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Thx h2! You made my day! :)
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Oldest install
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My main install was a dist-upgraded one installed as Kanotix 2005-4 in 2005. Is there an older one in use?

(Just wondering)
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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that's my main install too. craigevil had a much older one but he had a catastrophic hardware failure so he lost it.
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On an older box that only gets updated every few months I also have a sidux converted Kanotix 2005-04 - my first ever linux install. It's still kde3.5 but I'll update it in a few weeks . . . .
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The thing that Ticks me that smxi is GPL....and by sidux standards...that should be seen as good and instead its the dark arts.

I sneaked into this forum wearing my non-sidux hood and shield of steel....garlic permeats me.

Sorry smoke gets into my eyes as well.

Good luck and keep up your courage. You are a shining light!
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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don't look for logic or reason here, the causes were never logical or rational, those rationalizations were just added on explanations generated by a few of the core guys then disseminated outwards by a few of the other ones. I watched the guys invent them one after another, and in the process wiping out the past versions. Very unpleasant, and certainly not something I will put up with in a free project where I am donating my time and energy. The selective use of rules to justify behaviors is another gross abuse of human relations as well, but this is why I left, I simply will not put up with this type of thing in my free life, it's bad enough to have it at work. Why anyone would want to donate free time to generate work-like atmospheres is utterly beyond me, but that's past too, I gave up on all this stuff over a year ago, and knew it was over a year and a half ago, so this is just one more painful learning experience.

The real cause of the problems is this stupid virtual online communication, where people who would never speak or act in a certain way in person feel utterly free to do so behind their virtual online alter-egos. That is the real root of this type of problem.

Since my goal for the last year has literally been to never, ever, talk to any of the sidux devs ever again, I'd say I solidly cemented that future for myself in my postings, imperfect and flawed as they were, in that final thread.
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Hello, all:

Everything seems warm and fuzzy here. Good to see.

"I'd say I solidly cemented that future for myself in my postings, imperfect and flawed as they were, in that final thread."

Dja, Mann kann das sagen! ;-)

Yesterday I wrote to sidux' leader before the most unfortunate stuff got written, recommending he lock the thread. It just rolled on.

Also yesterday I asked der Kano to respond to my "Whither sid?" query. He did.
I keep recalling his answer when he was asked why he was "camping" on the Knoppix distro: "I like it much. I just have to make it better."

I still have a badly bent dist-upgrade. Five years of email are disconnected. But this too shall pass.

Best wishes to all.

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Totally agree!
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:: paleoflatus wrote ::
Sorry, h2, I wasn't complaining about the lack of a feed for this forum - we discussed this briefly once before and your explanation was quite clear. Although it's so much easier for a user to have it all automatically listed in akregator, the info and friendly atmosphere on this forum more than justify the slight extra effort to access it and it's very quick on Firefox 3.5, anyway.

We sidux-smxi users are OK for now, but some of your valued advice may be needed when sidux finally implodes from a surfeit of hubris.

Although it was predictable, the predicament of sidux is sad, but your scripts just keep getting better and better. You're doing a superb job and it's much appreciated by the multitude.

The thing that got me into using sidux in the first place was smxi! I can still remember having conversations with h2 about my very unorthodox way of going from a plain Debian Etch system, changing Etch to Sid, doing a dist-upgrade, to my joy, finding it working perfectly (better than Etch, actually, because at the time I was having some annoying font display issues in my Web browser, and going to Sid cleared all of that up instantly). Then, as an experiment, I added sidux repos, kept using Sid, and it was great.

I think I downloaded my first REAL sidux ISO image some time late in 2007. I know that from a visual point of view, the 2007.04-5 "Christmas Edition" was one of my favorite, until the latest 2009.02 version came out. Unfortunately, from the sound of things, the 2009.02 version, if the horrors continue, could be one of the last, if not THE last, version that I am able to use. I know for sure that I will never post in their forum again - I got jumped there on Saturday pretty strongly.

I have no idea what went on, but I'd align myself here rather than there at any point - and this seems to be that point.

h2, I wish you well in whatever endeavors you choose to take on next. I certainly hope they will continue with your smxi family of tools and their offshoots. They've received acclaim everywhere I've been (except now the sidux forum, where I am unlikely to return).

MEPIS Lovers seem to be quite high on smxi, and I know that anticapitalista, eriefisher, and some of my other antiX buds over there enjoy using it, as I do.
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smxi is what brought me to sidux in fact, I don't think I'd have stayed without it. After trying some of the *tu builds I was about ready to leave when I found about the smxi script and sidux. Honestly? I wish just once I could post a problem I'm having over there and get near the answers that's been posted in their useless bickering. Anyway....Thanks H2 for all your hard work. I know I appreciate it beyond words.
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Unfortunately, from the sound of things, the 2009.02 version, if the horrors continue, could be one of the last, if not THE last, version that I am able to use

Just curious as to why that would be ...

As many around here smxi was what made me stick with Sidux in the first place and I was really saddened to see things turn out the way they did, but as long as I can continue to use smxi with Sidux it's oik for me.
I donwloaded and installed the latest KDE full 64-bit image and installed it, so far exverything seems to work ok ....

So what are these horrors you're talking about? :-)
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