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E17 (Enlightenment) online notes....... any can reply
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I am starting some E17 notes to myself

Using Debian packages

Feel free to reply or questions

I am on learning curve

< Edited by aus9 :: Dec 5, 11, 23:25 >

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manual login with no login manager

If you do not like gdm3, kdm*, xdm, slim etc you can login to E17 manually

create a file, I prefer home user creates


contents are
:: Quote ::

exec /usr/bin/ck-launch-session /usr/bin/enlightenment_start

At console log in to local user
type command

:: Code ::


good luck

2) Using gdm3 but not should be able to pull down the session for enlightenment

3) But using that home file .xintrc can have slim autologin for you

here is my file...change the username to suit the guilty...using root powers

:: Quote ::

# Path, X server and arguments (if needed)
# Note: -xauth $authfile is automatically appended
default_path /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
default_xserver /usr/bin/X11/X
xserver_arguments -nolisten tcp

# Commands for halt, login, etc.
halt_cmd /sbin/shutdown -h now
reboot_cmd /sbin/shutdown -r now
console_cmd /usr/bin/xterm -C -fg white -bg black +sb -T "Console login" -e /bin/sh -c "/bin/cat /etc/; exec /bin/login"
#suspend_cmd /usr/sbin/suspend

# Full path to the xauth binary
xauth_path /usr/bin/X11/xauth

# Xauth file for server
authfile /var/run/slim.auth

# Activate numlock when slim starts. Valid values: on|off
numlock on

# Hide the mouse cursor (note: does not work with some WMs).
# Valid values: true|false
# hidecursor false

# This command is executed after a succesful login.
# you can place the %session and %theme variables
# to handle launching of specific commands in .xinitrc
# depending of chosen session and slim theme
# NOTE: if your system does not have bash you need
# to adjust the command according to your preferred shell,
# i.e. for freebsd use:
login_cmd exec /bin/sh - ~/.xinitrc %session
# login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login /etc/X11/Xsession %session

# Commands executed when starting and exiting a session.
# They can be used for registering a X11 session with
# sessreg. You can use the %user variable
# sessionstart_cmd some command
# sessionstop_cmd some command

# Start in daemon mode. Valid values: yes | no
# Note that this can be overriden by the command line
# options "-d" and "-nodaemon"
# daemon yes

# Available sessions (first one is the default).
# The current chosen session name is replaced in the login_cmd
# above, so your login command can handle different sessions.
# see the xinitrc.sample file shipped with slim sources
sessions enlightenment_start

# Executed when pressing F11 (requires imagemagick)
screenshot_cmd scrot /root/slim.png

# welcome message. Available variables: %host, %domain
welcome_msg Welcome to %host

# Session message. Prepended to the session name when pressing F1
# session_msg Session:

# shutdown / reboot messages
shutdown_msg The system is halting...
reboot_msg The system is rebooting...

# default user, leave blank or remove this line
# for avoid pre-loading the username.
default_user gordon

# Focus the password field on start when default_user is set
# Set to "yes" to enable this feature
focus_password yes

# Automatically login the default user (without entering
# the password. Set to "yes" to enable this feature
auto_login yes

# current theme, use comma separated list to specify a set to
# randomly choose from
# current_theme debian-spacefun

# Lock file
lockfile /var/run/slim.lock

# Log file
logfile /var/log/slim.log

reboot to test.

BTW by using
apt-get remove --purge gdm3 (and slim)
and comparing downloads of
apt-get install gdm3
apt-get install slim

you may be surprised?

< Edited by aus9 :: Dec 5, 11, 23:37 >

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Local user to mount USB drives

Create a file with root powers called


:: Quote ::

[Storage Permissions]

as a liocal user run
:: Code ::


check if you are a member of plugdev

if not add local user
:: Code ::

usermod -a -G plugdev localusername

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Cosole or gui FILE MANAGERS

I use mc in the cosole (No X)

E17 has a file manager but I prefer not to use it.

I have been a XCFE fan and so was used to Thunar but it took too long to open in E17 while LXDE's PCManFM opens instantly, for rme

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Next deb offers only one basic theme

browse the themes and choose one like

2) Then (I use Debian menu style)
click empty desktop (or menu icon)
Settings -> Theme -> click radio button for personal
click on IMPORT button
navigate to your downloaded theme(s) and choose one
click ok
click apply

good luck
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Mouse moving to left or right edge ....switches to next window (or virtual desktop)

For Debian E17 packages ...this is the default setting.

To turn it off try this,67819.msg552637.html#msg552637

Setting Panel
Expand Window so you can see Input at the top of the screen
Edge Bindings
Delete All


adjust your max size of applications to leave a small gap so if you move your mouse quickly to (say) the scroll bar won't over shoot and go into the next window.

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ok so have fully converted to logging in with package nodm

if you are one user you can edit file to autologin.

contents for me /etc/default/nodm

:: Quote ::

# nodm configuration

# Set NODM_ENABLED to something different than 'false' to enable nodm

# User to autologin for

# First vt to try when looking for free VTs

# X session

# Options for the X server
NODM_X_OPTIONS='-nolisten tcp'

# If an X session will run for less than this time in seconds, nodm will wait an
# increasing bit of time before restarting the session.

Now you can't log out using any button you are used just respawns your desktop.

To logout to console prompt X do this

:: Code ::

/etc/init.d/nodm stop

(and to startx)

/etc/init.d/nodm start

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Next I tried Bodhi which is based on Ubuntu.

Being based on Ubuntu there is a problem for those used to sid and updated packages.....its well behind but YMMV

Luckily the main guy at Bodhi is a E17 developer

It was his blog that alerted me to nodm

2) But better still they have their own repositories of enlightenment.

If you have E17 already installed I suggest you install and run on a small wm, I chose fluxbox and its startx command is ......startfluxbox

3) Create a Bodhi.list file with contents

:: Quote ::

deb lucid main

:: Code ::

apt-get update

4) if you do not have enlightenment installed jump to (5) otherwise pay attention to my next tips

Some of Bodhi stuff will conflict with sids to you need to remove all of sids


:: Code ::

apt-get remove --purge e17 e17-data  libeina* libemb*

(5) Now I installed not so smart trying to find the minimal to install but its likely you will need

(and use TAB to autocomplete)

Note epdf is independent of epdfview so no need to remove sids

:: Code ::

apt-get install enlightenment  bodhi-profiles bodhi-close comp-scale elementary epdf

I also chose bodhi-theme-smoke to give me a 24 hour clock in the bottom shelf
(shelf is roughly the same as panel)

6) Depending on theme....desktop icons may not work and you may prefer to install conky but at the moment I start non-ibar stuff by clicking the desktop and choosing run everything.....a bit like the ALT + F2 run command

good luck
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and to make stand out.....I also use partimage so if I made any mistakes


then I can just restore and try again.
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hey, do you still do this?

i wonder how e17 from bodhi and sid works together. i tried some *buntu e17 repos in past, but after my sid seemed to stopped working properly

anyway, e17 got updated in sid repos lately ;] so let's hope it's gonna be continued
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