[RESOLVED] Installation instructions misleading
Status: Curious
Joined: 17 Dec 2022
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Hello, all

The [new user link] (according to PhpBB docs, the link should say installation instructions but the forum has changed it to new user link) for the Liquorix kernel are misleading: under Debian Prerequisites the page provides the following command:
:: Code ::
curl 'https://liquorix.net/add-liquorix-repo.sh' | sudo bash
The reader naturally concludes this command to install the kernel prerequisites for Debian, whereas the name of the shell script, add-liquorix-repo.sh hints that it simply registers the Liquorix repositories in the package manager. But what the script actuaily does is incompaible with either of these conflicting hints, for it registers the repositories, installs the prerequisites, and then installs the latest kernel itself! Since the kernel can be installed by the apt command listed on the page under 64-bit:, I think it will make more sense for the script to perform the one operation that its name suggests: only register the repositories in the package manager. If, on the other hand, the command above is intended to install the entire kernel, will you please rename the script (e.g. to install-latest.sh) and the titile on the install page under which it is provided?
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Not a bad point, re the naming of the file.
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Status: Curious
Joined: 17 Dec 2022
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Well, if you only rename the file, the instructions on the website will remain somewhat ambiguous, whereas the user will have no easy method of registering the Liquorix repositories without at same time installing the latest kernel. Adding the repositories manually is less than obvious because the URL is not conspicuously published and does not work without a PGP key, which must be downloaded and installed.
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Thanks for the notice, instructions are updated to simply say, run script to install. Also added support for Arch.
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Status: Curious
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They are indeed, and the script has been renamed correctly. Thanks you very much!
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