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nvidia reinstall test
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This is not sgfxi related that's why I put it in its own thread

I don't know if you saw a post in sidux about how to know when the nvidia driver should be reinstalled or not after a dist-upgrade. The only solutions back then was get in init 5 and run glxinfo/infobash. If it crashed, then reinstall was needed

Reading the --help I found that -s --sanity ; echo $?
--sanity checks for integrity
-s text-mode and not interactive

The greatest thing is that for example you have installed 169.12 but you only have the installer (.run) of 169.07, the check can still be done. In other words, smxi could check for any nvidia*run and run the integrity test after a dist-upgrade if xorg.conf has nvidia as driver.

I also think this could be an user configuration, off means you can do the test manually, or on, do it automatically after every dist-upgrade. It takes like 10-30 seconds (not measured, just an idea) in my dual core 1.7Ghz. Considering that, ppl with older machines might not want to do the test every time if they see no major X, KDE, glx stuff was upgraded.
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interesting tidbit, I've been finding some new nvidia options too.

no matter what anyone says, nvidia devs are very pro, and very good.
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very nice changes Lat, sorry for being braindead last weeks, I got really burned out on a job, any thinking at all was painful.

Your changes are done very well, thanks for the care, I have now nvidia sid installer running, and I'll try to get to the other one tomorrow.

I used the zip files from 4-17, today, since I assume those are the latest.

So now both fglrx and nvidia should be installable via sid.

This is sgfxi 2.6.0

Other changes: to make things easier on you or anyone else, and to keep it all in one file, I pulled in the old patch lib files, sgfxi-lib-nv/fg-patches, and integrated them back into sgfxi, in two functions
apply_patch_file [utility function, downloads and runs requested patch file.
run_patches() [consolodated version of fg/nv patches]

I don't think this should mess with anything you did though, I needed to do the patch stuff to prepare for 2.6.25, nvidia drivers will not run without patches. Same for fglrx 8-4
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nice, good to see it finally made it. Thank you

I don't think the patch lib will affect any of my work in theory. I'll play with them later.
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I think I'm going to try to do the second part stuff too, at least most of it.

I'll be changing some stuff, the option will be -K to sort of match smxi -K advanced kernel...

And some variables will change names to be more clear to script readers, and a few other things, but the logic will remain yours of course.

It all looked quite good re the changes, in fact I would have done it all last night but as you saw, I of course forgot to test my last upload, with the ge instead of -ge, I can't tell you how many times I test each version but the last, then wake up to a bug report in the morning..., usually what I do is not think of stuff, then do it all at once, then go back to not thinking of it again, especially with sgfxi, it's either in my head or out of it.
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hmm, yeah. It makes sense to use -K. And yeah, modify anything you want to make it more friendly

I have some requests.

:: Code ::
@@ -204,8 +234,9 @@
 #              INSTALL_WORKING_DIR="/home/$username/bin/scripts/graphics/"
 #              cd $SCRIPT_HOME
 #              CARD_DATA=1002:7280 # fake ati
-               #CARD_DATA=10de:0020
-               #FG_DEFAULT='8.34.8'
+               #CARD_DATA=10de:0020 # fake nvidia legacy
+               #CARD_DATA=10de:0322 # fake nvidia
+               #FG_DEFAULT='8.37.3
I've being using those iips for testing

:: Code ::
@@ -1079,7 +1111,7 @@

                if [ "$PRINT_VER" != 'true' ]
-                       print_information_continue standard "The graphics installer will be installing the${C}$experimentalText Free xorg${B} driver: ${C}$driverInstall" $FUNCNAME
+                      print_information_continue standard "The graphics installer will be installing the${C}$experimentalText Free xorg${B} driver: ${C}$driverInstall${N}" $FUNCNAME
                        exit 0 # this is required for smxi native driver tests
The ${N} is missing in there, unless you wanted all the output in that color. It's basically the output of apt-get update
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got it, there was another missed ${N} too, got that one as well. Those always bite you in the future, I used to have that problem all the time, now less often.

Those changes are now live in sgfxi.
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Thank you. You might want
:: Code ::
@@ -210,15 +240,14 @@
                # latest script versions

                # rm -f sgfxi*
-#              username='someuser'
+#              username=$(getent passwd 1000|cut -d \: -f1)
 #              SCRIPT_HOME="/home/$username/bin/scripts/graphics/"
 #              INSTALL_WORKING_DIR="/home/$username/bin/scripts/graphics/

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heh, you're on a roll Lat, you've been suggesting that one for a while now, good idea.

Probably soon time to put that into svmi, although that's actually slightly trickier than it appears because I need that information for another function too, the creation of the img file in vmware player, which must be set to have user permissions, not root.
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oh, by the way, I like to be VERY conservative with sgfxi, because it's a tough script to work with in terms of it having to be very reliable.

But it seems like your round one changes have all settled in nicely, I like to wait about a week or so between big bumps in that script to let user feedback happen, so I guess now I'll try to integrate the kernel install option, I have a free chunk of time now, it's the most logical time to do it if it's going to get done, so I'll let you know when the rest is done

If you have a latest draft that changed any logic, let me know, otherwise I'll work off your april 17 stuff, the last zip file that is.
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