Works great, thanks!
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I ran across a reference to your Kanotix dist-upgrade fixes script on the Kanotix forum and ran it yesterday on a fresh install of Easter. I had previously experienced difficulty getting the Nvidia driver to load properly on Easter and on 2005-4.

It took all afternoon to run the entire process but in the end, everything worked, including Nvidia. The only thing (not unique to this script at all) is that my printer doesn't work.

Thanks for the well designed script and the excellent instruction post...even I could't screw it up. (As I notice I just did, posting this to the wrong can edit but you can't delete!;))

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Glad it worked for you Paul.

The script he's refering to is the du-fixes-h2 dist-upgrade script.

As a programming teacher once said: if you can get 80-90% of something working, that's far better than failing to get something that is 100% perfect going.

In other words, it's not possible to get something that will make 100% of dist-upgrades go without a problem, but it is possible to make 90% of them problem free.

I'm glad that the script wording and readme page worked. The idea is that it would give you the information you need, and the stuff in the right order, so you can avoid problems, sounds like that worked.

The printer not working is due to some cups issues. Check out this kanotix printing issue thread for more information.

Or just do this:

:: Code ::
apt-get remove --purge cupsys
apt-get install cupsys

That has worked for some people.
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