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ok changes as follows

-r expand repository info, .....-R raid stuff......-x R and -xx R raid stuff

one minor change. I likes your wording in wiki for ---If device is resyncing, shows resync progress
so added that wording to R. It was not obvious to me what you meant in the help but I don't use RAID so forgive me for picking hairs.

one minor change also to @ 11 -14
I italic the "email" command....inxi -! -xx@ 14

I am sure if you were better you would have spotted my changes straight off but I have no shame

added me to authors as manpage creator

old file deleted and replaced
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manpage creator with help from Harald, aus9

Should be: Man page creator with help from Harald, aus9

Also, copyright should be: 2008-12

thanks, Harald

I looked at man nano, and they have a few extra sections:




which could be this for inxi:

:: Code ::
inxi will read the following configuration/initialization files in the following order:

See wiki pages for more information on how to set these up:

Please report bugs using the following resources:

inxi wiki, file an issue report:

post on inxi developer forums:

You can also visit channel: #smxi
to post issues.

You may be asked to run the inxi debugger tool which will upload a data dump of all system files for use in debugging inxi. These data dumps are very important since they provide us with all the real system data inxi uses to parse out its report.


I guess I could try to edit this myself, but spent a bit too much time on inxi the last few days with the new -R feature and need to get other stuff ddone.
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no worries I can do any man page edit

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that was fast, thanks, it looks to me like this line:

:: Code ::
See     wiki     pages     for     more     information     on     how     to     set     these    up:


:: Code ::
You may be asked to run the inxi debugger tool which will upload a data dump of all system files for  use  in
       debugging inxi.  These data dumps are very important since they provide us with all the real system data inxi
       uses to parse out its report.

have some type of justification flag turned on, the first line especially is odd looking. That's the only glitch I caught on a quick scan.

I'm letting maintainers know about this, it's in cathbard's inxi package, it's coming in the siduction inxi package, and I'm going to email the arch maintainer too to let him know man pages are now in svn.

Thanks, I'll just upload these to svn now as they are. It's possible siduction maintainer is going to send some patches, he appears to be more excited about the man pages than me, heh, but that's a good sign.

By the way, I didn't know this, but some time ago, inxi migrated from arch aur, which is the generic arch user made repos, to the arch community repo, which is always on by default in repo list of arch installs, so arch was the first primary base distro to ship inxi in its repos.

Arch has I guess three levels, aur, which can be any cr#p at all, community, which is popular and quality stuff from aur that has been promoted, and core, which is the guts of the system I guess. But community is always on and present by default which means all regular arch users can do pacman install inxi or whatever the command is.
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Oh, supported clients: Quassel

really it supports all irc clients that support running scripts internally. But quassel actually ships with an old inxi inside it as a script built in, not worth advertising that since they have not updated that in ages.

inxi is a read-only script.

that line can be removed, it's a legacy line from the sidux days when those guys were being so annoying about the other scripts so we made it very clear inxi was different, but that's ancient history now and has no real meaning.
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I can post snapshots but running man inside roxterm and aterm
---I have no display issues

roxterm is set at 80 wide by 25 rows ....font monospace 14 points due to my eyesight

umm monitor resolution etc is 1680 x 1050

Secondly I have looked at the "man" code and I have none, meaning there should be no tabs, no indents, no formats to those those lines.

Previous lines do contain a TAB function and this is what looks like for me

:: Code ::

       inxi will read the following configuration/initialization files in the following order:


              See wiki pages for more information on how to set these up:

:: Code ::

       Please report bugs using the following resources:

       inxi wiki, file an issue report:
       post on inxi developer forums:
       You can also visit channel: #smxi to post issues.

       You may be asked to run the inxi debugger tool which will upload a data dump of all system files for use in debugging  inxi.   These  data
       dumps are very important since they provide us with all the real system data inxi uses to parse out its report.

In a reverse request can you try in roxterm terminal pls?

2) can you name your terminal and resolutions pls?

AHH posting in a code box I see the problem???

in my real terminal that wiki page line is continuous but the code box shows its an WRAP function

this WRAP function is easier to see in the last few lines in the code box but in my real terminal .....they display correctly

Therefore I have to assume your size is smaller than mine

Do you think I should set my screen to 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768

I will come back shortly after test
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ok that is the issue but not sure what resol to set it to.

here is 800x600 result in roxterm

:: Code ::

       Please report bugs using the following resources:

       inxi      wiki,     file     an     issue     report:

compare to my big resol
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I know next to nothing about how man page syntax works, maybe it auto justifies to line width if word count greater than x, I don't know. Wish it wouldn't, but I haven't seen that in other man pages so maybe there's some way to turn that off.

It's not so much what width it happens at, it's that it happens at some width, my console is usually konsole set to usually something larger than 800px, but it varies, I use a lot of different console sizes, and my terminal out of x is set to usually a pretty high resolution, I think it's 1024 wide now.

Again, i don't k now much about man formatting in fact I know pretty much nothing, except what I see in other man pages, so I just rely on that. But even that showed me stuff I hadn't noticed before having the inxi man page to critically examine, like double line spacing between items seems normal, I'd never seen that before.

By the way, Arch Linux now has the man page in its community packaged inxi, making Arch the first to have the full man page as a standard package in a default always on repo. Mint technically was the first I think, but only if users updated inxi to latest, but it's not a core distro, it's a derived one, ie, inxi is not in ubuntu or debian yet. It is apparently in slackware and opensuse however, to some degree, though I'm not clear what repos it's in, but they are public standard ones. Slackware will probably be the second primary distro to have the full inxi plus man package since that repo is now at version 1.8.0, right before the man page entered.
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well a "good" man page creator would try man out in various terminal and resolutions eh?

but I refuse to install konsole umm for bloat reasons maybe

but I do take seriously display issues so admit the following occurred

1) change resol to 1024 x 768 and in roxterm change font size to 10 points

code box does not show it so sorry an image and then my more waffle

ok so

:: Quote ::

like double line spacing between items

ok I am guilty here but there is a reason as per image.

I have a simple line space between those sections, not a fancy code!
What it does stop truncation of space.....or merging of type

and the reason for showing in INIT file area because I want to ensure the reader knows they are reading a list.........AND without it, that URL will appear as merged with the other typing and be difficult to read IMHO

The same suggestion follows in the author section.

I tried to merge them and it then reads as paragraph and IMHO does not give prominence to inxi version etc

but in running aterm...........not maximised for 1024 resol........the wrap in aterm shows multiple glitches at the wrap area.

eg if the end of the line is ....."running"
it displays as (eg)

:: Code ::

run (squiggles)

I will await your siduction patcher to see if he agrees with my new man page format

feel free to test it
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I checked it against nano's man page, and I can now see no obvious differences, whatever you did seems to have done the trick, pages flow as expected.

Updated svn man stuff, and the full inxi tarball file for maintainers.
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