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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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bug fix, and cleanup: removed the option to install 96 series driver for non 96 driver cards in graphics install, ie, only the old mx400 type cards will be offered that option.

There was also a bug fix that made smxi send the wrong command to sgfxi, which made sgfxi try to install the -n xorg driver, and also listed two entries for the beta driver. Both those bugs are also fixed.

I want to remind anyone using those very old nvidia cards, you will not be able to use the nvidia driver once xorg 1.13 is released, and you won't be able to run it on anything but debian stable since jessie/debian 8 will get xorg 1.13 or 1.14 quite soon, a matter of weeks, and also a new kernel.

Also updated all scripts to handle new debian wheezy stable, you will see the wrong message until you update the system for new base-files package which will then update the debian version data in /etc/debian_version and /etc/issue.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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section: Package Install -> Non free -> added options to install google-chrome-stable and google-chrome-unstable

it adds repo if needed, to sources.list.d/google-chrome.list

Note that if you have google chrome in /etc/apt/sources.list single main file, you need to remove that, I'll have smxi do that in the future, because otherwise the package may install / create a new google-chrome-unstable.list file, I'm not sure it won't in any case because google only checks once, to see if some other file is present.

This is NOT the debian chrome version, this is the google chrome from google, with its built in flash player. Since firefox has no current modern flash support in linux, I figured I'd make it easier to run google chrome.

Remember, this version of google chrome phones home and tracks user behavior, I'm just noting this in case you are not aware, though it may ask when you first run it if it can send that data back, I don't remember, this is what the debian chrome removes, but personally I don't care since I only use chrome to check webpages and watch flash.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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smxi now has systemd x kill handling, which may or may not work for you.

smxi's actual reboot/shutdown commands will also use systemd if called for, that is not implemented yet, will be soon.

sgfxi also has a version of that. sgfxi has complete systemd support, in theory anyway.

arch linux, fedora, siduction use systemd on new installs, I don't know about other systems that sgfxi supports.

Only the latest siduction has this support.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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smxi/sgfxi now has tightened systemd/upstart support. I don't think there will be many changes in upstart for users, but systemd is now fairly different, in that it will try to simply shutdown the desktop instead of:

systemctl isolate

ie, if found, will do:

systemctl stop/start kdm.service

so we'll see.

All the systemd is going to be a work in progress.

This may or may not help with systemd forced issues..
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