upgrading from mint 19.3 to mint 21 will pgrading my OS hose the liquorix kernel?
I have to upgrade my OS
upgrading from mint 19.3 to mint 21 will pgrading my OS hose the liquorix kernel? What will happen Back to top |
That's a good question, if you don't pay attention to the CLI output and what apt-get tells you, then the answer is probably yes. However, if you're experienced in dealing with package conflicts and can recover from a bad upgrade on your own from an unaccelerated TTY, then you might be fine.
Probably the most important thing to understand is that Liquorix is built expressly for the underlying version of Debian and Ubuntu. You should probably uninstall Liquorix before upgrading and reinstall it after you're back up and running by using the install script on the homepage. Back to top |
At the risk of stating the blatantly obvious, before uninstalling liquorix, make sure you have at least one other kernel installed. I recommend the mint native linux-image and linux-headers metapackages, since those will update cleanly to new kernel on upgrade of mint, and you'll for sure have a fallback kernel if you need it.
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