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Full reorganization of kernel sections. Major changes are that now initial kernel options show (or if not current kernel in apt, adds install apt kernel):
:: Code ::
1 - alternate-kernel-install - The alternate kernel options allow you install archived kernels.
    Sometimes older kernels work and newer ones don't for some hardware issues.
    You can also install alternate kernels from apt for your system (or reinstall current kernel).
2 - advanced-kernel-options Kernel metapackage options (add/remove kernel metapackages);
    Add liquorix kernel sources; Update smxi default kernel; Add/Remove kernel modules.
3 - kernel-remover Remove unused kernels.

4 - Continue. Return to main menu.

All non kernel install options moved from the old zip/alternate kernel install section to the new advanced-kernel-options section.

:: Code ::
1) kernel-metapackage-options  4) install-kernel-modules
2) add-liquorix-sources        5) remove-kernel-modules
3) change-smxi-default-kernel  6) return-to-previous-menu

That section is also what was previously super-advanced-kernel-options, so that means there is one less level for users to drill through to get where they were going.

The kernel remover option was moved to the primary level as well.
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thats superb service
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I'm sad that nobody reported this bug, but today someone finally did, thanks Dutchy, on first run, the initial setup module script had an error that made it not add liquorix sources, that has not worked right since I moved liquorix source adder to another module lib, don't remember when that was, so wish I'd gotten a bug report earlier than today, oh well.

It's fixed now, liquorix sources should add correctly, and liquorix kernels should now be offered as default choice after you select them.

The method via smxi kernel options always worked, this was just in the first run module, which is why I didn't catch it.

Oh, heh, I looked up thread and see that it was March 11 that this feature was changed, so that's when it broke, that's not too bad as time goes I guess, a bit under 2 months, but still...
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small syntax change, what was called 'display-manager' in package install is now called: desktop-environment

I like that name better, it's more descriptive and I think more intuitive for new users, and old users should have no trouble finding it no matter what.

This was caused by a new inxi feature, which shows the desktop environment, so I figured might as well use the same terms overall.
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I'm glad you're still actively supporting the script. I use it, but do not use liquorix, so I couldn't report the bug.
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Finished with adapting smxi to new kernel syntax, 3.x instead of 2.6.x, that required a lot of inner changes since, like many people out there, I'd been treating 2.6 as a constant, not a variable value.

So now sgfxi, svmi, and smxi should work, as long as debian numbers their kernels to follow, that is, like: linux-image-3-686 for the image metapackage. But if debian changes it, it shouldn't be too hard to adapt, I hope.

Since this was a big change I bumped the secondary version number up one.

If you notice any failures or issues or bugs, with kernel related stuff, let me know, I'm sure I missed things in some of the libraries or methods.
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Running aptosid with slh kernel and smxi failed to find the latest repository kernel. No matches came up.
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drb: I can second that.
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There was a syntax change in metapackages, that's good to know, I was wondering how debian would handle that. aptosid continues to be good for a few things, I'd noticed this but didn't realize it was going to be the new naming method. they are just dropping the 2.6 part and making it for example: linux-image-686, which makes sense, since from now on the new kernels will have variable first digits, like 3.x, 4.x and so on.

that should be working now, let me know.

I'm going to need to go in and check some other areas in metpackage handling as well to make sure this is all covered.
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Thanks h2 - all working OK now

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