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Error installing kernel (gcc-2.6 required but not available) [Debian 6] [Maybe add gcc-2.6, 2.7 to liquorix repo?]
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Need help. Debian squeeze, can not install Liquorix kernel.

I have no gcc-4.6, only gcc-4.4 and it's installed. What repo should i add to have gcc-4.6 package? I prefer installing only from apt-get, i don't install anything from sources. Or can you add gcc-4.6 to your repository, please?

:: Code ::
# apt-get install linux-headers-liquorix-686 linux-image-liquorix-686:
 linux-headers-liquorix-686 : Depends on: linux-headers-3.4.0-10.dmz.1-liquorix-686 (= 3.4.0-17), but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages

# aptitude install linux-headers-liquorix-686 linux-image-liquorix-686
The following new packages will be installed:
  linux-headers-3.4.0-10.dmz.1-liquorix-686{ab} linux-headers-liquorix-686 linux-image-3.4.0-10.dmz.1-liquorix-686{a} linux-image-liquorix-686
0 updates, 4 new installing, 0 marked for removal, и 0 packages not upgrades.
Need to get 34,1 MB. After extraction 143 MB will be used.
These packages have unmet depencies:
  linux-headers-3.4.0-10.dmz.1-liquorix-686: Depends on: gcc-4.6 which is a virtual package.

# aptitude search gcc | grep 4.6
* returns nothing (no packages) *

:: Code ::
################### Hetzner REPOS         ###################

deb squeeze main contrib non-free
deb squeeze-updates main contrib non-free
deb squeeze/updates main contrib non-free

################### OFFICIAL DEBIAN REPOS ###################

###### Debian Main Repos
deb  squeeze  main contrib non-free
deb  squeeze-updates  main contrib non-free

###### Debian Update Repos
deb squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
deb squeeze-proposed-updates main contrib non-free

#### Debian Backports -
deb squeeze-backports main contrib non-free

###### 3rd Party Binary Repos ########

# Kernel
deb sid main

Some info, maybe you need it:
:: Code ::

# uname -a
Linux Others 2.6.32-5-486 #1 Sun May 6 03:29:22 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux

# cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.32-5-486 (Debian 2.6.32-45) ( (gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) ) #1 Sun May 6 03:29:22 UTC 2012

Please help! Thanks in advance.
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If you need gcc 4.6, and any other dependencies for liquorix, you need to add in backports. There's no reason for damentz to package gcc 4.6 when it's already in backports.
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It's here.

:: Code ::
#### Debian Backports -
deb squeeze-backports main contrib non-free

There are no GCC 4.6. At least on my system. Is my line correct?

:: Code ::
# apt-cache -t squeeze-backports search "gcc-4.6"
* returns nothing (no packages) *

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wow, I had assumed that backports would have gcc 4.6, they have no gcc at all:

That might be because bringing in an updated gcc would break too many other things in stable, I don't know, but I assume that's why.

Sorry for believing backports had that, they don't.

However, it's probably not reasonable to ask damentz to package gcc when the unintended consequences of adding that to a squeeze system would be hard to know, and he doesn't run stable at all, so there'd be no testing of it. Also, remember, it's very easy to volunteer someone to take on more volunteer tasks, but not so easy to do so yourself. And maintaining packages always means taking bug reports, trying to figure out what is the source, etc, and that's not fun, and takes time. So for a core package like gcc, I doubt you'll get someone to do that, but you can do it yourself, of course.

Probably best to use wheezy at this point, sid is in freeze for wheezy, and may stay fairly frozen, except bug fixes, for the coming months.

You can also install older liquorix kernels using smxi, I don't keep track of which gcc each were built with, but I believe damentz switched to gcc 4.6 fairly recently, so probably the 2.6.39 or so kernel is made with 4.5, but I don't remember, it's easy to install alternate kernels with smxi though. smxi does not test for gcc version however, though the kernel zip files do contain a value for the gcc version, but that's not always accurate, takes too much time to track it.

Basically, for squeeze, it's usually best to stay with older kernels, but I have also taken advantage of the smxi liquorix zips to fix some kernel issues i had on a client's squeeze machine, so they are useful.
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Wow, why you so don't like squeeze.

I won't use old Debian 5 because it's outdates and i won't use new experiemental because it breaks my security and stability.

All repos like (for example) Percona DB have all nessesary depencies.

I think it's the best choice to just upload GCC 2.6 and GCC 2.7 to your repo. It's not automatically installed. It does not require you to update. It's static. You've just need to upload! But it's f#ck hard for me to install it, i dont know any repository with GCC 2.6!

I dont want to use old kernels. All new is better. I want to install your kernel on 17 dedicated and near 500 VDS machines, i can not follow your advice.
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Nothing in my response said I don't like squeeze, read it again, I merely stated some facts, and gave you some options. I see the issue with installing a zipped file version across servers, so that's not going to solve the issue for you as you note.

Needless to say, it's easy to volunteer another person to do work that will take their time for years, but it's not so easy to do that work yourself. Maintaining packages if you are not aware is a pain, so it's best to keep them to a minimum, that's why liquorix only maintains packages that damentz likes and uses personally.

I don't make these kernels, I just answer questions sometimes so the guy who does make them can spend a little less time on the process.

The first thing to get correct is that what you want is gcc 4.6, not 2.6.

:: Code ::
I dont want to use old kernels. All new is better.

there is truth to that, but squeeze is not new. It gets harder and harder to match userland to newer kernels as the stable release gets closer and closer to its end of life, that's why stable is designed to be basically stable, ie, no newer versions, with a few exceptions.

But possibly you are unaware of this?

I believe at least 3.2 is backported to squeeze, and that of course will have the proper dependencies.
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3.2 is useless. I need Liquorix kernel.

3.2 does not require GCC 4.6.

Only linux-base [2.6.32-45 (now, stable) -> 3.4~bpo60+1 (squeeze-backports)]

Squeeze is not old. I have stable and backports repos and all packages fully upgraded and get upgraded every night. I can anytime add testing or experiemental repos and just use update && upgrade and i'll have all newest. Wheezy are buggy. Debian 5 is sh#t, rly.

If you (or not you) update the kernel, then probably it's because older version is bad.
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looks like you are out of luck in this case, I understand what you need and I think why you believe you need it, but damentz of liquorix can't cater to the fringe cases, which is basically what you have, that's too time consuming, basically what liquorix is made for is debian testing/sid, and the current ubuntu release, I think that's what it is.

Since many improvements are found in the new gcc versions, it doesn't make a lot of sense for liquorix to ship with older gcc compilations, which means that frozen pool releases like debian stable and ubuntu LTR are eventually going to be unable to support liquorix, unless someone who runs them backports gcc current, 4.6, or whatever, but that's up to the users who have those needs, not liquorix. Time is not free, nor is the energy required to maintain a branch of a package against an entire pool.

good luck in your efforts, sounds like you have an interesting, although very niche, set of requirements.

Why exactly do servers need the newest kernels though, I'm not clear on that, I never do that for servers, I try to keep everything super stable.

The word 'old' in terms of a frozen pool release like squeeze refers to the version of their packages versus the current versions in sid/testing, or current ubuntu. Since the freeze in debian can last up to 6 months, basically the package pool is already somewhat old when for example wheezy goes stable, and 1.5 years after release, it's 2 years behind current sid/testing, about. So that's a fact of life, it is old relative to the rolling or current release pools.

Since you have multiple machines, it might be worth your time to just create a gcc 4.6 package that works on squeeze, and install it on the machines you run.
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I can as option install liquorix kernel only on selected machines. If i'll move them to Wheezy (reinstall OS with Debian 7 beta netinstaller) - will Liquorix kernel works fine? Will there Gcc 4.6 version in repository?

P.S. I dont know that as well. Can i use squeeze repos in Wheezy and Wheezy repos in squeeze? Will it hurts something?
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Now you're getting interesting, if you add wheezy repos to squeeze, what should happen is that everything will get pulled in, but you can lock the system to use squeeze, but my guess is the results will be strange.

Since we are now in a debian freeze, that means that sid is only bug fixes for testing, and testing is wheezy, being prepared for stable release, so yes, wheezy will work fine with liquorix at this point.

For testing/sid:

:: Code ::
apt-cache policy gcc-4.6
  Installed: 4.6.3-8
  Candidate: 4.6.3-9
  Version table:
     4.6.3-9 0
        500 unstable/main i386 Packages
 *** 4.6.3-8 0
        200 testing/main i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

As a very crude formula, you can install liquorix on stable for about the first 6 to 9 months of stable, after that it gets more likely to have some version problems, with gcc especially. 6 months because with a 6 month pre stable release freeze, that's 12 months difference between rolling testing/sid and stable, which is about as often a new gcc version comes out, give or take some months.
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