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FTP Programs


Although not absolutely necessary, FTP (File Tranfer Protocol) clients make your life a lot easier, and are well worth the time spent learning how to use them. Of course, you can always use your browser (although I have had difficulties with the new Mozilla series when it comes to ftp access) by simply typing in ftp.the_domain_name.whatever and then logging on with your user name and ID, assuming you are accessing the logon portion of your site and not the anonymous FTP section.

To use WS_ftp as an anonymous ftp connection, all you have to do is make sure that the 'anonymous' checkbox is checked, then simply type in 'ftp.the_domain_name' into the 'hostname / address' field, then click 'Connect'. This will open up on the folders on the server, usually named 'incoming' and maybe 'outgoing'. You cannot download from most 'incoming' folders, and you can't upload to most 'outgoing' folders. You also often can't upload folders, just files. Other than these basic rules, it's pretty straightforward.

If you follow the simple directions, and duplicate the screen shots as much as possible in your settings, you should have no trouble setting up the FTP programs. Currently we only have directions for WS_FTP up, for the simple reason that it works fine, and is free. Unless you are using a Mac, then you have to buy either Fetch or Transmit. If you know of a good free Mac FTP client, please drop us a line and tell us what it's called and where we can download it.

Once you have set up your program, you are just a button click away from tranferring files directly to and from the ftp site, or your website.