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It might be worth noting in the man page that the --help menu is ALWAYS the authoritative source, next comes wiki, last the man page. That's because I always update --help when I add features, and usually forgot to update wiki, and will probably not update man page in general since it's just too time consuming to do all that for a small update.

but thanks for finding typos, I'm sure they are there, as noted, priority for me is always help menu first, then if I remember, which I usually don't, wiki, last is the new man.

But I do have to note, it's not very efficient for you to enter the fix here then have me fix it on wiki when you could just fix it yourself there if I add you as a commiter (needs google account for that)
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ok I have found I can log in and suggest a wiki patch

issue 29 "should" appear in your in box

if that is not what you meant then consider adding my email address a member
and keep the wiki starred for any changes I do?

its my email address that hopefully you can see I use for receiving my pms

if you can't see it let me know and I will do a pm

sorry for not checking earlier.

I notice I can obscure my full email address which is good.

trivia below

you may be used to patches but for me, the preview of the patch was really easy to read.....the view patch not so
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For now, ignore the -R stuff, that option doesn't exist yet, I just was adding the framework for it, wasn't actually planning on uploading but now have.

The other issues are fixed.

Updated the man file, thanks. The way you're doing it works fine for me, and has the plus of giving me a backup of each man page version, since store them in folders by date. You don't need to rename them to say inxi.8.gz.v2, in other words, since I save them into their dated folder.

Then move them to the svn/trunk/man location.
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inxi [-x LETTER]

inxi [-xx LETTER]

That's not actually correct, -x and -xx always modify the output of any of the long line options. So it would be more:

inxi [-x -[option]] or [-[option(s)]x]

inxi [-xx -[option]] or [-[option(s)]xx]

ie: inxi -xxR or -Rxx or -Rx or -R -x and so on.
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you appear to be commenting on the SYNOPSIS section

this is merely a summary of what can be used

its my mistake not to remember we have

inxi -xNAG so I should show it as

inxi [-x LETTER(s)]

where Letters means alphabet characters while in that section I think NUMBER can be taken as meaning numeric characters

are we talking semantics here?

You like OPTION while I like LETTER

but if you see it from that....point of view .....then we can't use NUMBER either

so inxi [-c NUMBER]....becomes


and that does not look right!

maybe that sounds rude

but I did not want at that section to show every permutation of options, merely that it takes a number or a letter of the alphabet.......and we page down to find the real options.

Does that make it clearer?

alternatives are

delete SYNOPSIS section and just let the real options be displayed


increase the size of SYNOPSIS section by having each letter or each number showing in that area

eg a make up example might be

inxi [ - c o -32]

inxi [-x (n or a or g or na or nag or ag)}

ignoring upper case lower case syntax

and I did look at it for a nanosecond in the past and I believe its too
unwieldly and no-one really uses a man page just to know they can use a letter or a number.......

but want to know what it means?

I await your decision.
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With stuff like man pages, which I don't know, all I do to learn it is open a bunch of man pages and look at them, then try to copy their look and feel and syntax and structure.

Ideally with a man page, it would be far more verbose, most man pages in fact tend to be made for people who already know what they want to find out but just need a reminder.

But since that's all highly technical, I'd have to do that part, and maybe I will do some down the road, but right now I'm working on -R, which is time consuming like most new inxi features.

So just do what seems to fit the norms of man pages.
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based on man file I have combined the individual letters
based on man cpio.....I rejected the appearance of "expanded" mode and prefer my mode

trouble with ompldr again so its in SF site

there is a delay in downloading it from here
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yeah, that looks pretty decent, uploaded to svn. If you want to add yourself as man page maintainer etc in the man credits feel free, if not, it's fine as is. But generally they do that.

At some point I'll figure out a way to actually provide more dev and tech information in the man page, but it's fine as is now.

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but have I missed somthing from the --help or wiki?

if so feel free to tell me explicitly what sections so I add them now while its fresh in both our memories?
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Please note, I made 1.8 final, -R is live.

The help menu is updated, as is the wiki page, more or less.

There were a few changes from the rough draft version.

I'm hoping this is it for now, this stuff is hard to do and that's about all the energy I have at this point.

So if the man page can be updated, we can get it all in sync again.

Any further changes should probably just involve bug fixes for the RAID feature, once even weirder data samples than I found pop up.
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