Whats up with your scripts?
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I'm trying use the "Your Computer" box script, but its seriously messed up.

There are no directions to follow, so I have no idea how to work this thing.
Can someone take me through this, because I am seriously getting pissed over this thing not working.

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because I am seriously getting pissed over this thing not working.

Look at the error messages you're getting. Don't get pissed at the script, get pissed at yourself for not knowing how to set your include paths. [Here's the script download page]

Oddly enough, the script is outputting something, not sure how that's happening though.

We assume a certain degree of knowledge here, we're not going to walk you through the abc's of programming and php, that's the stuff you should already know to use the scripts, or any scripts out there.

The scripts are just one possible implementation for the php browser detection script, which is pretty heavily commented.

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its seriously messed up

Think of it this way: you're in school, you learn the abcs, then a few years later you get a book and read it. If you fail to learn the abcs are you going to get mad at any authors who don't write at a beginner level? Don't want to be harsh, but that's roughly what your post says. There's no secrets or complex stuff in those scripts, you implement them using beginner techniques, if you know the techniques, the scripts work, if you don't, you have problems. The issue is not knowing the basics.

Search the forums for 'include paths', 'apache htaccess include paths', and you'll be well on your way.

Also, javascript goes in <script type="text/javascript"> tags, php goes in <?php..... ?> tags so it will execute. If you don't know what a javascript library file is, or how to make it, or how to include it in your page, learn how to do it. If you don't know how to implement javascript on your page properly, learn how to do it. But please, don't blame us for you not knowing any of this stuff, we assume a basic level of understanding, very basic.

Learn the basics of how to execute scripts, both javascript and php, and all your problems will magically vanish.

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There are no directions to follow

That's exactly right, there are no directions. The script is released as is. if you want directions, write them and we'll be happy to add them to the main file (if we think they're good enough to add, of course), with credit given to you for the help. This is free software, open source, people asked for the script we run here so I released it publically for anyone who wants to use it. That's all it is, nothing more.

If you don't like the script, don't use it. It's free software, you're free to use it or not use it. If you need more basic stuff, there's lots of stuff out there that will meet your needs, if you find that, great, use it.

The script you downloaded is the entire thing, if you cut parts off of course parts won't work. And if you randomly paste in other scripts without correctly placing them in the necessary script tags, that's not a fault of the script. Don't cut parts off if you don't know how to do that, and don't paste parts in if you dont' know how to do that.

The script is GPL, here's the exact warranty and other stuff it comes with:

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This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

There's a reason we use that License, it makes it so when the scripts are released, if people find them useful, if they want to cut the first line of the script off then complain it doesn't work, great, whatever you want to do is fine with us. The GPL is a pretty interesting license, those aren't just words, they actually mean pretty much what they say.

If you want to document it more fully, great. Personally, documentation bores me, so I don't do it unless somebody pays me to do it. Or if the script is so complicated that it simply isn't easy to follow it. This script however is so utterly basic in logic and php, and javascript, that really no comments are required for most users. However, again, if you feel it would benefit from documentation, feel free to write it, I'll happily add it to the script, no problem.

Once you've cleaned up your major mistakes feel free to ask for advice, we're happy to answer questions that have something to do with actual problems.
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Um. And "polite" would be good too.... with an apology maybe?
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I know im new here but if i may this is a good place to start ;)
also may be the wrong place to post this but i found it amusing that some would have the audacity to complain about free software
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Very nice link, thanks Brandon, haven't read anything by Eric Raymond in a while.

In keeping with the request on that linked to page::

that page is not a help desk for your project!

I can relate to that feeling, I've seen too many posters here too who are looking for someone to do their work for them.

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i found it amusing that some would have the audacity to complain about free software

Sadly, this just keeps happening, some developers dedicate a large portion of their lives to creating what is really an outstanding project, with a pretty nice interface, and then people can think of nothing better to say or do than complain about it. For most of us, that means free work, done just because we felt like it.

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Interestingly, the bulk of discussions have focused on the GIMP's GUI. The interface seems to irritate users more than the software's missing features. newsforge on the gimp

Just for the record, I just started using the the gimp, and I found its interface completely easy to grasp. Definitely no more or less confusing than any commercial application out there.

This is a pretty good quote from that link, that about sums it up.

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The first thing to understand is that hackers actually like hard problems and good, thought-provoking questions about them. If we didn't, we wouldn't be here. If you give us an interesting question to chew on we'll be grateful to you; good questions are a stimulus and a gift. Good questions help us develop our understanding, and often reveal problems we might not have noticed or thought about otherwise. Among hackers, “Good question!” is a strong and sincere compliment.

Despite this, hackers have a reputation for meeting simple questions with what looks like hostility or arrogance. It sometimes looks like we're reflexively rude to newbies and the ignorant. But this isn't really true.

What we are, unapologetically, is hostile to people who seem to be unwilling to think or to do their own homework before asking questions. People like that are time sinks — they take without giving back, and they waste time we could have spent on another question more interesting and another person more worthy of an answer. We call people like this “losers” (and for historical reasons we sometimes spell it “lusers”).

That last bolded part would seem appropriate for this thread.

Welcome to the forums, brandon
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Status: Curious
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Thanks for the welcome.

I agree with many of the things in that article very good to keep in mind when asking questions and is a good way to show that you respect other peoples time and energy.

I must admit that I use opensource software on a regular basis and am grateful to the devs who do not always get the gratitude they deserve for performing a labor of love. Under appreciated devs are not specific to opensource though and the commercial devs shouldnt be left out either. I think a pat on the back goes a long way with a thank you.

maybe a bumper sticker is in order
"Have you hugged your developer today"

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Ohhhh! I like that one! Now all I've got to do is find somewhere to get it printed....
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