Unable to install smxi.zip from instructions
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Hello h2,
Apparently this package has been moved, and after the wget -Nc smxi.org/smxi.zip from /usr/local/bin I cannot get it although terminal reports new location as sm/smxi.zip and attempts download from there.
unzip reports unable to write to smxi.zip. Permission denied.
Unsure if to attempt unzip as root, there was no need before.
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No problems on this end.

You can avoid placing a download in unexpected location by using -O /usr/local/bin/smxi.zip smxi.org/zip

Note that this either works or doesn't, so if it worked in this test, it works.

:: Code ::
wget -O smxi.zip smxi.org/smxi.zip
--2020-12-20 13:06:51--  http://smxi.org/smxi.zip
Reusing existing connection to smxi.org:443.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 203505 (199K) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘smxi.zip’

unzip smxi.zip
Archive:  smxi.zip
  inflating: sgfxi                   
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Joined: 21 Dec 2011
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It is my fault, missed to run commands as root, that's the reason for Permission denied.
Sorry for bothering.
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