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Thanks for reporting this. I recently added some patches that prevent loads similar to rsync from flushing all the useful page cache out of ram unless it's accessed multiple times and gains its relevance naturally by the heuristics in linux.

You also mentioned though that your home partition is full. That may not be the problem but it will be interesting to see what freeing up space will do to your results.

Also, it may help to upgrade your kernel once more. I just pushed 2.6.36-1.dmz.5 and it has a newer version of the patch set to control the page cache when rsync type tasks are running.
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well I wasn't expecting home to be full but I was curious if /tmp was full as IMHO that might be the issue.

home users tend not to fill their /var but maybe cowonjolt could still post the results of df so we can eliminate that?

good luck
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I have just swapped in a different kernel....using smxi I chose the Debian one and it resolved my flashplayer (non-free) issue....for I am now thinking it was my kernel after all.

Using non-free stuff...tho....I must accept consequences of my actions so I was not complaining ok

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