More firefox tips from email battles
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First some good extensions
then some hardware tips for a laptop. Ok, so the second link isn't that informative, but it does have some good ideas in it, stick on pads to improve air flow for example.
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Here's another one from the "never has bugs...." girl: I never have any of those memory problems with FF. Never have had....

My normal is a dozen plus tabs open. Of course, I have Adblock Plus and RIP which have already whacked all the cr#p out of most page-garbage, and I have the web dev toolbar with animations disabled always. And I have FasterFox, which isn't discussed but seems to help some. I don't use FF to download - I have Fresh Download from - very good manager, free....

I think this is one of those things where it's rather a crapshoot, depending on your machine speed, ram, etc. as well as on the browser and its setup, and the extensions you use, not to mention where you browse to....
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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I'm having huge problems with Firefox in Linux. I've basically switched to Konqueror because of them.

I'm trying to pinpoint the exact cause, by turning off all the extensions and then turning them back on one by one. It takes a long time.

I ran it in safemode yesterday for a few hours and there were no issues, so that tells me something.

But with only adblock and allinone mouse gestures it again crashed.

Luckily, I can duplicate the crash: I browse for a while, have some tabs open. Then I move to another desktop [virtual desktops]. Usually now within a minute or so Firefox shoots to 95-98% cpu consumption. If I'm lucky, and very patient, it will recover if I go back to its desktop. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Currently I'm testing it with only all in one mousegestures active. But if that makes it crash too, there's something more core, it's not the actual extension, but the connection between firefox and the extension api, which is I assume turned off in safe mode.

Very annoying.

The fact that this can even happen in the first place shows a significant error in my opinion, no extension should be able to crash the browser like this, there should be internal protections in place.

But I actually don't think it's the extensions per se, I think it's a bug in the linux firefox. As I've noted, if it's to be found, I will find it. Sigh. In this case I wish I wasn't finding it.

The annoying thing is that if I stay on its desktop, I can surf happily all day with all the extensions open, no crash.

I need to find the mozilla guys who do the linux stuff, I actually think this description would be enough information for them to fix the bug.

This isn't the memory leak issue though, I've read up on that, that can be fixed by tweaking the settings a little bit.
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Location: back of beyond - s. UT, closer to Vegas than SLC
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Wow. That IS a right b##ch. Could you maybe just post to mozillazine and ask one of the linux guys to contact you?
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