios, and if present, System Builder (Like Lenovo).
-n  Show Advanced Network card information. Same as -Nn. Shows interface, speed, mac id, state, etc.
-N  Show Network card information. With -x, shows PCI BusID, Port number.
-o  Show unmounted partition information (includes UUID and LABEL if available).
    Shows file system type if you have file installed, if you are root OR if you have
    added to /etc/sudoers (sudo v. 1.7 or newer): <username> ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/file (sample)
-p  Show full partition information (-P plus all other detected partitions).
-P  Show Partition information (shows what -v 4 would show, but without extra data).
    Shows, if detected: / /boot /home /tmp /usr /var. Use -p to see all mounted partitions.
-r  Show distro repository data. Currently supported repo types: APT; PACMAN; PISI; YUM.
-s  Show sensors output (if sensors installed/configured): mobo/cpu/gpu temp; detected fan speeds.
    Gpu temp only for Fglrx/Nvidia drivers. Nvidia shows screen number for > 1 screens.
-S  Show System information: host name, kernel, desktop environment (if in X), distro
-t  Show processes. Requires extra options: c (cpu) m (memory) cm (cpu+memory). If followed by numbers 1-20,
    shows that number of processes for each type (default: 5; if in irc, max: 5): -t cm10
    Make sure to have no space between letters and numbers (-t cm10 -right, -t cm 10 -wrong).
-u  Show partition UUIDs. Default: short partition -P. For full -p output, use: -pu (or -plu).
-v  Script verbosity levels. Verbosity level number is required.
    Supported levels: 0-6 Example: inxi -v 4
    0 - Short output, same as: inxi
    1 - Basic verbose, like old -d basic. -S -C -G -D (basic form) -I
    2 - Adds networking card (-N), Machine (-M) data, and shows basic hard disk data (names only). Same as: inxi -b
    3 - Adds advanced CPU (-C), network (-n) data, and switches on -x advanced data option.
    4 - Adds partition size/filled data (-P) for (if present):/, /home, /var/, /boot
        Shows full disk data (-D)
    5 - Adds audio card (-A); sensors (-s), partion label (-l) and UUID (-u).
    6 - Adds full partition data (-p), unmounted partition data (-o), cd/dvd data (-d).
-x  Show extra data (only works with verbose or line output, not short form):
    -C - bogomips on Cpu;
    -N -A - Adds version/port(s)/driver version (if available) for Network/Audio;
    -N -A -G - Network, audio, graphics, shows PCI Bus ID/Usb ID number of card;
    -S - Desktop toolkit if avaliable (GNOME/XFCE/KDE only)
    -G - Direct rendering status for Graphics (in X).
    -G - (for single gpu, nvidia driver) screen number gpu is running on.
    -D - Hdd temp with disk data if you have hddtemp installed, if you are root OR if you have added to
         /etc/sudoers (sudo v. 1.7 or newer): <username> ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hddtemp (sample)
    -t - Adds memory use output to cpu (-xt c), and cpu use to memory (-xt m).
-xx Show extra, extra data (only works with verbose or line output, not short form):
    -M - Adds chassis information, if any data for that is available.
-z  Adds security filters for IP addresses, Mac, and user home directory name. Default on for irc clients.
-Z  Absolute override for output filters. Useful for debugging networking issues in irc for example.

Additional Options:
-h --help      This help menu.
-H             This help menu, plus developer options. Do not use dev options in normal operation!
-U             Auto-update script. Note: if you installed as root, you
               must be root to update, otherwise user is fine.
-V --version   inxi version information. Prints information then exits.

Debugging Options:
-%  Overrides defective or corrupted data.
-@  Triggers debugger output. Requires debugging level 1-14 (8-10 - logging of data).
    Less than 8 just triggers inxi debugger output on screen.
    1-7  - On screen debugger output
    8    - Basic logging
    9    - Full file/sys info logging
    10   - Color logging.
    The following create a tar.gz file of system data, plus collecting the inxi output to file:
    11 - With data file of xiin read of /sys.
    12 - With xorg conf and log data, xrandr, xprop, xdpyinfo, glxinfo etc.
    13 - With data from dev, disks, partitions etc.
    14 - Everything, full data collection.

Give this a try!! it's nice, the layout is cleaner than infobash already, and the information is laid out in a more intuitive way, and should be easier to read overall for people.

The infobash fork story in brief
Trash80 and I decided to fork infobash, which has been largely neglected in sidux except for an occasional bug fix or whatever, for the standard reasons you fork projects: good core logic and ideas in the code, bad, unreadable, unhackable, code, neglected in terms of active development, and the need to do a full rewrite to make it more maintainable and hackable.
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A nice job and a definite improvement.
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Thanx h2,

good job! works fine!

greez widux
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inxi - fork of infobash
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Danke, bedankt, thanks h2

It was wash & go :-)
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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This is going extremely well so far in my opinion. Look for more and more options added as time goes on.

I've rebuilt most of the core structure, and it's now quite easy to add new modules, ie, new verbosity levels (-v ...) using the output handler modules.

I'm looking forward to that part getting more fine tuned, robust, and stable, and to then integrate more features as time permits.

Here's the current verbosity levels, with output samples (sorry, can't show colors here):

inxi, or inxi -v0 - the short form
:: Code ::
CPU[Dual Core AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ clocked at 2000.000 Mhz] Kernel[Linux 2.6.26-5.slh.4-sidux-686 i686] Up[-16 min-] Mem[-483.4/2027.2MB-] HDD[-490GB(51% used)-] Procs[-156-] Client[Shell] :: inxi v:0.2.1

inxi -v1, or inxi -d - corresponds roughly to infobash -v
:: Code ::
inxi -v1
System:    Host my-box running  Linux 2.6.26-5.slh.4-sidux-686 i686 Distro sidux-20070102-d:1
CPU:       Dual Core AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ clocked at 2000.000 MHz
Graphics:  Card nVidia GeForce 8400 GS | X.Org 1.4.2 | Res 1280x1024@50.0hz
           GLX Renderer GeForce 8400 GS/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! | GLX Version 2.1.2 NVIDIA 177.80
Disks:     HDD Size 490GB (51% used)
Info:      Processes 155 | Uptime 16 min | Memory 488.8/2027.2MB | Client Shell | inxi v:0.2.17

inxi -v2 - show networking
:: Code ::
inxi -v2
System:    Host my-box running  Linux 2.6.26-5.slh.4-sidux-686 i686 Distro sidux-20070102-d:1
CPU:       Dual Core AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ clocked at 2000.000 MHz
Graphics:  Card nVidia GeForce 8400 GS | X.Org 1.4.2 | Res 1280x1024@50.0hz
           GLX Renderer GeForce 8400 GS/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! | GLX Version 2.1.2 NVIDIA 177.80
Network:   Card-1 nVidia CK804 Ethernet Controller, at port: b400
           Card-2 Marvell 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller, at port: 8c00
Disks:     HDD Size 490GB (51% used)
Info:      Processes 155 | Uptime 17 min | Memory 488.0/2027.2MB | Client Shell | inxi v:0.2.17

inxi -v3 - show disks detected
:: Code ::
inxi -v3
System:    Host my-box running  Linux 2.6.26-5.slh.4-sidux-686 i686 Distro sidux-20070102-d:1
CPU:       Dual Core AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ clocked at 2000.000 MHz
Graphics:  Card nVidia GeForce 8400 GS | X.Org 1.4.2 | Res 1280x1024@50.0hz
           GLX Renderer GeForce 8400 GS/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! | GLX Version 2.1.2 NVIDIA 177.80
Network:   Card-1 nVidia CK804 Ethernet Controller, at port: b400
           Card-2 Marvell 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller, at port: 8c00
Disks:     HDD (1)ATA ST3250824AS (2)ATA ST380817AS (3)ATA ST3160827AS Size 490GB (51% used)
Info:      Processes 155 | Uptime 17 min | Memory 488.0/2027.2MB | Client Shell | inxi v:0.2.17

inxi -v4 - show partition info, if found for /, /home, /var/, /boot
:: Code ::
inxi -v4
System:    Host my-box running  Linux 2.6.26-5.slh.4-sidux-686 i686 Distro sidux-20070102-d:1
CPU:       Dual Core AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ 512 KB cache flags (sse3 nx lm) clocked at 2000.000 MHz
Graphics:  Card nVidia GeForce 8400 GS | X.Org 1.4.2 | Res 1280x1024@50.0hz
           GLX Renderer GeForce 8400 GS/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! | GLX Version 2.1.2 NVIDIA 177.80
Network:   Card-1 nVidia CK804 Ethernet Controller, at port: b400
           Card-2 Marvell 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller, at port: 8c00
Disks:     HDD (1)ATA ST3250824AS (2)ATA ST380817AS (3)ATA ST3160827AS Size 490GB (51% used)
           Partition: / - size: 12G used: 5.6G ( 47% ) Partition: /home - size: 15G used: 8.8G ( 65% )
Info:      Processes 155 | Uptime 21 min | Memory 488.0/2027.2MB | Client Shell | inxi v:0.2.17

inxi -v5 - if multicore detected, create new frequency line, per cpu
:: Code ::
System:    Host my-box running  Linux 2.6.26-5.slh.4-sidux-686 i686 Distro sidux-20070102-d:1
CPU:       Dual Core AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ 512 KB cache flags (sse3 nx lm)
           Clock Speeds: (1) 2000.000 MHz (2) 2000.000 MHz
Graphics:  Card nVidia GeForce 8400 GS | X.Org 1.4.2 | Res 1280x1024@50.0hz
           GLX Renderer GeForce 8400 GS/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! | GLX Version 2.1.2 NVIDIA 177.80
Network:   Card-1 nVidia CK804 Ethernet Controller, at port: b400
           Card-2 Marvell 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller, at port: 8c00
Disks:     HDD (1)ATA ST3250824AS (2)ATA ST380817AS (3)ATA ST3160827AS Size 490GB (51% used)
           Partition: / - size: 12G used: 5.6G ( 47% ) Partition: /home - size: 15G used: 8.8G ( 65% )
Info:      Processes 155 | Uptime 22 min | Memory 488.2/2027.2MB | Client Shell | inxi v:0.2.17

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thankyou for this script and the enhancements work great.

I had a copy of an older script sitting in my spare partition

running it from there as a dot / inxi is of no big deal but running the update caused the update to go to where ever you are running it from

which may be nice to know for others?

:: Code ::

root@siduxbox:/a/0sidux/0files/4misc# ./inxi -V
inxi - the universal, portable, system info script for irc.
Version: 0.3.6

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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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The update goes to wherever you ran it from, that's correct.

This can lead to problems over time, which is why smxi forces the person to use /usr/local/bin, otherwise people ALWAYS put it somewhere else in their PATH, then forget, then file a bug report, heh..

but in inxi, that shouldn't matter, since it just does what it does from where it is no matter what.

But a note of where the update path is can easily be added to the update text.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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added that output to -U, update, then run inxi -U again to see new data.

:: Code ::
inxi -U
Starting inxi self updater.
Currently running inxi version number: 0.3.17
Updating inxi in /usr/local/bin now...
Successfully updated to version: 0.3.18
To run the new version, just start inxi again.

:: Code ::
-A  Show audio/sound card information.

:: Code ::
-x  Show extra data, for example bogomips on cpu output.

Fixed some bugs with how total cache and bogomips show, now it correctly multiplies the number by cpu count to give total.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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For those of you who simply must know:

:: Code ::
-f  Show all cpu flags used, not just the short list.
## to see it all now, after you update to latest:
inxi -fxv5
## Or use the NEW -F option, for full output:
inxi -F

With a bunch of code cleanup, some more refactoring, and removing some inefficient methods, that largely brings this phase of inxi development to a close.

The next phase will probably fix some inxi issues, update and redo the hard disk handler, and improve support for all distros.

But that's about it for me for now I think, I'll keep you posted on updates:
:: Code ::
inxi -V
inxi - the universal, portable, system info script for irc.
Version: 0.3.28
Script Last Modified: November 6 2008

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Hi h2,

I just updated to inxi 0.3.33. When I try v 6 I get the error

:: Code ::
inxi: unsupported verbosity level: 6

Has v 6 been dropped?
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