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HP Touchpad with WebOS 3.0.2

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Mozilla/5.0 (hp-tablet; Linux; hpwOS/3.0.2; U; de-DE) AppleWebKit/534.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) wOSBrowser/234.40.1 Safari/534.6 TouchPad/1.0

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Can someone post an updated version of this which has all browsers till up to date, as i am on firefox 7.0.1.

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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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It's too much work keeping up with all the browsers now that they have totally dropped the old numbering versioning systems, and escalating numbers for no reason.

There will be new versions every few months, actually firefox is at 8, with 9 floating around as beta. Chrome I don't know what the current version is.

However, if you want to improve the odds of updates, include all required/desired full user agent strings, along with a brief description.

Usually every time I do an update, I update all the OS, browsers, etc, so it actually takes a while to do it.

So for example, if you want a fast update, include for say, firefox, the windows ua, the mac ua, and the linux ua. Special bonus points for bsd versions. Same goes for chrome. That helps me, because I don't have to spend time digging up the latest inflated versions.

However, checking I see it's been since end of June so it's probably about time to update again.
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list updated, new chrome, firefox, hp tablet added, other things.
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please make the setting persist over browser restarts.

I would also suggest to slightly rename the Menu entry, something like "User Agent: $agent" (or "UA: $agent"). I think this is a bit less confusing.

Two simple minor changes which will make this addon perfect for me! :-)
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Please post this on the useragent switcher forums, this is not the user agent switcher forum, it's just a list to import into the user agent switcher.

I'll delete these postings after a while since they have nothing to do with the user agent switcher list itself.

Chris pederick is the author of the user agent switcher extension, and he has his own website.
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To stop useragent switcher resetting UA after restart do (at about:config):


Author wrote that some browsers may not start (to fix just remove string from prefs.js), but i've tested at ff3.6 and ff10 - all OK.

PS Great addon, UA list from 2011.11 is still actual and very good to keep anonymity and to use websites like "use dumb Chrome or go away"
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Jennifer Garner
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When it's working it works well but there are some bugs with it. Your user agent will get reset to default after every restart unless you add an entry to about:config. Create a new boolean entry 'useragentswitcher.reset.onclose' and set it to false. That will fix the reset problem.

Then there's the issue of Agent Switcher not working at all sometimes. For some reason Agent Switcher won't work on my main profile for FF 11. It installs but the user agent list is blank and nothing happens when I import a list and creating a new user agent doesn't work either. I had to create a new profile for it to work. On FF Nightly (FF 13) I never had any problems. Strange.

The UA list that comes with the addon is pretty weak. I don't know why the developer doesn't include a full updated list. It wouldn't be hard to do.So this addon can work but be prepared to tweak it if necessary.
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Chris Pederick includes a basic UA list that is adequate for the standard use case, trying to log into a site with bad browser sniffing. He recommends my list at the moment for users who want more user agents.

Also, on his forums, I saw a bug report about blank user agent list:
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Nokia N8 with Belle

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Mozilla/5.0 (Symbian/3; Series60/5.3 NokiaN8-00/111.030.0609; Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) NokiaBrowser/ Mobile Safari/533.4 3gpp-gba

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