Using cookies for protected content
I'm trying to determine the most efficient way to capture visitor information before allowing them access to content such as white papers, pdfs.
This is my plan so far but will require more work than it should only because I don't know .asp. User clicks on a link for a white paper User is taken to a form page which checks to see if a cookie exists if cookie exists the user redirected to white paper if cookie doesnt exist then display form page On form submittal, the information is captured User is redirected to a confirmation page A cookie is set User is redirected to white paper. The problem is that I'll have to create a new form and a separate confirmation page every time we want to add protected content. How could I create one form page which requests cookies, sets cookies, and redirects to the content requested? Back to top |
:: Quote :: This is my plan so far but will require more work than it should only because I don't know .asp.Please see the web programming description text: :: Quote :: Javascript/Ecmascript
PHP, PERL No ASP questions, no vbscript, no JSP questions please. We don't support ASP questions. Why? Because ASP sucks, reason 1, and reason 2, it's a completely proprietary language, and has no place in the free internet as far as is concerned. However, you already have the pseudo code written, so you're half way there. The next step is to stop using IIS and ASP and switch to apache and php. Generally, most people won't write your code for you by the way, since that's what you get paid to do, but people will help you debug or figure out specific issues you have with code you are writing. Back to top |
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