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Hell, I didn't know I get upgraded to curious:) Damn straight though. I've been looking through as much of your stuff as I can find. I still don't understand jack, but it's getting a little easier all the time.
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sleekmason, I just discovered the -b bug myself, it's already fixed, but thanks for noting it.

Just update sgfxi: sgfxi -U and all will be well.

That's the danger of copy and paste, forget one thing... heh heh.

The fixed version is 4.2.1
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:: Quote ::
"Just update sgfxi: sgfxi -U and all will be well.

That's the danger of copy and paste, forget one thing... heh heh.

The fixed version is 4.2.1"

Hell. I feel like i've been given a blazing fast well put together script custom tooled for my computer.

Pretty much, I just know that your script is going to work properly. It always does. I maintain a couple of other systems for family members, nothing big, but I know that so long as I don't start trying to explain the terminal to them and so forth, that they think it is just a modern skinned program, and enjoy the interface. The initial learning curve is one time through to be ok with how it works.

They all get Fluxbox (xfce)setups, right off of XP. I keep them up with mine, and incorporate anything cool I can come up with. Change is a hard place. Once my family learned that they have to purposefully do something to mess their systems up, it was all good.

I think I've had one slipped package in two years of use (open office at the start, I think . . .)
. I'll throw in another time where I couldn't get on for a while. Two times in two years? only one affected a dependancy?
I have far more problems with many more things in a year than that. Good job.
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New nvidia beta driver: 180.16
to install: sgfxi -cB
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Added reinstall of xorg-xserver-core and xorg driver when anyone runs the -n or -N native driver option.

This should help solve a few fringe cases with corrupted xorg components.

Oh, and forgot, this is a few days old:

new nvidia beta driver 180.18
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Added missing linux-headers for the kernel you are installing to handling, 3 options:
1: if present in apt, install via apt-get
2: if stored in smxi kernel-downloads directory, install using dpkg. This case should never happen since if you installed kernels via smxi, you should have gotten the kernel headers too installed, but apparently this isn't always happening.
3: exit with error before doing anything else.

Hopefully this will work, though I expect at least one bug to come about but we'll see how it goes.
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New nvidia stable driver: 180.22

If any INSTALL issues, post here in the sgfxi bug report thread, if any post install, ie, drivers have bugs, issues, post at nvnews:
after reading their bug report how to:

Still no new legacy drivers, so 2.6.28 kernel users will need to keep using the beta drivers.

Also, I improved the beta driver required error messages to give users more information about what to do if default stables fails, but I'm not going to try to integrate that specific error condition into smxi itself, that's just too hard and pointless long term.

So users will get very clear instructions on what to do if a legacy driver is required in beta form, otherwise, everything remains as before.
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It seems, that there is added in sgfxi a check about if the corresponding kernel headers to the running kernel are installed. But I have a customly compiled kernel and uname -r is giving me:

:: Code ::
~$ uname -r

Since there are no headers in apt repositories with this name, the script is raising the error:
:: Quote ::
ERROR: (224) Your system is missing the required kernel header package: linux-headers-2.6.26
and it is not currently available in apt. Cannot continue.
Please either update your kernel and kernel headers,
or find and install kernel headers for

I have headers installed, but the standard ones from apt repositories for kernel 2.6.26 - linux-headers-2.6.26-1-686.
Please advice what to do in this case asap.
Thank you.
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Create a symbolic link /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) that points to your actual header files, for example, in your case:

:: Code ::

This issue has been found by a few people, and the symbolic link solves the issue perfectly.

sgfxi first always checks to make sure there are header files in that location, then it checks apt to see if it can find those headers, then it gives up. That's about as far as automation can take sgfxi without causing reliability problems I think.
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Good point and nice idea! 10x
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