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Nvidia 302 Driver
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Today I booted up and much to my surprise Liquorix kernel was gone, after reinstalling it, the Nvidia display failed, so I tried to reinstall current nvidia driver via smxi, needless to say, but... it was trying to install 302.17; which I believe is still in beta, if fails to download; which sounds like a nvidia internet problem, but if I try to install nvidia beta, it also tries to download 302.17.

I think current should be 295.x, it was yesterday; but today something has changed, so I try to install debian nvidia driver, and it fails to build; so now its back to no Liquorix kernel till after this resolves; any work around's?

LMDE Mate x64: testing with unstable qt4, blender, wt, gcc.


I uninstalled liquorix kernel and installed debian nvidia driver, and it worked fine; so it looks like this is two issues; one being the nvidia 302 driver not downloading, and beta and current are now the same; and the issue with debian nvidia driver failing build in liqurix.

i7 3820
ASUS Sabertooth X79
EVGA 560 GTX Nvidia Video
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nvidia has either forgotten to upload the 302.17 driver to their normal ftp, or have changed their download methods.

No idea why this has happened, and have not yet found any path for direct download of the darned 302.17 driver.

This is by the way why svmi stopped offering vmware direct download / install, sun/oracle forced registered user only download, thus breaking the wget.

My guess is nvidia just forgot, I hope anyway.

They say the related apps will be up monday, maybe that also will include the driver, for now, it's rolled back to last 295.
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I changed the script from 302.17 to 295.59 and it works again; so its clear that the beta version is not downloading; I can not install the beta version also; but the fact remains that 292.59 is the latest and 302.17 is beta:, if this is the correct link for these updates; since the archive page looks like this: for x86 and for x64; showing 302.17 released on 15 June; yet the driver download search will take you to 295.59; so that's confusing to me; so what link do you use to figure out the latest?

A good feature would be to detect the failure and drop back to a version that will download; give the user the option to try a previous version instead.

Now that I have the Liquorix kernel and Nvidia driver working; life is good; why it decided not to work today is another issue; it uninstalled itself for some reason; I could check the logs, but not today; as long as its working I'm fine; I just wanted to let you know what was going on, in case it happens to others.
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beta or stable makes no difference to the download url, sgfxi offers betas all the time.

302.17 is the current official release, 302.11 was the last testing beta for the 302 series.

I get email alerts for nvidia driver changes, so I'm usually reasonably up to date re latest drivers.

sgfxi has been updated, removed 302.17 except as a testing option, sgfxi -o 302.17, that should probably start working tomorrow or thereabouts.

There's no way to know if download failure is due to server or other issues, and nvidia tends to be VERY good about being consistent, this was a bit of a glitch, probably because it's hot here in the area, and the guys just got a bit overheated friday and didn't get around to doing the full update of paths and so on.

To see drivers supported by sgfxi via the -o option, do: sgfxi -Ld

That shows the current live drivers on the server sgfxi, not your local version, I've already updated sgfxi to remove the 302 as a default though for now.
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Thanks; its working now.

I have noticed that Nvidia takes a while to update all their pages, but for the most part, I don't complain about them, compared to ATI, what can I say, I would never buy an ATI card, nor would I use one unless I had no other choice.
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Reply Quote,torvalds-fingers-nvidia-over-linux-support.aspx

he also makes an interesting gesture!

sorry if its a hijack but not all things seems to be rosy?
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Watchng that video, reminds me, again, that I'd rather hear him talk about the constant Linux kernel ABI churn that makes desktop linux a constantly receding dream. The reason you don't, is that that is his fault directly, and he can't really grasp what a stable api/abi means in terms of delivering what desktop users need.

nvidia does a very good job supporting and tracking the linux kernel churn, many is the time I saw linux fan boys predict that nvidia would not be able to work around some gpl only flag set purely to mess with nvidia, only to find them release the new version only days later, working fine as usual.

No, the problem here isn't nvidia, it's linus.

To clarify, I forced myself to watch most of the video, key point, somewhere around minute 25, he is asked about desktop linux non success, and his answer shows how far out of touch with why linux actually is not becoming more popular he actually is. Not just slightly out of touch, totally. He blames lack of preinstalls, which is the result, not the cause.

The reason developers don't want to do high end consumer app development for linux is there is no such thing as linux, there is a fragmented and inconsistent desktop, x layer, and kernel layer api/abi, where you cannot trust on anything for an app, and you need to do testing on many different configurations to handle a tiny fraction of the market base. Then you have the upgrade problem, which given the above, is even more important, since you have to take into account xorg, desktop, kernel etc and other subsystems, kde, gnome, xfce, and an entire maze of possible configurations. Then drivers you might write, die on a kernel upgrade, and so on. All in all, the older I get, the easier it is for me to understand why linux remains small on the desktop, unless it's fully managed which is what android and other server OS type systems are. It's kind of hard to believe that Linus would hold such a simplistic view, but that's typical for engineers I guess.

Also, his comments on nvidia are I believe more around their various chipsets than around their video drivers, that's what it sounds like in context. So this entire nvidia thing is basically pointless in the real context.
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Once people stop comparing one OS with another, or one Distribution over another, things will change, but as it is, Money Talks, and Linux is Free, so guess who is Listening?

You guested it; Money talks louder; it doesn't matter how bad Windows get, the Mass Media Hype is Candy, and the bad taste in your mouth, well that's just Over Hype from the Powers that be, that want its Subjects to conform, you can call it a Free Market, but its not; in fact, those things that are Free are viewed as Worthless to most Fortune 500 Companies, and that is where the problem lies... its called Propaganda; and lets face it; People will buy into anything, and trying to get people to see the truth, is like trying to take Candy away from Children, they will go kicking and screaming, mostly because they do not want to learn something new; but like a virus that only effects Windows, it also makes the Candy Sour; but does it also mean that those companies who are only in business to make money, be forced into supporting Open Source at their own Cost?

That is the real question; the one that no one wants to talk about, who is doing the work, and are they doing it because they are getting paid to, or doing it because they believe in Open Source, because lets face it; if that was the case, then both Nvidia and ATI would give their source to Open Source and let the people maintain it, debug it and make improvements and all they would have to do is sell hardware, since the last time I looked, Windows drivers are Free, and so are the Linux Drivers; so who is complaining about that?

I can not agree with Proprietary Drivers, the magic should be in the chip sets, not the drivers.

But people will have to learn that Money and Time are both Illusions that the Banks made up to make you their Slaves, which is what all Wars have been fought over, so I don't see this battle being over, anytime soon.

Now my original comment was aimed at how ATI dropped support for older cards; like the one built into my Dell Server, you want to drop support for your card, fine, give me a new one; and total lack at even trying to keep up with the support that Nvidia offers; which is more then the other video card manufactures, if I'm right; I make that claim from what I see going on, and not hard facts; I have a lot of devices that have no Linux Drivers, and its because the Manufactures will not release the details needed to create the Drivers, nor will they do the work themselves; but they will write them for Windows, Money... its truly the root of all Evil.
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while this is off topic, it is useful now and then to remember that the free in free software refers to freedom, not price.

However, in the context of this off topic subject, Linus Torvalds is actually violently opposed to that free as in freedom, he dislikes it, and never loses an opportunity to note that fact. The freedom he likes is the freedom of employed engineers working within the corporate system to work on and share source code.

However, it's also useful to note that video drivers are supposedly, according to people I've read who seem well able to judge this fact, by far the most complex code running on your system. And since linux basically has no marketshare worth their time (2% give or take for ALL distros and true desktop users, not including mobile os, android etc, which is a fully managed desktop.) the vendors probably at best break even. Most high end video cards are bought by gamers, period, that is the market, and games have nothing to do with freedom, they are a diversion, if anything, a way to avoid larger issues.

The problem I have with the notion that 'linux is free' is that that is certainly NOT the view of linus torvalds, you will never hear him say that, he uses only the corporate friendly term 'open source', a term specifically designed to avoid the notion of 'freedom' that corporations find so reprehensible.

Whatever your views of what should be the case with video cards, that is not the reality, the reality is that the video card business is very competitive, and both main players who compete for the gaming space, amd and nvidia, are always striving to achieve advantage over their competitor. Intel is not competing for that space, just the normal desktop userspace, ie, what most people actually do on their computers, and that is why they have for quite a while worked actively to have full free / opensource driver support, and also why they are part of the xorg project and a variety of other things.

So if you really want a free desktop, buy machines with intel and just skip the non free stuff, high end video cards are so overbuilt for normal needs it's not even funny. Unfortunately intel still has not released consumer add on cards, there was talk of that, but nothing came of it, the failure of 2008 of the global economy probably changed a lot of corporate priorities and agendas.

I use, by the way, Debian, because it is in a sense the most free of the desktops, but I don't worry that much about certain parts of my system not being free, that's a chase after diminishing returns, and a distraction from the ongoing and heavy duty removal of freedoms going on out there in the real, non virtual world. I worry more about free data storage formats, like odt, ogg, flac, and so on, since those are what are going to actually matter long term.
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I have to agree with you, although Money is only for Slaves and has no place in a Free Society, the Reality is that most People can not begin to understand how to Live without it, so they can not begin to understand True Freedom, they were sold on Free Dumb, which is what Main Stream thrives off of; so they talk about Freedom, they think that the Military Fights for Freedom, but as a Disabled Gulf War Vet, I can tell you we were Fighting for Free Dumb, the stuff Slaves are raised on, and as a Computer Programmer and Electronic Engineer for over 20 years now, I can tell you, they work that way in the Open Market, and Open Source is not written in Free Time, in fact, do you know anyone that even has Free Time, or Freedom, they only know Free Dumb, and as far as Views go, I don't see Linus being any different then Bill, on most of his views and he doesn't try to, he might make a joke about Microsuck, but it has nothing to do with his view point, but personally, I'd rather listen to Linus, I don't think of him as Mr Linux, I've written a lot of code in my days, enough to know that Linux is the work of many Programmers, not just one man, and the fact is that Open Source is based on that idea; many people working together to make a better Program, and although it doesn't require Free as in Freedom, those that are involved should at least know the Difference, those that are Slaves, which by definition work for Money, will never have Freedom, only Free Dumb, and since they are pronounced the same most people do not care about the Difference; which is why the Banks stay in Business, and were allowed to take over every Government on this Planet and make Slaves out of all its People and Sell them on Free Dumb; and while this is a little off Subject, its the reason why we keep having so much trouble with Drivers, because take 2% is a made up number, and it keeps people using Windows, and Bill knew that; which is why he Bullied the Market into only selling PC's with Windows on them, instead of Unix, or Linux, part of Free Dumb is not understanding why Freedom does not exist anywhere on this Planet, yet everyone swears they have Freedom, because they are Dumb, it doesn't exist, and has not for many Centuries, its just a Dream, as is Open Source bring Free.

Keep in mind that Bill Gates stated that Consumers are the Cancer to this World and must Die, he didn't use those words, so I didn't quote it; but that is his view, and why he got out of Microsoft so he could get his buddies to buy up all the Power Plants in the World, so they could one day shut it off, so the Consumers will have no power, like 911, that day is coming soon, and very few people know about that plot, but people do, they knew about 911, AKA the beginning of Reich 4, to control people by Fear, so they can take away their Rights and tell them its for Freedom and the People allow them to do so, because they do not know the difference between Freedom and Free Dumb; whereas Linus was raised on Free Dumb, like most people, and I do not think that he views it as a bad thing, it seems that he bought into it, which is why he still pushes the Corporate mentality, and would like to think he is pushing for Freedom, instead of the Free Dumb that is actually coming out of his mouth, but I think that he can change, whereas Bill never will, he will throw the switch, and put an end to the Consumer, mark my words, that day is coming soon, and one day you will wake up and the power switch to your computer will not work, and you will wonder why, how did this happen will be your first thought, and all this talk about Drivers will be a moot point, when the reality of it is, that people were warned, just like in the days leading up to Reich 3, when the Banks were in trouble, they are in trouble again, too many Consumers, so the Fight for Freedom is being called on once more, and those on board will get a Tax break; all others will... well just die without Power, because they do not know how to Live without it, or Money, which is a concept called Evil, or Live spelled backwards AKA Free Dumb.

So do not get me started on off topic subjects, I can talk about them all day long, and this thread is proof of that, I fight for Freedom, and I hold nothing back, I tell it like it is, not the way you think it should be, nor the way Bill or Linus view it, but the way it is; we are either Slaves or Slave Masters, I have no doubt about it, I view the World through the Eyes of a Dog, because I think Humans are too Dumb to view it for how it is, they sold out the day they were born, and were raised as Cheerleaders for the Propaganda Machine, the Corporate Sell outs and noting more, thinking that they can not change the World, so they might as well be part of the Problem, and Deny anyone a chance to talk about a Real Solution that involves Freedom, because that always contradicts their view of Free Dumb; and right now it looks like both Bill and Linus put their Faith in the Banks, and the all might Money Game, and their idea of Free, is that it doesn't cost them anything; but you were right, Free does not come with a Price tag, in fact its Free, a word that has lost its meaning, which is Dumb.
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