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smxi svmi sgfxi :: feature requests
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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Please post any feature requests here, no discussion please outside of anything related to the new featurs.

Things to remember: any feature request is radically more likely to get implemented if it has at least one of the following:

  1. Top, of course, is working, debugged, complete, code logic. If it works, if it doesn't break any existing features, and if it adds end user value, this is almost guaranteed to get in quite quickly. The cleaner and simpler it is, the more likely to get in.
  2. Partial code, for the core request. Sometimes that's actually better if you don't understand how smxi handles its core features and tools, since that means there's less for me to rewrite.
  3. Just the logic, but well thought out.
  4. Just an idea. Sometimes vague ideas have led to excellent new features, but I have to admit, most of these ideas take a long time to get implemented unless they are really trivial.

As always, I'll try to remain open to ideas. Things I no longer have much interest in implementing are items that really only apply to a miniscule percentage of over current or future users.

Please also read the script documentation pages to see what dev tools are available and supported.

In general, also, unless the feature is very simple to implement, things that work in X I tend to avoid, although I will always try to keep an open mind for such features.

Keep in mind, smxi uses very modular, structured bash, so it's often not necessary to even write out the actual code, you can usually use one of the built in tools, which also handle the real logging and error handling, but overall, you don't need to worry about that stuff.
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lite office
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For those that use a basic install ie Debian net-install, antiX-base could you add under package-install/office a lighter office 'suite' ie
gnumeric, abiword, (and anything else suitable)

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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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can you post a full set of packages for that suite? Once you have it, no problem, easy to add.

By full set, I mean the main packages, not the dependencies.

Heh, you're finding the oldest, least maintained parts of smxi, lol...
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There isn't a 'suite' as such it seems. Here is a lite-'suite'
abiword plus abiword-plugins
gnumeric plus gnumeric-plugins-extra

I'm sure there could be more, but these are the basics.
I'll sleep on this and let you know.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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added abiword, gnumeric, light pdf (with dynamic test for xpdf or epdf) optino in office install, with the extra packages you noted, plugins.

If you want more, just note the primary package names.
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Thanks for your continued good work on these scripts.

looking at smxi and your page on updatedb

Since this is such a simple command, as a low priority== meaning if you like the idea, could you include it in the miscellaneous tweaks of smxi?

Being completely selfish, I sometimes forget to run it myself and others may appreciate it as well?

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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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not a bad idea, updatedb can take forever to run though, but as long as the person is alerted to this fact before it starts, that's fine.

The one I really need to add though is the option to run reconfigure locales before the first upgrade a person runs with smxi, I always forget to do that, and then I have to wait for all the locales...
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Would it be possible to add samba stuff to smxi?

Greez w.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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yes, I've been thinking of adding new server package groups in a server section.

I'm just being lazy, but if you post a nice good default set of samba stuff, I know the nfs stuff, and the apache stuff I can figure out from my own systems.
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Allright, when I'll be back from office this evening I could try to post some essential samba packages.
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