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Totally agree with you, I use the same tactics when upgrading, it's quite simple and it works most of the time , just watch for any packages being removed by dist-upgrade (usually because of unmet dependencies ) and if that is the case waiting for a couple of days usually does the trick , but then there is kernel...A poorly compiled kernel won't raise any red flags until you boot your system just to find out something went wrong, and of course you can always reboot with the previous kernel that worked for you, however you are curious what went wrong and that is when you ask developers who always tell you it's all your fault, you are stupid and your question shows that. Then some days later after noticing that complaints pile up they would post upgrade warning. What I would prefer is to have them admit that they are not perfect and it's not always knowledge-deprived user but rather them being in fault.The last slh kernel gave me a bunch of errors and failed to load nvidia module, also complained about not being able to set fond size because the font path is wrong , Damentz kernel didn't give me any of that, and still no matter what they say it's all your fault. Pathetic , isn't it ?
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Don't forget the myth they fabricated, dist-upgrading in X is fatal. I don't think I've upgraded from a kernel tty in over 2 years. If I did, it was by accident or it was on the way to booting.

I'm a little frustrated though. They use all their myth design and execution for annoying things, why can't they expand on the story of Big Foot or the Lochness Monster? That would be so awesome.
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You nailed it !They say if you don't switch to init 3 your comp will explode and turn into heap of ashes :-) Also according to them using Debian Package Search GUI is totally lethal . Not only I'm using your kernel, but I installed it from GUI while in X , and -surprise -surprise - it works ! If I would mention this on the forum they would stone me to death
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You could also have used smxi to install the new liquorix kernel in x, of course.

smxi -G
then go to kernel install options, install. Won't work if you use nvidia non free, or rather, you'll need to reinstall that out of x, if you use sgfxi and not packaged method, but that's fine.

Overall however, based on many many many tens of thousands of users, i did see enough cases of full desktop failure, usually from not restarting x, to realize that while any educated user can safely upgrade in X, the odds are simply a bit better if you don't, plus you can always reinstall your nvidia drivers at the same time with smxi, then either restart x, or reboot into the newly upgraded system, one step.

So I don't really mind the upgrade in x, but I do agree with damentz, it should simply be something that is advised for maximum safety or convenience, not some religious type taboo. Restarting desktop after upgrade is CRITICAL though otherwise you get into weird situations of running non existing gnome/kde packages, which can cause weird unexpected consequences. But that's a little thing, but it's really the only reasons why smxi still wants you to upgrade in x, the driver upgrade issue and the tiny chance of data/home config file corruption that exists. I've seen enough of those cases over the years to know they aren't non-existent.
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Normally I do d-u in init 3 just to be on the safe side, especially when packages to be updated are running in the background , but I find it very helpful to use debian package search
It allows me to visually select anything I'm interested in , it also has a nice feature that prompts to copy package install command to CLI . Honestly, after delving into .rpm and source-based distros (Sabayon) I find Debian to be the best available of all (of course it would be nice if Debian's stable brunch would shed off some of their staunch conservatism , stable brunch’s package versions are mostly from the last century :-)
I wonder what's your guy's opinion on Debian security repo, is it a good idea to add it, or is it even such thing as sid security repo ?
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That's why I don't even bother with the aptosid forums except to check on any issues I needed to be aware of. I use Liquorix kernels and they really are pretty damn solid.
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Big boo at aptosid forum, pros and cons of using unstable repo
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Lennart Poettering the creator of systemd introduced the /run folder during the alpha for Fedora15, but neglected to include a new version of systemd (It wasn't pushed along with the new kernel). Reminded me of the problems when I was running sid. Fortunately the updated file was in the koji repos, so we just pulled it from there. I didn't know systemd had made it into Debian, or is /run also used with upstart?

Edit: Sorry, just realized it wasn't systemd specific. I know our problem came in when the kernel and the correct version of systemd weren't paired correctly. I've got to stop reading this stuff about systemd, it's more fun reading the flame wars on fedora-devel list instead.
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Surprisingly, I didn't have any problems and I was doing dist-upgrade daily , but I use dmz kernel and not slh .I first learned about this problem from the aptosid forum's upgrade warning regarding udev , they claim that unless udev package is reversed to the previous version the system will remain un-bootable. I'm using the latest udev and everything works like it should, I was really surprised to find /run directory on my system.But when I mentioned Liquorix kernel I received heavy beating from the aptosid people.
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Your link had me looking at the sidux/aptosid forums for the first time in years. I see that they're still treating users the way they were when we all left. You must remember, they're jealous of anything damentz or h2 does, so, mentioning Liquorix or smxi just gets them crazy (wait, maybe that isn't all that bad).
The only appropriate thing I saw was that slam changed his avatar to look like something out of "Clockwork Orange", It sort of suits his personality.
All in all, I don't miss going to that site, it aggravated me every time I saw them put someone down, especially when they were wrong and the user was right. No, I don't miss it at all.
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