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sorry, -v6 was removed, and replaced with -A for sound card.

Check inxi -h after updating for current options

New: version 0.4.x, features a more robust, but less efficient, but more reliable, hard disk detection handler.

This is a full rewrite of the core logic, but if anyone wants to check out the hard disk handling and see if it can be optimized, feel free.

The only thing that needs to stay locked in is the array format for putting in the data to transfer it to printing.

This script has been under extremely rapid development, things are being added and removed as it goes along: latest:

[code]# full output of inxi
inxi -F

It should start settling down now I think, since the main issues have been dealt with, now it's just a matter of adding more features as time permits, and fixing bugs and failures of detections.

Already it's handling more cases of hard disks than infobash was, currently it's showing all my usb flash drives, plus drives on old systems running via ide controller cards, which wasn't working before.

To see the new hard disk stuff:

[code]# use any supported verbosity level > 2, so this shows the default basic hard disk info:
inxi -v3

# and this shows the full output of hard disk data:
inxi -Dv1[/code]
Try it out! It's fun, and educational.
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Seems that inxi -s does not show my sound card:

:: Code ::
# inxi -s
CPU[Dual Core Intel Core2 T5600 clocked at 1833.000 Mhz] Kernel[Linux 2.6.27-5.slh.1-sidux-686 i686] Up[-1:45-] Mem[-396.1/2025.5MB-] HDD[-100GB(35% used)-] Procs[-143-] Client[Shell] :: inxi v:0.4.4

inxi -F show it:
:: Code ::
# inxi -F
System:    Host widuxbox running  Linux 2.6.27-5.slh.1-sidux-686 i686 Distro sidux 2008-01 Νυξ - kde-lite - (200804112323)
CPU:       Dual Core Intel Core2 T5600 cache 2048 KB bmips 7314.82
           Clock Speeds: (1) 1833.00 MHz (2) 1833.00 MHz
           CPU Flags fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush
           dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts pni monitor
           ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr lahf_lm
Graphics:  Card nVidia G72M [Quadro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300] | X.Org 1.4.2 | Res 1680x1050@50.0hz
           GLX Renderer GeForce Go 7300/PCI/SSE2 | GLX Version 2.1.2 NVIDIA 177.80
Sound:     Card Intel 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller
Network:   Card-1 Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection
           Card-2 Realtek RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ at port 2000
Disks:     HDD Total Size: 100GB (35% used) (1)/dev/sda - HTS541010G9SA00 - 100GB
           Partition ID: / size: 15G used: 3.6G (26%) ID: /home size: 40G used: 6.6G (18%)
Info:      Processes 143 | Uptime 1:45 | Memory 396.4/2025.5MB | Client Shell | inxi v:0.4.4

What's wrong?
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if you don't use any verbosity levels, the extra options aren't active.

It's either:

inxi -v[1-5] plus whatever other options.

inxi -F shows ALL the options.

I'll add a note to the -s, -f options about that.

Or for basic, which is -v1, you can use -d instead, which is the same as -v1

like so: inxi -ds
would show the basic information and sound

In other words, if you don't use either -d or -v[1-5], none of the other options are active. -F activates all the options avalable for output, and triggers the highest supported verbosity level.

inxi -v0 is the same as inxi
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I just downloaded 0.4.6 ...... NICE! Thank you h2.
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thanks scrooge, this last part was difficult, but it's working nicely now. Much better and more useful output on hard disks.

More will be coming, but this is a good place to start.

Also, inxi is now an install option in smxi -> post du options -> package install -> utilities, inxi

This will just install the script into /usr/local/bin, and you can still use the -U to update it, or you can also just update it via smxi, using the install option.
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I just did an inxi -U (from 0.4.6) and it 'upgraded' to 0.4.23?

:: Code ::

root@antiX-M8:/home/antiX# inxi -U
Starting inxi self updater.
Currently running inxi version number: 0.4.6
Updating inxi in /usr/local/bin now...
Successfully updated to version: 0.4.23
To run the new version, just start inxi again.

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correct. 23 > 6

dont' think of those numbers as regular decimal numbers, think of them this way:

[ first number ] . [ second number ] . [ third number ]

if first number = first number and second number = second number, then

if third number one is less than third number 2, the version is newer.

That's fairly standard with 2 dot numbering, that's how the linux kernel does it as well, ie 2.6.15 is greater than 2.6.4

New feature in inxi: shows, with -v4 or more, or -d/-v1 -p, swap partition information, but unfortunately I can't yet get the percent used data in there, so it just shows the size of the partitions, and that they are swap.
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And another new display option, -P, for showing partition information.

As with all the other switches, all require at least verbosity level 1 to run, and toggle on their respective features, by line.

using inxi -v4 will also show partition information, as well as the v level 1-3 information, but -dP would show only level 1 information, plus the extra partition line.

This is all an effort to avoid too much irc spam, but to also have very good control over what output you show.

For instance, if someone is having sound card issues, you could say: ok, show us: inxi -A

and it would show verbosity level 1, with sound card.

Or if someone can't login to kde for example, a problem often caused by full /home or /root, you could simply say, ok, show us: inxi -P

and you'd see right away if their relevant partitions were full.

From my experience doing irc support, this type of granular output control is very useful.

Good news...
Cathbard has decided to package debs of inxi. These will be used initially in the very soon to come Linux Mint release. This was a nice surprise for me, and is one reason so many changes were done over the last few days, I just learned this, so I wanted it to be ready for prime time as soon as possible.

Also, anticapitalista might include it in his next release of antiX, which is also very cool.

Both distros fill good niches, and are very well regarded, so this was a nice endorsement for the work done on inxi so far. Thanks guys.
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:: techAdmin wrote ::
correct. 23 > 6 ...

Thanks, I read .4.6 as .4.60

:: techAdmin wrote ::

Also, anticapitalista might include it in his next release of [antiX], which is also very cool.

There is no might, it is a definite.
Thanks for the work.
This little script is really handy and good to have on livecd too.
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trash80 had a very good idea, and because this is just prior to release on Mint/AntiX, it's been implemented now.

Please check the first post in this thread for new output control options.

Basically, every line now has a switch, if it is used with -d or -v1-5, it will turn on full output for that line in verbose mode, and if the switch is used alone, it will print only that single line, full data.

This means you can always print exactly what you want, plus the same old verbosity levels as well.

To make it even easier to remember this, each line switch, corresponds to the first letter of each line identifier
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