Netscape 4, @media screen, display none
As far as I can see, the following should work even on Netscape 4, but it doesn't. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
:: Code ::
<style> @media screen { .NotOnScreen { display: none; } } </style> On screen <span class="NotOnScreen">Not seen</span> More on screen Back to top |
In fact, that method should not, and I assume does not, work on Netscape 4. Here is a very good list of CSS filters for all the different browsers. You'll probably notice that big red line of N's under Netscape 4, which essentially doesn't support anything at all.
But be realistic, nobody, and I mean nobody, uses Netscape 4 anymore. No modern website, with the exception of a few huge ones like maybe google and a handful of others, will support, or try to support, Netscape 4 any more. That's a 7 year old browser now, or 8. Don't waste your time unless the client is paying you a lot of money for it, and if this is your own project, don't waste your time. The best was to handle all browsers is to simply not even give Netscape 4, or any other obsolete browser, any CSS at all, and just feed them the straight page html, using CSS filters to chose which other more modern browsers you support. Back to top |
Thank you. That's quite a list!
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