PHP MySQL Problems with IF statement
I'm very new to MySQL/Php but over the last few weeks have managed to piece together the bits I need.
I'd now be grateful for anyone who could help me here. I'm running a MySQL query that displays results in 2 columns (items in an online shop) - this works fine. Each item has a thumbnail image (the images are stored on the server and the links to them ($Kleines_Bild contains the full path) are stored in the database) and I'm trying to include an if statement which employs file_exists to display a default image if no product image has been uploaded to the server. It worked fine before I tried to add the parts in bold :( <? $Artikel_Nr=mysql_result($result,$i,"Artikel_Nr"); $Kleines_Bild=mysql_result($result,$i,"Kleines_Bild"); $division_point = ceil(@mysql_num_rows($result)/2); $i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $item = "<table><tr><td width=\"10\"></td><td valign=\"top\">" . getimageurl($row) . "</td><td width=\"10\"></td><td width=\"350\" valign=\"top\"><b>" . stripslashes($row['Seite_Link']) . "</b><br>" . stripslashes($row['Herkunft']) . "<br>" . stripslashes($row['Verp_Inhalt']) . "<br>". stripslashes($row['VP_Brutto']) . " Eur<br>". stripslashes($row['PayPal_Taste']) . "</td></tr></table>" ; function getimageurl($row) { $filename = "../../b/produkte/$k/$Artikel_Nr-th.jpg"; if (file_exists($filename)) { echo $Kleines_Bild; } else { echo '<img src="" \>'; } } if (intval($i/$division_point) > 0) { $column_b .= "$item"; } else { $column_a .= "$item"; } $i++; } ?> <table> <tr valign="top"><td> <? echo $column_a; ?></td> <td width="31"></td><td> <? echo $column_b; ?></td> </tr> </table> If it helps, here's how the results are displayed: Using: MySQL 4.1.10a-Max I'd be hugely grateful for any help. Thanks in advance. Pete Back to top |
:: Code :: $Artikel_Nr=mysql_result($result,$i,"Artikel_Nr");
$Kleines_Bild=mysql_result($result,$i,"Kleines_Bild"); This has to be in the while loop, not outside of it. Currently, you are placing a 'false' value into $i, so of course you will never get any output from these mysql results. Once they are in the while loop, $i will have the desired numeric integer value set by the loop counter, and will extract the correct result. Back to top |
Hi jeffd, thanks for taking the time to offer a suggestion. I've played around with it and solved the problem.
For any other newbie's like me looking for a something similiar, here's my full code: <? include 'srv/www/path/to/file'; $query="SELECT * FROM elsibarita_produkte WHERE Kategorie_Nr='$k' AND Sichtbar='j' ORDER BY Artikel"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); mysql_close(); echo ""; ?> <? $division_point = ceil(@mysql_num_rows($result)/2); $i = 0; $img = ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $Artikel_Nr=mysql_result($result,$i,"Artikel_Nr"); $Kategorie_Nr=mysql_result($result,$i,"Kategorie_Nr"); $img = "../../b/produkte/$k/$Artikel_Nr-th.jpg"; if (!file_exists($img)) { $img = '<img src="" \>'; } else { $img = "<img src=\"$Kategorie_Nr/$Artikel_Nr-th.jpg\""; } $item = "<table><tr><td width=\"10\"></td><td valign=\"top\">" . stripslashes($img) . "</td><td width=\"10\"></td><td width=\"350\" valign=\"top\"><b>" . stripslashes($row['Seite_Link']) . "</b><br>" . stripslashes($row['Herkunft']) . "<br>" . stripslashes($row['Verp_Inhalt']) . "<br>". stripslashes($row['VP_Brutto']) . " Eur<br>". stripslashes($row['PayPal_Taste']) . "</td></tr></table>" ; if (intval($i/$division_point) > 0) { $column_b .= "$item"; } else { $column_a .= "$item"; } $i++; } ?> <table> <tr valign="top"><td> <? echo $column_a; ?></td> <td width="31"></td><td> <? echo $column_b; ?></td> </tr> </table> Back to top |
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