Firefox Flash Plugin Freezing
Hi All,
I'm new here so forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong forum. I have a website (basic .html pages) that uses Flash to play snippets of mp3s. All worked well but I found that if Firefox users do not have the lastest Flash plugin, after the snippet is played, the "Sandbox Errors" appear and the browser will freeze. I'm using a third party mp3 player. They are aware of the issue but their solution is that I should warn the visitor to upgrade to the newest Flash. That doesn't help me as I don't want to put a notice on each page. The only solution I can think of is finding a JavaScript to detect the Firefox and Flash version the visitor is using and have a message appear if they click on the "play sound" link if they need the latest version. I have no real scripting experience per se but I'm not afraid to edit a file if necessary. I can't see any other solution because I can't edit the Flash file. Any advice would be most appreciated. I like to offer websites that are accessible to most browsers so this is a little frustrating for me. Thanks in advance. Hope Back to top |
<For information on the new Flash 8 issues read this thread>
Hi Hope, welcome to the forums. This issue is apparently documented, this is from :: Quote :: Older versions of Firefox (prior to FireFox version 1.0) have issues with the Macromedia Flash plugin... And since Wimpy uses the Macromedia Flash plugin, those who use older version of Mozilla FireFox will have "issues" -- it is recommended that you inform those who use older version of Mozilla FireFox to upgrade their FireFox browser to at least version 1.0.1Unfortunately I couldn't find anything else about that question. To test this, I'd check to see if a user with a firefox version earlier than 1.0 has these problems if they upgrade firefox to 1.0.1. But my guess is that if a flash upgrade also takes care of the problem, it was something with how macromedia wrote the firefox flash plugin, they tend to make mistakes, like adobe with their acrobat reader plugins. If it's a Macromedia bug there won't be much you can do about it. You can get a javascript method for checking which flash version is installed at This script is from that page, in case the page vanishes or something: :: Code :: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
<!-- var flashinstalled = 0; var flashversion = 0; MSDetect = "false"; if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length) { x = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]; if (x) { flashinstalled = 2; if (x.description) { y = x.description; flashversion = y.charAt(y.indexOf('.')-1); } } else flashinstalled = 1; if (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"]) { flashinstalled = 2; flashversion = 2; } } else if (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length) { x = navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash']; if (x && x.enabledPlugin) flashinstalled = 2; else flashinstalled = 1; } else MSDetect = "true"; // --> </SCRIPT> It could also be related to playing mp3's, I used to have a flash object that played a wav file, it always worked, on every version of firebird/firefox that's been released, sound was fine, but it was a very simple sound file. There's a few threads on sound issues with Firefox and flash at Here's one, here's another, that one might be of use, and here's one setting up quicktime to handle sound. Don't know if any of those will help though. You could try asking there too. No one here really deals much with flash questions though, you might want to head over to and ask somebody on their forums, maybe a workaround has been found. Sorry couldn't be more help. Back to top |
Hi Jeff,
Thank you for the informative post. You've given me quite a bit of help! Regarding the version of FF- I have this version: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050223 Firefox/1.0.1 - And I still get the Sandbox Violation error. So what Wimpy says doesn't fly. And that is the third party I was referring to, btw. I could upgrade the Flash plugin but would like to find a workaround for those who haven't - or at least a warning message for those clicking on the link. Anyway, you've given me much to go on so I am heading off to check out the links. Thanks so much! Hope :: jeffd wrote :: Hi Hope, welcome to the forums. This issue is apparently documented, this is from [new user link]
:: Quote :: Older versions of Firefox (prior to FireFox version 1.0) have issues with the Macromedia Flash plugin... And since Wimpy uses the Macromedia Flash plugin, those who use older version of Mozilla FireFox will have "issues" -- it is recommended that you inform those who use older version of Mozilla FireFox to upgrade their FireFox browser to at least version 1.0.1Unfortunately I couldn't find anything else about that question. To test this, I'd check to see if a user with a firefox version earlier than 1.0 has these problems if they upgrade firefox to 1.0.1. But my guess is that if a flash upgrade also takes care of the problem, it was something with how macromedia wrote the firefox flash plugin, they tend to make mistakes, like adobe with their acrobat reader plugins. Back to top |
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