Is it possible to enable cgroup-related config?
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I'm trying to run CRI-O + Kubernetes + cilium on your kernel, but Kubernetes/kubelet fails to start because cgroups doesn't support cpuacct.

(Background story is that Debian kernel doesn't have CONFIG_CGROUP_HUGETLB=y and probably others, someone pointed me your kernel but I still have some config missing.)

Unfortunately I was unable to find a list of necessary config, but if I compare the config file with the one from Ubuntu 20, these three are probably needed:

CONFIG_CGROUP_RDMA=y # this one I'm not sure

I'm going to try to build your kernel on my side (in about 18 hours after night and daily work?), it wouldn't be nice to ask you multiple times to add configs.
If you got detailed steps for that, it would be appreciated, or I'll just read your scripts on your repo.

Thanks for your work!
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In fact I built a kernel on my side, my goal was too different from your kernel.
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I added the two options that were disabled (PIDS / RDMA):

They'll be enabled in the next kernel release.

EDIT: And as a note of suitability, Liquorix runs MuQSS, which doesn't have support for CPU quota controls through cgroups. The options will still work, as in you can set values, but the behavior of the kernel won't change. All other options that are not related to the scheduler should work as expected.

So yes, perhaps Liquorix isn't the right kernel for running a server (I highly do not recommend you use Liquorix for a server unless you know what you're doing). But on a workstation where maximum responsiveness is required, Liquorix will do just fine. You can always just renice everything that keeps your CPU busy (that's how the docker builds for Liquorix work anyways).
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Also posting for reference since this will probably come up again, minikube[1] is available to install Kubernetes locally. And specifically for MuQSS it supports running the controller and nodes in virtual machines for cross compatibility support. I've used it personally for studying Kubernetes and didn't run into any compatibility issues.

Obviously if you're running a production server from your thin & light laptop with a touch screen, you're going to want bare metal, but also you should be questioning your choice of hardware for something "production ready'.

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