inxi reports 3 users using -F option, yast (openSUSE) shows 1 user
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I am investigsating why inxi -F shows 3 users on my openSUSE leap 15.3 system. Yast, User and group management shows 1 user. That user is a member of 8 groups (system users).

Where does inxi get the user count from? How can I display details of users seen by inxi?

/etc/passwd has 3 items at the end of the file that are after the last system user variable name. Are these the three that inxi is reporting?

In my system the three post system user entries are: tom (my main user), memcached, and redis.

thanks, tom kosvic
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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Please don't post issues without showing the relevant full section of inxi output, and the inxi version.

Otherwise you're wasting your and my time.

inxi doesn't show users, there were bugs in the past where it showed some by accident due to parsing errors, but those were fixed a long time ago.

Also, don't post issues about legacy inxi releases, update to current real inxi, which is 3.3.15, about to go to 3.3.16 in the next days, confirm if issue exists, if not, no need to file reports, except to OpenSuse, who are being bad about updating their inxi's in their package pool. There is never a reason that is valid for any distro to not ship current inxi, it will never break, and will never have dependency issues, but it will have bugs that were probably fixed a long time ago, and be lacking in new features.

repology reports this for OpenSuse: openSUSE Leap 15.4 mainoss inxi 3.3.07

I don't care about legacy inxi's, so the correct place to file an issue report is with opensuse, ask them to update their inxi versions in their package pools, or, better yet, stop using their packaged inxi if they won't update it, and start using the real one:

:: Code ::
# if this works, great:
sudo inxi -U

# if it failed, either change the configuration file in /etc/inxi.conf
# then
sudo inxi -U

# or just dump the packaged version and use the real one, remove packaged inxi first:
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/inxi && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/inxi

If issue persists with real inxi, then post the output from real inxi -Ia which is I assume where you see the error.

But please learn to post the real data, not your interpretation of what you see, since your interpretation is wrong.

In general, once a distro shows it is not updating inxi anymore, you should remove the package and install the real inxi and use -U to update it from then on.
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