boot up without keyboard
If I am running router or server on Compaq Deskpro EN (PIII 733 mHz, Motherboard Compaq 187498-001, Bios: Compaq Basic 09/13/02 686P2 v 3.14) how to boot up with unplugged keyboard? There is not option in Bios settings: "System boot stops for any errors except keyboard error". In POST screen it always shows: "304-Keyboard Error". Thanks
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those proprietary bioses are very annoying, and always extremely limited in what they can do.
I assume you're trying to use the box to run linux as a server or whatever, no? If so, you won't need to reboot it, so you should be able to just plugin the keyboard, boot, then pull it out. I can't think of a real way to do it though, every time I see a dell/hp/compaq or whatever bios I'm always amazed at how little it lets you do. I suppose you could flash the bios if you can get a clean match to some mobo chipset or other, but there's a risk of permanent failure with that, I wouldn't do it just to avoid uplugging the keyboard one time. If you haven't already done so, check out running linux on a linksys router, that one is by Erik Raymond. There's a good in depth discussion at, they also ran a two part series on running linksys WRT54GS routers part 1 and part 2. More at You'll also need to make sure the router has the correct internals. Anyway, that's just an aside, wouldn't do much as a server of course since it's all running from flash memory and ram, but it's an interesting little thing people do. Back to top |
Thanks, techAdmin
Yes, it is Linux I'm running and need remote reboot availability and boot up after power loss, so now it's fixed. NO_F1.COM allows operation without a keyboard of those models of Compaq computers that do not support network server mode. Thanks to Jorg from Netherlands in [new user link] <mod, fixed url> Back to top |
Good to hear that there is a solution, and a great link to the vintage computer forums, I'll have to add that one to a hardware resource list at some point, that's a good resource.
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For those who run across this like I did with more questions:
1 - With "newer" (but really not so new, eh? :) ) Deskpros there is an option (mentioned above) for "Network Server Mode" but to access it you must set a Power-On Password in the BIOS first. This will enable the keyboard-less operation. 2 - For those looking to have the machine turn on/boot automatically when power is restored after a power loss there is a switch "SW1" on which a setting must be changed. Once S6 is set to ON it will power up as expected. At least that is how mine was. There is a label on the inside of the case that explained it all. Back to top |
boot without keyboard
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