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Drifting back ontopic, the 302.17nvidia driver turned out to be in one of the alternate locations it's in sometimes for unknown reasons, an http address.

I updated sgfxi to use that alternate download url, I should have done that right away, but sometimes I forget the various odditities of these systems. sgfxi has a built in selector for driver specific download urls, but I hadn't needed to use it in so long that it slipped my mind. Now why a major enterprise can't just always do things the same way, well, that's a mystery that is too profound for me to fathom.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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By the way, Nietzsche noted over a hundred years ago that in fact our modern society was becoming one of slaves. And he basically figured out the mechanisms involved in that process, so there's not a lot new there, people just ignore these things and go on. And if that's too recent, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu basically figured this out in their works as well, there's nothing complicated in the matter, leave the way and everything starts to suck, then you die.

But there's no way any non sustainable populations are going to be sustained, that's why I no longer worry so much about these issues, when you push the matters to their material cores, the world cannot sustain our population, period, makes no difference who runs it or how. Makes zero difference how one wants to look at 911, New York City is an abomination, a totally non sustainable enterprise, a monstrosity that has no future, and places like LA are even worse, they don't even have water, the most basic element of life. LA is like a huge intake valve that sucks in water and fuel and spits out roads and cars and smog and death to all natural systems, who cares about the tricks the masters or slaves engage in to pretend that this stuff actually is workable.

And mankind has never been good at rational advance planning, all you have to do to see that is look at the trail of failed empires and cultures that litter our history. Particularly interesting is the ones that failed because they ruined their ecosystem due to over success, ie, over population. There's just no way to make dead earth feed too many people for too long, it's hardwired in. Sort of a last gasp emergency release valve for mother nature, who is the final arbitrator of all such discussions. I believe the transition point to where real change could have happened was about 1980 or so, we didn't chose that, since it meant sacrifice and reducing consumption/population levels, so that's that. We are all the problem, not leaders or followers, we get the leaders we deserve.

Engineers to me are just slaves and drones, they do what their masters tell them, and their highest dream is to be free to do it by themselves (ie, free/open source software), but it's still the dream of a slave, not a free person. Nietzsche was excellent on these questions, beyond good and evil, human all to human, dawn, genealogy of morals, all first rate works. And all so non pc that professors to this day have a very hard time actually reading the words and understanding them.

With that said, I kind of like the free software desktop, even though it's not a real solution, at least I have learned enough about how these systems run to not be dependent on apple or microsoft for this part of my life. The cost to me though in time spent to get that freedom, that is so high I really doubt that it was worth it in the end, I could have spent that time in much better ways that would have benefited someone long term much more. Or maybe this is all I could do, which is sad, but possible as well, who knows.
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Very well stated, keep in mind that like minds tend to think the same, for we are all just one mind, when it comes down to it; and how we view ourselves is either through that mind, or through a filter, which just distorts those views, which is why most of the great philosophers always said to close your Eyes, and view the World for what it is and can be, not from what you think you can get out of it, because that always leads to Greed, and that is how this World is ran right now, we are killing this Planet by sucking out its Blood and Burning it for Fuel and think that the Planet doesn't feel it or need it, those that felt the Earth Quake know better, the Oil is needed to make this Ride a smooth one, do not mess with Mother Nature; and once you open your Mind to thoughts of Freedom, you make choices to Live that way; and your Efforts are noted, those that use your Scripts, do so to make their own Freedom, and those that give back to do so to further that Freedom, because Freedom starts in the Mind, its what pushes us to help one another without asking for payment in return, that is true Freedom, and should be the Driving force behind Open Source, but sadly it is not; for those who we gave our Power to, we call Leaders, do not share that view, they are Greedy, they make a Living off the People, not by Helping them, but by Stealing from them, they are called Consumers, and that is what they do when they use something and do not give back to those who helped build it, and I'm not talking about Money, but Help... people like you would help people and ask for nothing in return, that is the Spirit of Open Source, and Linus would do good to remember that, instead of playing the Corporate Card Game, and just maybe the Hardware Manufactures will own up to this and stop destroying the Earth just to make a Buck, because the Buck stops here, once you destroy this Planet, where will you Live?

Drivers will be the least of our Problems, and that time is coming soon, not to Live in Fear or but that Fear into others, but to move past it, then we can look at what is really going on and why, and what we as a People can do to Help the Earth, thus our-self, and it starts with Living within the Resources that this Earth can provide us in the Future, and not use up all those Resources just to feed the Fat Cats who do not care about anything but their selves, in that view, I can not disagree with Bill that Consumers have to die, otherwise this Planet will, because they will be dead before that happens, we leave them in charge and we will all be dead, and everything we built will be gone, and its us who gave them Power and its only us that can take it away, and we do that by taking back the Power we gave to them, stop Following and Start working together as if we were one, by making Earth and Open re-Source Project.

The Last place anyone would look for a Higher Power is within them, so its a safe place for God to hide, because no one would believe that God is in them, so they made God into another Image, one they can not see when they look into a Mirror, and God has nothing to do with Religion, Jesus said it when he said he could destroy the Church and you would rebuild in in 3 days, and after 2,000 years of Darkness, you can still not see the Light, for IAM the Light, so look into the Mirror and say this out loud a few times till it sinks in, Gods Sun is very Bright, and the Earth is Gods Son, the People on it are just the Gardeners, and those that do not believe that, do not believe in themselves, and I do not care what yew believe, nor does the Universe, Know it or No it not, that is what Freewill is all about, and Freedom is part of that Freewill, for the Darkness can not hide in the Light; and when it comes to my Soul, I write my own Program, it runs on pure Light, and its an Open Source Project.
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well said.
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