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Out of curiosity, what would you recommend for: vm.swappiness and vm.vfs_cache_pressure if you have 2 gigs of ram?

I've played around with the setting and never felt a different so I left it at the default settings.
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request add menu backtrack option
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In smxi...which works a treat...after update of kernel and various related modules there is an option to continue...and one of the next options is

PACKAGE install

If you click into this...either because you are like me, curious or like me, an idiot...heh heh you may find the only options open to you for a server or client and no option to go back to another selection.

There may be other child sub-menus, where, they too lack a option to go back to main menu or back to sub-menu.

But I am wondering if you can see some merit in modifying your wonderful script to allow ppl like me to explore without having to do reboots etc to escape their menu selections?

Thanking in advance for any better ways of escaping, or reading the idea

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Pure language, nothing else.

The option is simply to set some defaults in package install.

I don't know how to word this to explain it, it makes no difference what you pick in general for most cases, but the initial thing tells you what the results of your choice will be.

I simply need to set a server/client flag to avoid installing some things to a server install, it's nothing at all exciting, you don't need to reboot, you simply pick the system you are running and then proceed, it's a one time question per smxi run, and only prior to package install.

I added it because I was tired of having to remove things like alsa from servers or stripped down machines when using package install to build up a new system.

Try it again, you'll see, nothing at all interesting happens, you are just setting an internal script flag, but I can think of no easier way than to just have it get set there, then for you to go on and do what you're going to do.
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ahh ok, I never actually proceeded so will now do so with full confidence

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aus9, if I can suggest the following:

Since I wrote the text, it of course makes total sense to me.

smxi has had this problem before, ie, me writing the text and it making total sense to me (but sadly, nobody else, or few others...).

So this time, very carefully note where the intitial server/client question FAILED to explain clearly why or what was happening to the degree that you felt it necessary to exit, then take that text, and offer a new wording or more explanation that will help others avoid drawing the same conclusion.

This type of wording issue happens all the time with smxi, and usually it's people's suggestions/alternate wording that helps resolve these things.
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2 issues for package install
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thankyou for your suggestion

A person clicking on package install...does not see an option to get out...with the current wording

BUT...if they go in, to either option there is an menu selection to return.....

so maybe in the blue font...which says"
Please type the appropiate number and hit enter"

You could consider modifying that to (say)
Please type the appropiate number and hit enter.

Whichever option has been chosen, you will find a selection to return to main menu.

< Edited by aus9 :: Dec 7, 08, 18:05 >

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how I took snapshots
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For those curious souls who want to know how I took the above snapshots....I did not use virtualbox.

:: Code ::

apt-get install fbgrab

2) assuming you have not culled your ttys from inittab...when you boot into init 3 to run smxi...when I get to appropiate snapshot . I open another console by

Control with ALT keys and F2 key...login as root

:: Code ::

fbgrab -c 1 /pathway/filename.png

< Edited by aus9 :: Dec 7, 08, 17:10 >

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This just got bookmarked. Thank you for that.
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aus9, the question here is merely one of wording, not of changing the functionality.

You will see NO difference until you see what packages are actually going to get installed, none at all.

This is simply setting a flag, that's it. The presence of that flag removes some packages from the package lists if server is chosen.

So the goal here is simply to get the person to understand that the choice of client or server simply means that if you pick one, it might slightly alter some package groups in small ways.

I need to have this flag set, I could have it set in front of each relevant package group, but i actually think that would be even more confusing.

No matter what, the flag is only set one time, you only see the question if the flag is not set, you can exist package install, do something else, and smxi remembers your last choice, as long as its the same session.

So the goal here is to simply come up with wording, that's all.

The pick a number and hit enter is a script global, which I prefer to keep consistent throughout smxi to keep it consistent.

Usually all that's required is adding a sentence to the explanation, just think about it and figure out what words could have explained this to you better, that's all. The functionality is worth having, believe me, servers have no place running alsa, thunderbird, or any other unnecessary consumer junk, and sidux users are all running clients by defaults, in a sense, this question doesn't even apply to them.

Maybe I'll simply do a 'is sidux check' and not show it if it's sidux?

Most new core functionality in sgfxi, smxi, just so you know, have nothing at all to do with sidux, and become obvious only when you use smxi to construct a new system from an x-less debian install, simple netcard stuff.
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ok I have editted my second last post on package install issue.

My grammar is woeful so I am hoping others will come to the rescue?
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