inxi and pinxi don't run on Fedora 31
This is produced by F31 with 5.4.17 kernel with both inxi 3.0.37 & pinxi 3.0.37-37:
Can't locate Data/ in @INC (you may need to install the Data::Dumper module) (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5/5.30 /usr/local/share/perl5/5.30 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5) at /usr/local/bin/pinxi line 23. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/pinxi line 23. Both work fine in all other distros on the same PC. Back to top |
Data::Dumper is a core Perl module, Fedora has apparently removed that module from core perl modules, which means you have to install it. That's a distro issue, not a pinxi/inxi issue. I believe Fedora/redhat is the only major distro that does not ship the full core modules for Perl. The reason that it works fine in other distros is that other distros are not removing core, critical, perl modules, from Perl Core Modules.
While each distribution can make whatever packaging decisions they want, I personally question the wisdom of removing a core perl module from perl core modules, precisely for this type of reason, the entire point of having the perl core modules is being able to expect that perl code runs on a system with a base install of Perl. Note that for all modules NOT in Core Modules, inxi/pinxi do tests for presence of the module, and will offer an error message about being unable to fulfill that particular feature because the feature requires module X. However, there is a set of core modules required for inxi / pinxi to run and function, and if those are missing, Perl will take over and let you know which required module is missing. The error message you received is Perl letting you know this, so all you have to do is correct it. Note that the pinxi/inxi --recommends tool checks for Non Core Perl modules, again, a core module is supposed to be in Perl, so there's no point in --recommends checking because inxi could never start in the first place to run --recommends if one of its required core modules is missing. If the Fedora package does not install the required perl modules, you need to file a bug report with the fedora/redhat maintainers, since I can't fix that for you. While Data::Dumper is a debugging tool, I quickly realized in early pinxi development that it was critical that pinxi be able to debug itself for users without them having to do further steps, like uncommenting lines of code to enable the loading of Data::Dumper, just in order to give me a debugger report, so I made Data::Dumper a required module. Debugging issues in inxi is a core, key, component of how inxi development happens, so there must be an easy, no extra steps, path, for end users who are reporting issues, or helping develop new features. On a purely technical level, I could add a contorted handler for cases where Data::Dumper is not present, but honestly, given this is a distro, not an inxi, issue, that's not going to happen because as a developer, I need those tools available anywhere and anytime in the codebase in order to develop and debug issues. A serious distribution like redhat/fedora should NOT be removing key debugging modules from Perl, those are required for developers to create code, and end users to debug it, and that is why this is a core Perl module. Here's the list of Perl Core Modules for 5.030, pretty much the same as for 28 and 26 :: Code :: corelist -v 5.030
Amiga::ARexx 0.04 Amiga::Exec 0.02 AnyDBM_File 1.01 App::Cpan 1.672 App::Prove 3.42 App::Prove::State 3.42 App::Prove::State::Result 3.42 App::Prove::State::Result::Test 3.42 Archive::Tar 2.32 Archive::Tar::Constant 2.32 Archive::Tar::File 2.32 Attribute::Handlers 1.01 AutoLoader 5.74 AutoSplit 1.06 B 1.76 B::Concise 1.004 B::Deparse 1.49 B::Op_private 5.030000 B::Showlex 1.05 B::Terse 1.09 B::Xref 1.07 Benchmark 1.22 CPAN 2.22 CPAN::Author 5.5002 CPAN::Bundle 5.5003 CPAN::CacheMgr 5.5002 CPAN::Complete 5.5001 CPAN::Debug 5.5001 CPAN::DeferredCode 5.50 CPAN::Distribution 2.22 CPAN::Distroprefs 6.0001 CPAN::Distrostatus 5.5 CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency 5.5001 CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist 1.001 CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed 5.5 CPAN::Exception::yaml_process_error 5.5 CPAN::FTP 5.5011 CPAN::FTP::netrc 1.01 CPAN::FirstTime 5.5311 CPAN::HTTP::Client 1.9601 CPAN::HTTP::Credentials 1.9601 CPAN::HandleConfig 5.5008 CPAN::Index 2.12 CPAN::InfoObj 5.5 CPAN::Kwalify 5.50 CPAN::LWP::UserAgent 1.9601 CPAN::Meta 2.150010 CPAN::Meta::Converter 2.150010 CPAN::Meta::Feature 2.150010 CPAN::Meta::History 2.150010 CPAN::Meta::Merge 2.150010 CPAN::Meta::Prereqs 2.150010 CPAN::Meta::Requirements 2.140 CPAN::Meta::Spec 2.150010 CPAN::Meta::Validator 2.150010 CPAN::Meta::YAML 0.018 CPAN::Mirrors 2.21 CPAN::Module 5.5003 CPAN::Nox 5.5001 CPAN::Plugin 0.97 CPAN::Plugin::Specfile 0.02 CPAN::Prompt 5.5 CPAN::Queue 5.5002 CPAN::Shell 5.5008 CPAN::Tarzip 5.5012 CPAN::URL 5.5 CPAN::Version 5.5003 Carp 1.50 Carp::Heavy 1.50 Class::Struct 0.65 Compress::Raw::Bzip2 2.084 Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.084 Compress::Zlib 2.084 Config 5.03 Config::Extensions 0.03 Config::Perl::V 0.32 Cwd 3.78 DB 1.08 DBM_Filter 0.06 DBM_Filter::compress 0.03 DBM_Filter::encode 0.03 DBM_Filter::int32 0.03 DBM_Filter::null 0.03 DBM_Filter::utf8 0.03 DB_File 1.843 Data::Dumper 2.174 Devel::PPPort 3.52 Devel::Peek 1.28 Devel::SelfStubber 1.06 Digest 1.17_01 Digest::MD5 2.55 Digest::SHA 6.02 Digest::base 1.16 Digest::file 1.16 DirHandle 1.05 Dumpvalue 1.18 DynaLoader 1.45 Encode 3.01 Encode::Alias 2.24 Encode::Byte 2.04 Encode::CJKConstants 2.02 Encode::CN 2.03 Encode::CN::HZ 2.10 Encode::Config 2.05 Encode::EBCDIC 2.02 Encode::Encoder 2.03 Encode::Encoding 2.08 Encode::GSM0338 2.07 Encode::Guess 2.07 Encode::JP 2.04 Encode::JP::H2Z 2.02 Encode::JP::JIS7 2.08 Encode::KR 2.03 Encode::KR::2022_KR 2.04 Encode::MIME::Header 2.28 Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP 1.09 Encode::MIME::Name 1.03 Encode::Symbol 2.02 Encode::TW 2.03 Encode::Unicode 2.18 Encode::Unicode::UTF7 2.10 English 1.10 Env 1.04 Errno 1.30 Exporter 5.73 Exporter::Heavy 5.73 ExtUtils::CBuilder 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::android 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf 0.280231 ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2 0.280231 ExtUtils::Command 7.34 ExtUtils::Command::MM 7.34 ExtUtils::Constant 0.25 ExtUtils::Constant::Base 0.06 ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs 0.09 ExtUtils::Constant::Utils 0.04 ExtUtils::Constant::XS 0.03 ExtUtils::Embed 1.35 ExtUtils::Install 2.14 ExtUtils::Installed 2.14 ExtUtils::Liblist 7.34 ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid 7.34 ExtUtils::MM 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_AIX 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_Any 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_BeOS 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_DOS 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_Darwin 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_MacOS 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_NW5 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_OS2 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_QNX 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_UWIN 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_Unix 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_VMS 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_VOS 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_Win32 7.34 ExtUtils::MM_Win95 7.34 ExtUtils::MY 7.34 ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.34 ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config 7.34 ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale 7.34 ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version 7.34 ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex 7.34 ExtUtils::Manifest 1.72 ExtUtils::Miniperl 1.09 ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap 7.34 ExtUtils::Mksymlists 7.34 ExtUtils::Packlist 2.14 ExtUtils::ParseXS 3.40 ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants 3.40 ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines 3.40 ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval 3.40 ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities 3.40 ExtUtils::Typemaps 3.38 ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd 3.38 ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap 3.38 ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap 3.38 ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type 3.38 ExtUtils::XSSymSet 1.4 ExtUtils::testlib 7.34 Fatal 2.29 Fcntl 1.13 File::Basename 2.85 File::Compare 1.1006 File::Copy 2.34 File::DosGlob 1.12 File::Fetch 0.56 File::Find 1.36 File::Glob 1.32 File::GlobMapper 1.001 File::Path 2.16 File::Spec 3.78 File::Spec::AmigaOS 3.78 File::Spec::Cygwin 3.78 File::Spec::Epoc 3.78 File::Spec::Functions 3.78 File::Spec::Mac 3.78 File::Spec::OS2 3.78 File::Spec::Unix 3.78 File::Spec::VMS 3.78 File::Spec::Win32 3.78 File::Temp 0.2309 File::stat 1.08 FileCache 1.10 FileHandle 2.03 Filter::Simple 0.95 Filter::Util::Call 1.59 FindBin 1.51 GDBM_File 1.18 Getopt::Long 2.5 Getopt::Std 1.12 HTTP::Tiny 0.076 Hash::Util 0.22 Hash::Util::FieldHash 1.20 I18N::Collate 1.02 I18N::LangTags 0.43 I18N::LangTags::Detect 1.07 I18N::LangTags::List 0.40 I18N::Langinfo 0.18 IO 1.40 IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2 2.084 IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate 2.084 IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity 2.084 IO::Compress::Base 2.084 IO::Compress::Base::Common 2.084 IO::Compress::Bzip2 2.084 IO::Compress::Deflate 2.084 IO::Compress::Gzip 2.084 IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants 2.084 IO::Compress::RawDeflate 2.084 IO::Compress::Zip 2.084 IO::Compress::Zip::Constants 2.084 IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants 2.084 IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra 2.084 IO::Dir 1.40 IO::File 1.40 IO::Handle 1.40 IO::Pipe 1.40 IO::Poll 1.40 IO::Seekable 1.40 IO::Select 1.40 IO::Socket 1.40 IO::Socket::INET 1.40 IO::Socket::IP 0.39 IO::Socket::UNIX 1.40 IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2 2.084 IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity 2.084 IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate 2.084 IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate 2.084 IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress 2.084 IO::Uncompress::Base 2.084 IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 2.084 IO::Uncompress::Gunzip 2.084 IO::Uncompress::Inflate 2.084 IO::Uncompress::RawInflate 2.084 IO::Uncompress::Unzip 2.084 IO::Zlib 1.10 IPC::Cmd 1.02 IPC::Msg 2.07 IPC::Open2 1.04 IPC::Open3 1.20 IPC::Semaphore 2.07 IPC::SharedMem 2.07 IPC::SysV 2.07 JSON::PP 4.02 JSON::PP::Boolean 4.02 List::Util 1.50 List::Util::XS 1.50 Locale::Maketext 1.29 Locale::Maketext::Guts 1.20 Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader 1.20 Locale::Maketext::Simple 0.21_01 MIME::Base64 3.15 MIME::QuotedPrint 3.13 Math::BigFloat 1.999816 Math::BigFloat::Trace 0.51 Math::BigInt 1.999816 Math::BigInt::Calc 1.999816 Math::BigInt::FastCalc 0.5008 Math::BigInt::Lib 1.999816 Math::BigInt::Trace 0.51 Math::BigRat 0.2614 Math::Complex 1.5901 Math::Trig 1.23 Memoize 1.03_01 Memoize::AnyDBM_File 1.03 Memoize::Expire 1.03 Memoize::ExpireFile 1.03 Memoize::ExpireTest 1.03 Memoize::NDBM_File 1.03 Memoize::SDBM_File 1.03 Memoize::Storable 1.03 Module::CoreList 5.20190522 Module::CoreList::Utils 5.20190522 Module::Load 0.34 Module::Load::Conditional 0.68 Module::Loaded 0.08 Module::Metadata 1.000036 Moped::Msg 0.01 NDBM_File 1.15 NEXT 0.67_01 Net::Cmd 3.11 Net::Config 3.11 Net::Domain 3.11 Net::FTP 3.11 Net::FTP::A 3.11 Net::FTP::E 3.11 Net::FTP::I 3.11 Net::FTP::L 3.11 Net::FTP::dataconn 3.11 Net::NNTP 3.11 Net::Netrc 3.11 Net::POP3 3.11 Net::Ping 2.71 Net::SMTP 3.11 Net::Time 3.11 Net::hostent 1.02 Net::netent 1.01 Net::protoent 1.01 Net::servent 1.02 O 1.03 ODBM_File 1.16 OS2::DLL 1.07 OS2::ExtAttr 0.04 OS2::PrfDB 0.04 OS2::Process 1.12 OS2::REXX 1.05 Opcode 1.43 POSIX 1.88 Params::Check 0.38 Parse::CPAN::Meta 2.150010 Perl::OSType 1.010 PerlIO 1.10 PerlIO::encoding 0.27 PerlIO::mmap 0.016 PerlIO::scalar 0.30 PerlIO::via 0.17 PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint 0.08 Pod::Checker 1.73 Pod::Escapes 1.07 Pod::Find 1.63 Pod::Functions 1.13 Pod::Functions::Functions 1.13 Pod::Html 1.24 Pod::InputObjects 1.63 Pod::Man 4.11 Pod::ParseLink 4.11 Pod::ParseUtils 1.63 Pod::Parser 1.63 Pod::Perldoc 3.2801 Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo 3.28 Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO 3.28 Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI 3.28 Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker 3.28 Pod::Perldoc::ToMan 3.28 Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff 3.28 Pod::Perldoc::ToPod 3.28 Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf 3.28 Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm 3.28 Pod::Perldoc::ToText 3.28 Pod::Perldoc::ToTk 3.28 Pod::Perldoc::ToXml 3.28 Pod::PlainText 2.07 Pod::Select 1.63 Pod::Simple 3.35 Pod::Simple::BlackBox 3.35 Pod::Simple::Checker 3.35 Pod::Simple::Debug 3.35 Pod::Simple::DumpAsText 3.35 Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML 3.35 Pod::Simple::HTML 3.35 Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch 3.35 Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy 5.01 Pod::Simple::LinkSection 3.35 Pod::Simple::Methody 3.35 Pod::Simple::Progress 3.35 Pod::Simple::PullParser 3.35 Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken 3.35 Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken 3.35 Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken 3.35 Pod::Simple::PullParserToken 3.35 Pod::Simple::RTF 3.35 Pod::Simple::Search 3.35 Pod::Simple::SimpleTree 3.35 Pod::Simple::Text 3.35 Pod::Simple::TextContent 3.35 Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH 3.35 Pod::Simple::Transcode 3.35 Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb 3.35 Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart 3.35 Pod::Simple::XHTML 3.35 Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream 3.35 Pod::Text 4.11 Pod::Text::Color 4.11 Pod::Text::Overstrike 4.11 Pod::Text::Termcap 4.11 Pod::Usage 1.69 SDBM_File 1.15 Safe 2.40 Scalar::Util 1.50 Search::Dict 1.07 SelectSaver 1.02 SelfLoader 1.25 Socket 2.027 Storable 3.15 Sub::Util 1.50 Symbol 1.08 Sys::Hostname 1.22 Sys::Syslog 0.35 Sys::Syslog::Win32 TAP::Base 3.42 TAP::Formatter::Base 3.42 TAP::Formatter::Color 3.42 TAP::Formatter::Console 3.42 TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession 3.42 TAP::Formatter::Console::Session 3.42 TAP::Formatter::File 3.42 TAP::Formatter::File::Session 3.42 TAP::Formatter::Session 3.42 TAP::Harness 3.42 TAP::Harness::Env 3.42 TAP::Object 3.42 TAP::Parser 3.42 TAP::Parser::Aggregator 3.42 TAP::Parser::Grammar 3.42 TAP::Parser::Iterator 3.42 TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array 3.42 TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process 3.42 TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream 3.42 TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory 3.42 TAP::Parser::Multiplexer 3.42 TAP::Parser::Result 3.42 TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout 3.42 TAP::Parser::Result::Comment 3.42 TAP::Parser::Result::Plan 3.42 TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma 3.42 TAP::Parser::Result::Test 3.42 TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown 3.42 TAP::Parser::Result::Version 3.42 TAP::Parser::Result::YAML 3.42 TAP::Parser::ResultFactory 3.42 TAP::Parser::Scheduler 3.42 TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job 3.42 TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner 3.42 TAP::Parser::Source 3.42 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler 3.42 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable 3.42 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File 3.42 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle 3.42 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl 3.42 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP 3.42 TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader 3.42 TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer 3.42 Term::ANSIColor 4.06 Term::Cap 1.17 Term::Complete 1.403 Term::ReadLine 1.17 Test 1.31 Test2 1.302162 Test2::API 1.302162 Test2::API::Breakage 1.302162 Test2::API::Context 1.302162 Test2::API::Instance 1.302162 Test2::API::Stack 1.302162 Test2::Event 1.302162 Test2::Event::Bail 1.302162 Test2::Event::Diag 1.302162 Test2::Event::Encoding 1.302162 Test2::Event::Exception 1.302162 Test2::Event::Fail 1.302162 Test2::Event::Generic 1.302162 Test2::Event::Note 1.302162 Test2::Event::Ok 1.302162 Test2::Event::Pass 1.302162 Test2::Event::Plan 1.302162 Test2::Event::Skip 1.302162 Test2::Event::Subtest 1.302162 Test2::Event::TAP::Version 1.302162 Test2::Event::V2 1.302162 Test2::Event::Waiting 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::About 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::Amnesty 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::Assert 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::Control 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::Error 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::Hub 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::Info 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::Info::Table Test2::EventFacet::Meta 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::Parent 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::Plan 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::Render 1.302162 Test2::EventFacet::Trace 1.302162 Test2::Formatter 1.302162 Test2::Formatter::TAP 1.302162 Test2::Hub 1.302162 Test2::Hub::Interceptor 1.302162 Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator 1.302162 Test2::Hub::Subtest 1.302162 Test2::IPC 1.302162 Test2::IPC::Driver 1.302162 Test2::IPC::Driver::Files 1.302162 Test2::Tools::Tiny 1.302162 Test2::Util 1.302162 Test2::Util::ExternalMeta 1.302162 Test2::Util::Facets2Legacy 1.302162 Test2::Util::HashBase 1.302162 Test2::Util::Trace 1.302162 Test::Builder 1.302162 Test::Builder::Formatter 1.302162 Test::Builder::IO::Scalar 2.114 Test::Builder::Module 1.302162 Test::Builder::Tester 1.302162 Test::Builder::Tester::Color 1.302162 Test::Builder::TodoDiag 1.302162 Test::Harness 3.42 Test::More 1.302162 Test::Simple 1.302162 Test::Tester 1.302162 Test::Tester::Capture 1.302162 Test::Tester::CaptureRunner 1.302162 Test::Tester::Delegate 1.302162 Test::use::ok 1.302162 Text::Abbrev 1.02 Text::Balanced 2.03 Text::ParseWords 3.30 Text::Tabs 2013.0523 Text::Wrap 2013.0523 Thread 3.04 Thread::Queue 3.13 Thread::Semaphore 2.13 Tie::Array 1.07 Tie::File 1.02 Tie::Handle 4.2 Tie::Hash 1.05 Tie::Hash::NamedCapture 0.10 Tie::Memoize 1.1 Tie::RefHash 1.39 Tie::Scalar 1.04 Tie::StdHandle 4.5 Tie::SubstrHash 1.00 Time::HiRes 1.9760 Time::Local 1.28 Time::Piece 1.33 Time::Seconds 1.33 Time::gmtime 1.04 Time::localtime 1.03 Time::tm 1.00 UNIVERSAL 1.13 Unicode 12.1.0 Unicode::Collate 1.27 Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5 1.27 Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312 1.27 Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208 1.27 Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean 1.27 Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin 1.27 Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke 1.27 Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin 1.27 Unicode::Collate::Locale 1.27 Unicode::Normalize 1.26 Unicode::UCD 0.72 User::grent 1.03 User::pwent 1.01 VMS::DCLsym 1.09 VMS::Filespec 1.12 VMS::Stdio 2.44 Win32 0.52 Win32API::File 0.1203 Win32API::File::inc::ExtUtils::Myconst2perl 1 Win32CORE 0.04 XS::APItest 1.00 XS::Typemap 0.17 XSLoader 0.30 _charnames 1.45 attributes 0.33 autodie 2.29 autodie::Scope::Guard 2.29 autodie::Scope::GuardStack 2.29 autodie::Util 2.29 autodie::exception 2.29002 autodie::exception::system 2.29 autodie::hints 2.29001 autodie::skip 2.29 autouse 1.11 base 2.27 bigint 0.51 bignum 0.51 bigrat 0.51 blib 1.07 bytes 1.07 charnames 1.45 constant 1.33 deprecate 0.04 diagnostics 1.36 encoding 2.22 encoding::warnings 0.13 experimental 0.020 feature 1.54 fields 2.24 filetest 1.03 if 0.0608 integer 1.01 less 0.03 lib 0.65 locale 1.09 meta_notation mro 1.22 ok 1.302162 open 1.11 ops 1.02 overload 1.30 overload::numbers overloading 0.02 parent 0.237 perlfaq 5.20190126 re 0.37 sigtrap 1.09 sort 2.04 strict 1.11 subs 1.03 threads 2.22 threads::shared 1.60 unicore::Name utf8 1.22 vars 1.05 version 0.9924 version::regex 0.9924 vmsish 1.04 warnings 1.44 warnings::register 1.04 Back to top |
Looks like I may have left out an important point. The comment #0 scripts I "installed" from upstream to /usr/local/bin/. Attempting installation from Fedora repos produces 42 packages to be installed, among which 24 perl-* packages to add to the 18 already installed:
:: Code :: # dnf install inxi
Last metadata expiration check: 0:04:05 ago on Sat 08 Feb 2020 04:24:27 PM EST. Dependencies resolved. ================================================================================ Package Arch Version Repository Size ================================================================================ Installing: inxi noarch 3.0.37-1.fc31 updates 276 k Installing dependencies: bind-libs x86_64 32:9.11.14-2.fc31 updates 93 k bind-libs-lite x86_64 32:9.11.14-2.fc31 updates 1.1 M bind-license noarch 32:9.11.14-2.fc31 updates 20 k bind-utils x86_64 32:9.11.14-2.fc31 updates 234 k dmidecode x86_64 1:3.2-3.fc31 fedora 88 k freeipmi x86_64 1.6.4-1.fc31 fedora 2.1 M fstrm x86_64 0.5.0-1.fc31 updates 27 k hddtemp x86_64 0.3-0.43.beta15.fc31 fedora 59 k ipmitool x86_64 1.8.18-15.fc31 fedora 395 k lm_sensors x86_64 3.5.0-6.fc31 fedora 135 k lm_sensors-libs x86_64 3.5.0-6.fc31 fedora 45 k pciutils x86_64 3.6.2-3.fc31 fedora 95 k pciutils-libs x86_64 3.6.2-3.fc31 fedora 41 k perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS x86_64 4.12-2.fc31 fedora 146 k perl-Digest noarch 1.17-439.fc31 fedora 24 k perl-Digest-MD5 x86_64 2.55-439.fc31 fedora 36 k perl-Encode x86_64 4:3.02-440.fc31 updates 1.8 M perl-Getopt-Long noarch 1:2.51-1.fc31 fedora 60 k perl-HTTP-Tiny noarch 0.076-439.fc31 fedora 55 k perl-IO-Socket-IP noarch 0.39-440.fc31 fedora 42 k perl-JSON-XS x86_64 1:4.02-3.fc31 fedora 110 k perl-MIME-Base64 x86_64 3.15-439.fc31 fedora 30 k perl-Pod-Escapes noarch 1:1.07-439.fc31 fedora 20 k perl-Pod-Perldoc noarch 3.28.01-442.fc31 fedora 85 k perl-Pod-Simple noarch 1:3.39-2.fc31 fedora 214 k perl-Pod-Usage noarch 4:1.69-439.fc31 fedora 32 k perl-Storable x86_64 1:3.15-442.fc31 updates 97 k perl-Term-ANSIColor noarch 4.06-440.fc31 fedora 44 k perl-Term-Cap noarch 1.17-439.fc31 fedora 22 k perl-Text-ParseWords noarch 3.30-439.fc31 fedora 16 k perl-Time-Local noarch 2:1.300-1.fc31 updates 34 k perl-Types-Serialiser noarch 1.0-17.fc31 fedora 20 k perl-XML-Dumper noarch 0.81-35.fc31 fedora 25 k perl-XML-Parser x86_64 2.44-17.fc31 fedora 233 k perl-common-sense x86_64 3.7.4-13.fc31 fedora 31 k perl-libnet noarch 3.11-440.fc31 fedora 117 k perl-podlators noarch 1:4.12-2.fc31 fedora 113 k protobuf-c x86_64 1.3.1-3.fc31 fedora 35 k usbutils x86_64 012-3.fc31 fedora 118 k usermode x86_64 1.112-5.fc31 fedora 175 k wmctrl x86_64 1.07-27.fc31 fedora 35 k Transaction Summary ================================================================================ Install 42 Packages Total download size: 8.3 M Installed size: 33 M Is this ok [y/N]: It seems like the rpm version would be unlikely to fail to run, so a bug report about any missing perl base package would likely be dismissed. Do you disagree? Back to top |
These are packaging bugs and problems, they have nothing to do with inxi or pinxi.
If you install inxi on any other distribution, assuming it has perl 5 installed, that is the end of it (with one exception, puppy linux slackware based has a stripped down perl set). Any further issues you experience on fedora are direct outcomes of decisions redhat corporation made in terms of not including core modules when they should include them, and have nothing to do with me, nor can I fix them for you, inxi is designed to respect perl and core modules, and NEVER to require any module that is outside of core modules. It further uses the absolute minimum possible within the Core Modules set to still work, I NEVER add a module unless there is really no other good way to do it. If distros decide to randomly remove core modules then that is their problem, and their user's problems, I cannot fix that issue for you, nor honestly does it interest me, what distros do or don't do is outside of my control so I only worry about what I can control, which is respecting the integrity of the perl core module set of modules, and not requiring anything outside of that. I prefer distros that do not make those choices, so that reflects of course what distro I use in general, but that's outside this scope, so it doesn't really matter. I suggest you file a bug report with the relevant packager, first of all, inxi doesn't use more than I think 13total perl modules, a few of which are optional. It uses 7 optional modules, and most of those are only relevant if you are using that exact specific feature of inxi. 3 of them I believe are not needed if you have curl and dig installed, which every system should in general have installed. Yes, I counted, 6 modules, all from Perl Core Modules, are required. One further one is useful but hardly required, and inxi runs fine without it, it's a debugger timer tool, that one is not always available in all module sets for perl, and the timer feature it uses is really only needed for me and a few others who might do real heavy debugging. In almost no circumstances would most users ever need more than 8 of the 13 modules, with 6 being required modules. Unless they don't have curl/dig installed, if they don't, that adds 3 modules, but that's just a choice a user makes, nothing else. Any other issues you see with package installs have nothing to do with me or inxi, sorry. In other words, inxi only needs 6 modules to run, and the very most you can use for inxi is 13, but nobody actually needs those unless they want to only run pure perl and skip curl and dig. 2 of those optional ones are only needed if you export to json or xml, and you only need one of those since nobody is going to export to both, they will export to the one they want to export to. Good luck, sorry I can't help you fix the choices redhat made re perl, I do the very utmost I can to minimize module use, but I'm not going to cripple inxi/pinxi just to make it run when people decide to remove core modules, that's just a mistake as far as I'm concerned, which I could help you here, but that's about it. Back to top |
While I totally don't care at all about specifics of fedora/redhat packaging of perl, I would note that some modules may depend on other ones, and when you are worried about more packages being installed, that may simply be because perl and fedora need to pull in more of the removed core modules to work. That's why you don't remove core modules, of course, in the first place.
But check out the list I posted for perl 5.030, do a cross check, don't ask me to do it, because I do not care, but you can see which of the packages you listed are core modules, then what you are actually seeing is simply perl and fedora trying to correct the missing core modules, which should never have been removed in the first place. There's a reason perl calls the 'core', removing core components is rarely a good idea. You'll notice that the list of core modules is really big, and I am sure some of them depend on each other behind the scenes, don't know for sure, but that's my assumption. Back to top |
I really don't care about Fedora packaging either. I'm a multi-multi-booter, so only the upstream version in /usr/local/bin/ makes sense. I didn't know whether the problem encountered was Fedora's or inxi's, which is why starting the thread here. I had the idea some mention about Fedora's problem in the installation instructions might be appropriate. I started to report a bug anyway, but first tested on two other PCs with F31. Neither failed to run pinxi, so I decided against the report.
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Re fedora, I don't follow them, don't use rpm based distro, was cured of that maybe in 2002 or so, and routinely thereafter when running it for testing purposes. IBM (I think it's ibm) owns redhat, it's a corporate OS, I don't care about corporate OS'es, they are what they are, but what they are does not interest me, their problem set is not my problem set, and their solutions do not have anything to do with my needs from what I can see. That's why I don't use corporate software in general, or corporate operating systems, I never viewed the main issue with windows or osx as based on free or non free software, I viewed it as based on corporate controlled or not corporate controlled, and the only non corporate controlled option out there is a BSD or GNU/Linux, and BSDs are largely dead in the water, only useful for servers etc, not desktops.
If the issue did not repeat in fedora 31, they may have made a packaging error, no idea. Or you could have installed a package that ended up actually pulling in the missing perl modules, or fedora 31 could be shipping with them. That's why I don't bother following specific distros, I follow Perl, and if distros stray from the core modules, that's their problem, I can't solve it. perl knows what they are doing, they have been at it a long time, and the best thing distros can do is respect that and not mess around. I can tell you with 100% certainty, the problem was NOT inxi, inxi is designed to run on any properly configured operating system that runs either bsd or linux, and it's designed to work fully and completely only on linux, because bsd has almost no reporting tools that produce usable output. A core inxi requirement, it's primary mission, if you will, is to run on anything, from any era, with an exception if the distro decides to remove core perl modules, then that's not my problem. the only advantage old inxi had, the bash/gawk version, literally the only one, was the only requirement was actually bash and gawk, but working with those is enough to drive a sane person insane, and an insane person to weird places nobody should ever go. But it did literally run on anything, just very slowly. But that will never, ever, be returned, because working with those shell script tools and trying to make them act like real languages is horrifying in the deepest sense of the word. Back to top |
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