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draft man page inxi
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same deal as sgfxi;lines=0
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I'll give you write to the various svns, the man pages should be on svn, can't do it right now, but I'll try to get to it in a day or two. Nice job.
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OLD link is dead

will submit a new link shortly
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by the way, there is interest, what is lacking is energy at the moment.
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ok lets post a new draft shall we.

its not a final draft unless no-one gives any feedback.

I appreciate Techadmin is busy....we all are.

click the will download a text file. compress it to gz then use root powers to move it to


good luck
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wow, it works!

man inxi, and there it is, inxi man. groovadelic.

I'll add this to the svn and let the maintainers know if I can find them.

"Supported color schemes: 0-32, 94-99"

This is slightly wrong, the color schemes are only 0-32, and the 94-99 options launch the color scheme selector option, which allows you to set the various color schemes for various inxi output scenarios, irc gui, irc console, non irc, and so on.

"-c 0 is no color."

was missing the colorzing of -c 0











should probably be alphabetical.

are released under GPL law of which full text of the GPL is here:"

this seems to be missing a line or a word,?

but overall very nice, thanks.
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color selectors next post pls as I waffle on

2) I gave -c0 as example as some people prefer no color
it can be removed if you like

3) yes I can alphabet them

4) how about

are released under GPL law, full text of the GPL is here: link?


< Edited by aus9 :: Nov 27, 11, 16:23 >

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ok just opened a terminal and ran

inxi -c95

which shows various colors (in my terminal) and I choose a number for my eyesight....I type NN eg 26

then it shows


Simply type the number for the color scheme that looks best to your eyes for your virtual-terminal settings
and hit ENTER. NOTE: You can bring this option list up by starting inxi with option: -c plus one of these numbers:
94 (console, no X - Set: 26); 95 (terminal, X - Unset); 96 (irc, gui, X - Unset);
97 (irc, X, in terminal - Unset); 98 (irc, no X - Unset); 99 (global - Unset)
Your selection(s) will be stored here: /home/gordon/.inxi/inxi.conf
Global overrides all individual color schemes. Individual schemes remove the global setting.

IMHO maybe this color selector should be more explicit....shown on your web page?

inxi does not know if you run this command for the first time.

so how does a new user....without explicit info get to know they can make changes.

Yes I am aware I am not a programmer and more experienced people run the -h option or read the man page......BUT I believe you are submitting this to a debian repository so you can not ignore us low level general users.

(we have a habit of not reading the docs heh heh)


1) If I run packagesearch to look for packages in my repository eg abiword
each package has a DESCRIPTION tab and I suggest you include -c94 for console users -c95 for terminal users in there when you submit the deb.
And the other numbers or request they read the man page (as amended)

2) edit your web page for new users coming outside deb packages

end of rant

I shall of course edit and submit an expanded man page based on my exploration of this -c9N option

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the -c94-99 options were really just options for advanced users. The other notion there was that distros were free to create config files that would make inxi output match for default terminal colors, default irc colors, both console and gui, and so on. -c94 etc are just a way to see the colors you'd get by creating the config file.

That's really all. Ideally the defaults work fine. Colors have a lot of problems, one of which is that if you set colors that look good on one irc client, there is exactly zero promise that another irc client will show those colors the same way. Why? Because you can set your default irc colors like anything else, I have done that, so I won't see the same colors as others might.

When I meant: -c 0 isn't colored, I meant that, unlike the line above it, the actual -c 90 wasn't red, but rather the default text color, ie, it was inconsistent with the line above it.

There is no need for every single feature to be clear or obvious, that simply gets too complex. In fact, one of the purposes of a man file is precisely to explain/clarify all features for users who want to learn the advanced stuff.

The color selector is in my opinion just something to tell people exists, that's all, because you really have to see it to understand what it does. And really, given most people stick to defaults, the main purpose of the color selector logic was to let distros assign defaults for inxi colors. Offering users a way to customize it was really just a side thing that was possible as a result.

Not sure how much package documentation you've read, but trust me, most packages are just minimal in terms of what man tells users, and -h is often totally useless, so don't worry too much about some perfection nobody else really does either. Good enough is fine, and, as programmers are taught early on, the perfect is the enemy of the good (enough), ie, if perfection is sought after, what is gotten is nothing.

The corrections I listed above were just technical corrections, but as someone who doesn't program, the man file should of course explain this stuff as clearly as it can so that others can also understand all the things going on, so I'm not actually the best judge, all I can do is correct technically incorrect things, typos, colors missing, and so on.
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ok I assume you don't want me to over-complicate the man page.

here are the suggested changes

inxi is an system info script for console and IRC. It should be run as non-root user. However some people use inxi in their
forum posts as well - for the same reason.

-c [0-32] Available color schemes. Scheme number is required.

Supported color schemes: 0-32

-c [94-99] Color selectors. Number is required

Run a color selector option prior to inxi starting which lets you set the config file value for the selection.

Color selectors for each type display

(NOTE: irc and global only show safe color set):

-c 94 Console, out of X

-c 95 Terminal, running in X - like xTerm

-c 96 Gui IRC, running in X - like Xchat, Quassel, Konversation etc.

-c 97 Console IRC running in X - like irssi in xTerm

-c 98 Console IRC not in X

-c 99 Global - Overrides/removes all settings.

Setting specific removes global.

Your selection(s) will be stored here: /home/yourname/.inxi/inxi.conf











are released under GPL law, full text is here:


There may be display issues copying from my terminal to web browser ...but in my terminal man page looks OK

draft 2 as shown now reads as gz file to make it easier for you?

for me...using on the link brings up download dialog box
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