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:: damentz wrote ::

Hey damentz!
There has been a fix for WoW 64-bit client in the just released wine 1.7.17 development release. If and when it becomes available in the ubuntu repos, could you compile it for liquorix?
It's a nasty bug (or feature) that prevents me completely playing WoW 64-bit with wine :(
I've been using the 32-bit client, but the performance (atleast on my machine) is worse.
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Hi gvoima, wine 1.7.16 is the only version available on the ubuntu wine ppa. I went ahead and rebuilt the package on the latest package source, but I'll keep watch for when 1.7.17 is published.
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1.7.17 is up.
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:: damentz wrote ::
1.7.17 is up.

Works like a charm now. Cheers mate! :)
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I've just tryed again to install wine from your repo and everything was a mess. Even had to purge what the leftovers from /var/cache/apt/archives that included wine 1.7.17

Maybe someone here can help me. I have a program that just don't run on the wine from the debian sid repos

< Edited by elboy71 :: Nov 12, 14, 1:18 >

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and everything was a mess.

In general, with apt install issues, noting that everything is a mess doe not give much useful information.

Better is to copy paste the results from the apt-get install <packages> verbatim, ie, copy the entire output into a text file then paste it or link to it.

Apt is usually very good about telling you what the mess is at the start, so it's very important to see what apt said technically.

Also worth seeing is inxi -r as well, to see what repos you have installed. 3rd party repos can have conflicts between each other, not usually with well done ones like siduction, liquorix, but you never know.

There can also be packaging bugs in other packages like debian wine, that keep it from actually switching to liquorix wine, or there can be bugs in liquorix wine that do the same. Some bugs developers won't see because they aren't installing debian wine, so it's important to post the actual data to be able to track down the issue.

The best way is to seei f you can reproduce the failure, this time with full copies of the output. If you don't know how to copy/paste from a terminal, you just highlight the desired text with a mouse, then open a text editor, and use the middle mouse button to paste the highlighted material into the editor, then save that file.
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O.K. Step by step:
My inxi-r:
Actual status of wine after uninstalling Liquorix-wine and reinstalling Debian-wine:
Packages of wine that are installed from plain-vanilla debian unstable:
wine winetricks libwine-openal:i386 libc6-i686:i386 libgpm2:i386 uuid-runtime:i386 libgsm1:i386 libv4l-0:i386 fonts-liberation libwine-gl:i386 libwine-alsa:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 wine-bin:i386
Please advice! Which one must be uninstalled before installing from Liquorix?
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with this info, the next step is to instlall liquorix wine, and then carefully presserve all messages from apt during this process, to see if it's pointing out a clear conflict.

that's the output I was talking about.

It's worth noting that you have a bunch of next repos enabled, which tend to be more bleeding edge than anything damentz would be testing on, also, I have no idea what linuxbbq contains in terms of packages, nor of the quality of their packages, that's unknown to me.
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This is the mess described before...
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Make sure you purge all versions of wine on your system before you install the wine in the liquorix repositories. The version in debian's repository and the version in the Liquorix are completely incompatible with each other.

:: Code ::
sudo apt-get purge '^(lib)?wine.*'

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