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Great link, thanks aus9, I know that's going to come in handy.
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sorry to edit previous need to reply

I have added one more link
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I had not done a DU for some time and found grub2 updates to v

Having been burnt in the past....I now accept the maintainer's configs and on reboot I noticed the following available in
/etc/default/grub....after I made changes

:: Code ::

# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"

AA) I now have a second pc beep....the first is supplied by my motherboard when it finds a bootable device on hard drive

grub2 can now beep at you.

AB) changing UUID as above does give you back the /dev/sdXn entry but the line above (in grub.cfg) to search and set the UUID still remains

AC) Leaping into grub.cfg I noticed a lot of crud about

I hated this in grub-legacy and here is the reason.

We have dual booters into ms and linux....they boot into ms and it saves that as the default....saving them making that selection for next time....but coupled with Ubuntu's fondness for hidden bloody menu....the ms user does not know how to get back to grub menu to change their login way.

AD) set root='(hd0,1)'

WF? since when was it necessary to add those quote marks?

I have yet to test without it on 1.98-1 but it was working just fine without em

end of rant
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here's one more part of your rant you forgot: they enabled beeps, a totally pointless and unneeded feature, but LABEL support remains non standard, requires adding some patches to various config files.
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Yeah well my first reboot into xorg 1.7.6? and grub2 was ok but next day (today) my hard drive filled to 100% and I could not do anything.

Must have been a bad synched mirror DU or something so I am back on my old partimage image....woo hoo ....solved problem by evasion in about 5 minutes.

I could not spot sidux DU warnings so I guess it is my end and my choices that were bad.

I did EDIT mode of grub2 menu try a set root without the quotes and that works fine....kernel boots but cd showed / completely full

I am not posting a smxi report as I have destroyed that image.

I won't have time to try another DU until the weekend now
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if root is full, then apt will fail, since it has no room to operate.

smxi shows available size of / for this reason, but it's easy to miss it.

Remember also, a large upgrade can be between 500 and 1000 mB, but those packages all have to also be extracted as well, though they overwrite the old stuff, but pay attention to what apt tells you in general re the size of the download and the total size after du is done, usually it's not that much more, but it is a bit more usually.

You can always chroot into the / partition using a livecd and run: apt-get clean, which will then create some free space again.

inxi -pl also shows clearly the partition data used, for similar reasons. It's rare you have to reinstall with a full disk, but it does happen, and this is of course why I never use / to store user or /home data, / is root, and should, except for tiny disks, not be storing standard user data.
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Thanks for the heads up....I will be glued to the monitor for next DU for that pesky size info.

Ignoring various sid issues....I have not normally had a problem so pls do not treat this as some kind of whinge.

I used above post merely as blog if ppl ask me to do a test they know I am no longer on grub 1.98-1 and why.

2) However, I do vaguely recall that one of the pdiff files or whatever they were called from my mirror was a the megs not in the kilobytes

so I might look at

I just did a quick scan of smxi log from a past success and can not spot mention of this pdiff so maybe I should wear my glasses next time? lol

3) I have read many times good advice from ppl to have separate home etc......but I am stubborn and changed to an all-in-one partition style as I found it easier to recover from most disasters using partimage.

Plus I maximise my storage space by only have 3 partitions
1 /
1 /data ....also area where I have vbox symlinked into my home
1 /swap

As you know, each partition loses some space and to backup extended partitions one would need to use sfdisk as per

(Unless I have made the inodes wrong)

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thanks for the tips but I elected to redo smxi...hit the / 100% and changed to a tighter logrotate config as per investigation here

2) so back to grub2 1.98-1

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