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3.2.0 is almost done, I finally got around to making shn -> flac converter as well as adding some other items that make such conversions easier.

This has been on my internal todo list for a long time, so I guess today was the day. Seems to work well, converting some 15 gB of shn files to test it.

With a very large operation like this, by the way, the --fork option starts to make the system act weird, so I will add a note about that.

Even using only 1/2 my threads from my cpu makes the system unsteady.

[Update 2019-07-15] acxi 3.2.0 now out, packed with updates, features, refactors to make reading/working on the code easier.
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3.3.x I call the file trader's friend release, it now supports checksum validation, checksum creation, auto tagging using a custom text file based tagging tool and config file format, works great. A few other nice things of use if you are working with large collections, particularly large untagged collections.

With the auto.tag file method, it takes a few minutes per show to auto generate the auto.tag file, then to manually populate it with the data from your info.txt file, or other places. Also supports image embedding and embedded image removal to cleanup badly done ones (flac has an odd behavior when you add or remove images, unless you use the exact right options, it will leave padding in place of removed images, and will add images on top of each other, even if they are the same.

3.3 was a huge leap forwards for acxi, along with forking for sync operations, it brings it up a few levels of utility and functionality.

This was at least in part enabled by fully refactoring the code into perl packages/classes, and modularizing everything, which of course made new features a breeze to add, tweak, and extend.

Note that I did not implement forking support on the checksum or autotag features, the former because you really only need to run that once, then once per changed recording folder, and the latter because they run so fast it's silly. Also, handling output controls for forking is a huge pain in the butt, so it's not worth the time to implement forking on those other features. For syncing, certainly, because that's a big operation that can run for a long time.
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Hi - great to see all the progress made and glad the forking incorporation worked.

On the ffmpeg for conversion integration - I've had good success using this command:

:: Code ::
qx($COMMAND_FFMPEG -hide_banner -loglevel panic -nostats -i "$src_file" -c:a libvorbis -q:a $quality -y "$dest_file");

I use it for converting MP3 to ogg (I hacked axci a bit to allow me to do this ;) I know converting a lossy fie is a sacrilegious thing to do, but I want small ogg files on my phone, even if the source file is already lossy).

It works with forking and is silent during the conversion. Note though, the -y does force overwrite anything, but I am assuming axci handles whether to overwrite or not.

One final thing, I get an "EOF error in text substitution message" with files that contain the ` character with all versions of acxi. Not sure how to get past that other than manually renaming these files when they crop up.
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I don't think `is heavily checked for.

Normally to debug odd character issues I just add them to my test suite of strangely formatted files and folders.

Checking there, acxi only escapes those for the destination, it doesn't really care about them for the source.

I added ` to my test file names, and it triggered the bug, which means it's easy to fix, so I did. So that's fixed now, give it a try.

Give opus a look if you are looking for very small file sizes, I believe around quality 128 bitrate for opus will yield quite small file sizes, it just depends on what you consider the lowest acceptable bitrate, and if the device playing it supports opus.

-i mp3 -o ogg should only require a few extra lines, one block in validation for in/out types, and one in the file update section.

While of course you should modify acxi to do what you want, and I'm glad you did, lossy to lossy is not one I'd add support for myself as a general thing since it shouldn't be encouraged.

Give the new version a try, same version number, today's date.

I'm always happy when I can instantly reproduce the error, that makes it in general very easy to locate and fix the issue.

Note that acxi internally changed the ` to a ' apostrophe for the destination file/directory name but hadn't changed the source, so that is what actually triggered the issue. Now the source file/path is escaped, same as with ' and " already.

Some characters I just never consider as acceptable so I think I just change them out of habit, so certain combinations I don't test unless someone else brings it up, so thanks for doing that.

Note that acxi has a hidden --ffmpeg option, ok, it's not hidden, it's labeled as experimental, that was for another test, but you can use that one to activate the ffmpeg stuff as well. In that case, it's only used for flac to ogg conversion, but it's easy to expand it.
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Thanks for the speedy response, I'll test it out.

On the ffmpeg to lossy, I've since found that whilst the produced files work fine on Windows and with VLC, Android doesn't like them claiming they are null files with no metadata, so one for me to investigate further.

I've tried opus files but I think they lacked a tag I tend to use, but that was ages back so I am sure things have moved on.

As ever, thanks for the great tool!
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opus doesn't lack any tags, they use the same tagset as flac. It's actually ogg that lacks features, in particular, embedded cover images. If you do an opusenc to opus from flac, you get all the tags, I think anyway, and the cover image, without doing anything, but if you do an oggenc to ogg from flac, you get the tags minus the cover image.

Now, tag mapping between mp3 and ogg/opus is another story, since there is almost no one to one mapping of tag names, in acxi, a subset of tags are mapped to mp3, but nothing is mapped from mp3 because, well, I don't care about mp3, nor do I want to get into supporting anything using mp3 as a source file, but that's where you'd hit issues I believe, mp3 to ogg or opus re tags etc. Note you can construct custom tags in mp3 but it's a pain.
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