Lost sound in laptop
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I lost sound from laptop speaker after plugging in headphone where external speakers were.
Would like to use inxi to troubleshoot sound, please post syntax, can run as user.
Laptop is on buster + backports.
If ou need more info, will gladly post.
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Sounds like the output location changed, that happens because linux sound stuff isn't that great and detecting changes. When I need to change from say lineout to headphone out, I use pulseaudio settings and change manually to the one I want, it's easy to see when it works.
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That is exactly what happened, I plugged headphone in and lost all sound afterwards, how fix?
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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I told you, open up your sound thing, if you have pulseaudio, open it, and set the proper output stuff, you are giving zero details. Poke around in it until you find the stuff, otherwise you'll never learn it. There are device selectors, which only matter if you changed sound card, which I doubt you did, or output location, like front headphone, lineout, etc.
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Dear, I use pavu control for pulse audio, and could not fix, set audio playback back to speakers, nothing is muted but no sound, checked alsamixer: disabled automute, SOL.
I ran out of ideas and options, if I don't get help with this I will be obliged to do something you hate: reinstall system.
Please save my system, since we cannot save a stolen election let's at least save Linux, one of our last lines of freedom.
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There's a few places where the location of output is set, you have to make sure it is going to the sound output you want. Or your sound chip died, I can't really tell you, if it's a switch, you have to look through all the tabs until you find why it's not going to the right output. If you see the soundbars moving, that means it's not going to the right output, but is working fine. If the soundbars are not moving, this is in pulseaudio, that may mean the source isn't right, or that there is a problem with your audio hardware. If you stick the output jack into the one that worked when you changed it and it works, that means you aren't poking around enough in the pulseaudio controls.

I can't really explain this more, some of these things aren't super intuitive until you get how pulseaudio 'sees' your system, and tries to sort of emulate windows audio controllers, but does so badly, I have to manually change mine every time I go from one card to another on a 2 audio card system, also when I go from front to rear speakers/earphones.
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Sound sliders are moving but no sound, I only know pavucontrol to manage pulse audio, and I have been to all the possible places, I also checked alsamixer and made sure that nothing is muted and all sliders to the max, sound is set to to to built-in speakers. Dunno what else to do, ran out of ideas and options. Thanks for the willingness to help.
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