Kanotix 2005-4 32 bit and 64 bit are out
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Well, Kano really enjoyed himself this time around I have to say, he released all the new 2005-4 stuff a few hours before new years eve, so he did actually get a 2005-4 out, which I didn't think he'd manage. The download links are on the Kanotix Home/start page.

I've been waiting for these, I want the latest from Kano's workshops to install on the new box, both in 32 bit and 64 bit versions.

Updates will come as soon the downloads finish. For long time posters who might want a burned cd of 2005-4, sticky me and let me know. The current download speeds are very low, I tested all the mirrors and they're all really slow, maybe 50 kB a second max. So I'll try to save him a bit of bandwidth.

This version features a graphical installer, something I think is massively overrated but people seem to consider it worth doing, don't ask me why, you're just being asked some questions no matter what, gui makes no difference. That's probably from the new debian gui installer project.
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Well, you know if Kano hadn't included the graphical installer there would be a million people wanting to know WHY - and does that mean there's "something wrong with it"!
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LOL, yeah, that's true, no doubt, I haven't looked at it yet though. I'll have a full install report sometime today hopefully.

It's looking good though, excellent recognition, I burned the 32 bit cd, which wouldn't burn on nero and windows, nero said the blank was too small, odd that one, so I burned it with the 64 bit live cd and k3b, and it burned fine. And the iso was on an ntfs partition, zero problems reading it, or burning it.
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Well, that's definitely cool! Love stuff that works....
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Kanotix is pretty nice, I got 2005-4 up and running quite quickly, burning kanotix cds on k3b, watched a dvd movie on kaffeine, all drives mount somehow, don't have ntfs captive partition writer set up correctly yet. Except for Nvidia drivers, that's done through command line, no other drivers to install.

If you can get an nvidia graphics card, very good linux drivers. It looks to me like it's very easy to set up dual monitor resolutions too, I'd know for sure if I had duals, it looks easy though.

Sound recognized, mobo, all of it.

Only error, can't figure that one out, I opted to boot from floppy before permanently installing grub to the mbr, and when I did the gui click for 'create a boot floppy', it didn't do it, skipped the step, I had to use another linux boot floppy, change the boot parameters to boot off the new drives. Worked, but a pain, then recreated the boot floppy. I'll have to post on that one in the forums, that never happened with the 2005-3 text installer. This is why I don't like gui installers. Also, 2005-4 qtparted had a problem with creating a reiserfs format, failed, had to do it in ext3. I think I've read this before. Moral, format disk partitions with your 2005-3 qtparted, or gparted, if it's on there. Sigh.

But then when you boot up, first thing you see is that debian blue swirl, that's nice.
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Graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce 5500.... so hopefully will be fine this time.... assuming I can figure out what to tell it!
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Perfect card.

Switch to su, root in console, tell it this:

:: Code ::

More in this kanotix nvidia install thread, that's pretty much your card so you should find all your answers there.

Dual monitor stuff in this thread, kanotix forums.

Then if I remember right, you have to run this kano script:

fix-res.sh [your max resolution]

for example:
fix-res.sh 1600x1200

Then it will reset your maximum possible resolution, sparing you having to try to edit the x11 configuration file yourself, which you don't want to get into if you can help it.

It's possible that you need a web connection to run the install nvidia stuff, I'm not sure about that, try it and see, I know when I did it, it grabbed a big download from nvidia ftp, about 35 mB, which isn't something you'd want to wait for on dialup, even assuming you got the modem working in the first place. Or kano may have included the driver in the package, I don't know for sure.
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Thanks for all that hand-holding.... I CAN do a 35meg download though it's not precisely fun or efficient. If I have to I have to....
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