MS Frontpage animation error?
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My webpage has a simple animation which was compiled using MS Frontpage 2002 SP3.

The HTML is: -

<script language="JavaScript" fptype="dynamicanimation">
function dynAnimation() {}
function clickSwapImg() {}
<script language="JavaScript1.2" fptype="dynamicanimation" src="file:///F:/Documents%20and%20Settings/B.Woods/My%20Documents/My%20Webs/AtSpace%20Vallet/animate.js">

<body onload="dynAnimation()" language="Javascript1.2">

<p dynamicanimation="fpAnimflyRightFP1" id="fpAnimflyRightFP1" style="position: relative !important; visibility: hidden" language="Javascript1.2">

(etc etc)

W3C validation reports the following errors: -

<script type="text/javascript" fptype="dynamicanimation">
there is no attribute "FPTYPE".

... visibility:hidden' dynamicanimation="fpAnimflyRightFP1" id="fpAnimflyRightFP
there is no attribute "DYNAMICANIMATION".

...FP1" id="fpAnimflyRightFP1" language="Javascript1.2">
there is no attribute "LANGUAGE".

OK - I know that the animation works in my own browser (IE7), but are there any forseeable problems using MS Frontpage script?
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Joined: 26 Sep 2003
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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We're not sure why recently we've been getting MS frontpage questions here, but to be clear:

No support for Frontpage at all. Why? Because it's a bad product that puts out bad code that tends to only work right on MSIE, if you're lucky.

:: Quote ::
script type="text/javascript" fptype="dynamicanimation">
there is no attribute "FPTYPE".

... visibility:hidden' dynamicanimation="fpAnimflyRightFP1" id="fpAnimflyRightFP
there is no attribute "DYNAMICANIMATION".

...FP1" id="fpAnimflyRightFP1" language="Javascript1.2">
there is no attribute "LANGUAGE".

Of course you'll get this junk, Frontpage is making up its own rules then you expect the internet to follow? The errors are exactly right, these attributes don't exist, they aren't supported by anything but microsoft, and it's hardly surprising that the world's worst wysiwyg editor continues to suck as badly as it ever has, year in and year out, no surprises from Microsoft.

This thread is locked, and we're updating the forum description to alert users to the fact that we under no circumstances will support any questions about code generated by garbage like Microsoft Frontpage.

If you ever learn to do real coding, and have a real coding question, feel free to drop in again, but essentially all your question boils down to is this:

Q: I'm using a bad product and it's doing bad things, how can I make it good
A: Stop using a bad product, use good tools.

<thread locked due to total disinterest in any further discussion of junk like frontpage>
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