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This is commonly repeatable on various openSUSE installations, but not on Buster. When it happens, it will continue for hours or days, maybe even weeks, after which it will work again for an unpredictable number of hours, days or weeks.
:: Code ::
# which inxi
# which pinxi
# rpm -qa | egrep -i 'curl|wget|inxi'
# inxi -b
System:    Host: gx320 Kernel: 5.0.13-1-default x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: KDE 3.5.10 Distro: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20190510
Info:      Processes: 153 Uptime: N/A Memory: 1.91 GiB used: 248.8 MiB (12.7%) Shell: bash inxi: 3.0.34
# pinxi -b
System:    Host: gx320 Kernel: 5.0.13-1-default x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: KDE 3.5.10 Distro: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20190510
Info:      Processes: 154 Uptime: N/A Memory: 1.91 GiB used: 248.8 MiB (12.7%) Shell: bash pinxi: 3.0.33-6
# inxi -U
Starting inxi self updater.
Using curl as downloader.
Currently running inxi version number: 3.0.34
Current version patch number: 00
Current version release date: 2019-04-30
Updating inxi in /usr/local/bin using main branch as download source...
Error 33: Error downloading file with curl:
Error: main branch
# pinxi -U
Starting pinxi self updater.
Using curl as downloader.
Currently running pinxi version number: 3.0.33
Current version patch number: 06
Current version release date: 2019-04-28
Updating pinxi in /usr/local/bin using inxi-perl branch as download source...
Error 33: Error downloading file with curl:
Error: inxi-perl branch

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Another PC, and I remembered --dbg 1:
:: Code ::
# which inxi
# which pinxi
# rpm -qa | egrep -i 'curl|wget|inxi|ssl'
openssl-1_1-1.1.0i-lp150.3.22.3.x86_64# inxi -b
# inxi -b
System:    Host: gx78b Kernel: 4.12.14-lp150.12.58-default x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: Trinity R14.0.6 Distro: openSUSE Leap 15.0
Info:      Processes: 157 Uptime: N/A Memory: 3.72 GiB used: 408.2 MiB (10.7%) Shell: bash inxi: 3.0.34
# pinxi -b
System:    Host: gx78b Kernel: 4.12.14-lp150.12.58-default x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: Trinity R14.0.6 Distro: openSUSE Leap 15.0
Info:      Processes: 158 Uptime: N/A Memory: 3.72 GiB used: 408.3 MiB (10.7%) Shell: bash pinxi: 3.0.33-6
# inxi -U
Starting inxi self updater.
Using curl as downloader.
Currently running inxi version number: 3.0.34
Current version patch number: 00
Current version release date: 2019-04-30
Updating inxi in /usr/local/bin using main branch as download source...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here:

curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
Downloader Data:
curl    -y 4  -L  ""
Result: Download resulted in null data!
Error 33: Error downloading file with curl:
Error: main branch
# pinxi -U
Starting pinxi self updater.
Using curl as downloader.
Currently running pinxi version number: 3.0.33
Current version patch number: 06
Current version release date: 2019-04-28
Updating pinxi in /usr/local/bin using inxi-perl branch as download source...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here:

curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
Downloader Data:
curl    -y 4  -L  ""
Result: Download resulted in null data!
Error 33: Error downloading file with curl:
Error: inxi-perl branch
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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So OpenSuse has a bug with either their ssl libraries or curl? How is inxi supposed to correct that?

To override the ssl checks, use --no-ssl option.

You should report this curl issue to opensuse so they can fix it.

The error is clear enough, so it's not like there's a confusion about why the download failed.

Obviously the error will repeat with inxi and pinxi since they are the same internally when it comes to all the logic. pinxi just has new features and test stuff running in it for next inxi.

To confirm or deny it's a curl only issue, do:

inxi -U --downloader wget --dbg 1

You can also then try: inxi -U --dbg 1 --downloader perl

which will use the native perl downloaders, which if they fail, you know for sure the problem/bugs are in opensuse ssl somewhere or other.

if that works, the issue is specific to opensuse's curl or ssl libraries, if it also fails with certificate checks, then the problem is in the opensuse ssl libraries.

You should create a simple test case, not using inxi, with a normal curl download from say, the github inxi, then give the opensuse maintainers the information so they can fix the issue.

If nobody can confirm this test case outside of your network, then the issue is probably as I initially suspected, somewhere between your LAN and your ISP. Obviously nobody can diagnose that one for you since it's specific to you.

The fact this happens intermittently has, again, nothing to do with inxi, it's running the same logic every time, so that issue is going to be found elsewhere, way out of any scope I can help you with. If it's truly intermittent, but only with opensuse, that's basically in the category of you have to figure out what is going on in your network and your installs, if it's truly opensuse caused, or if it's your ISP/LAN/Networking boxes glitching, again, totally outside of inxi support scope. The fact such problems are hard and not fun to diagnose does not then translate to expecting me to solve them for you.

You've basically verified that this is an opensuse (or your LAN, or ISP) issue so there's little reason to pursue other avenues not related to opensuse packaging or bugs re curl/ssl. Maybe certificates failed to update, maybe they are old, who knows. But old certificates will keep failing until updated, so if they fail, then work, it's not old certificates.

You're basically insisting on looking at the wrong place for the problems, when the right place is suggested strongly by your error messages.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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Just to be clear, you are wasting your time focusing on inxi, this has nothing at all to do with inxi. Every second you spend looking at inxi prevents you from finding the cause in your systems. The cause is in your systems, to be clear. I'm not going to try to guess if it's an opensuse issue or if it's your lan, or if it's how you set up opensuse to talk to your lan, none of this has a thing to do with inxi.

The best way to get support is to remove all externals from it, find a clean test case that trips the problem, like a direct curl command, which the inxi debugger gave you, so just run that full command on the command line and use that to ask for help on opensuse or other forums. If you refer to inxi, you just cloud the issue and make help less likely, but if you give the right curl or wget commands, with the full output, it's possible someone out there can help you. Not me, but someone.

I already know I can't help your case because it's totally unrelated to inxi, the major benefit of this problem was adding in --dbg 1 for all users, which was a nice touch, this gives them to the tools they need to diagnose the real problem.

networking problems, and in particular intermittent networking problems, are not fun to solve, but you are making it MUCH harder on yourself by continuing to believe these issues have anything to do with inxi.

You might even have a failing disk or something, that is intermittently losing part of the ssl certificate store, who knows?

Test your stuff, start removing variables, and you may eventually solve this downloader issue, but if you keep focusing on inxi, you will almost certainly never solve it.

Note that debian working and opensuse not working itself may be a red herring if it's an intermittently failing disk issue, but if you can find no other opensuse users reporting certificate failures from curl downloads, then it's much more likely this issue is specific to your circumstances, at which point, it's up to you to figure out what is going on.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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just search this issue, all kinds of results.

it's really not very hard, if you as I said spend zero time on causes it cannot be, like inxi, and all your time on the error inxi showed you from curl, one google is all it takes.

:: Quote ::
Curl Error 60 on official HTTPS repo · Issue #776 · SUSE/kiwi · GitHub
Jul 7, 2018 - ... (curl) error for ' ... code: Curl error 60 Error message: SSL certificate problem: unable to get ...
curl -L not working on openSUSE Issue with Certificate - Unix ...
2 answers
Nov 17, 2016 - If you're ok with not verifying the remote certificate and you just want to download the tarball, you can use the "insecure connection" flag ( -k or ...
opensuse - Protocol SSL is not working with Curl
6 answers
Jan 31, 2019
repository - How do I give trust to a self-signed ...
3 answers
Feb 6, 2017
opensuse - “unable to get local issuer certificate” and ...
1 answer
Oct 20, 2016
suse - How do I install a system-wide SSL certificate ...
4 answers
Jul 10, 2014
More results from
zypper commands return "SSL certificate problem: unable to ... - SuSE
May 16, 2018 - The issue is caused by a missing symbolic link on the SLES 12 client. Manually adding the necessary symbolic link should resolve the problem.
get Curl error 35(SSL error) in update - openSUSE Forums
Feb 16, 2018 - Download (curl) error for '': Error code: Curl error 35 Error message: ...

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In the process of trying to report an openSUSE bug about this, I may have stumbled onto the reason for failing. On 15.1 host gx78b, I was consistently getting the failures. I compared its installed *cert* packages with another host's where -U worked, and found python3-certifi on gx78b was not installed. After installing python3-certifi, inxi -U and pinxi -U both succeeded.
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Installing python3-certifi on openSUSE 15.0 brings with it ca-certificates-mozilla, libpython3_6m1_0 & python3-base, 34.5MiB.
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On 15.2Alpha, installing python3-certifi pulls in 6 other packages. Since I have no mozilla products installed, I blocked ca-certificates-mozilla and proceeded to install python3-certifi and the other 5 deps, including ca-certificates. Afterward, pinxi -U still failed. Dependencies and/or package naming seem must be wrong somewhere that updating [p]inxi requires something with mozilla in its name. :p
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I would consider looking in a different place for your errors, -U NEVER fails unless certificates are obsolete, and any modern desktop should not have obsolete certificates.

If opensuse is making this way too difficult, you should file a bug report, this has NOTHING to do with inxi, absolutely nothing.

This is Curl or Wget, or Perl, depending, having obsolute certificates.

I've never had to deal with anything even remotely like your issues on any system, so you're looking in the wrong places.

Again, forget about inxi, just ignore it. This has NOTHING to do with inxi, zero.

Don't make debugging your ssl issues harder by inserting inxi into the mix, I've already said this repeatedly.

Make a test case with wget or curl so that you can show the bug to opensuse people, you are totally wasting your time here because there IS NO BUG!! LOL. I don't use opensuse, I can't help with opensuse problems, inxi is in opensuse, and this issue is not connected to anything inxi specific.

If you keep focusing on what is not the problem, inxi, you cannot hand a dev or maintainer a usable bug report, find a case where curl or wget failis, use github as the url, use inxi github direct download, so the devs can reproduce this issue, but I don't know why you keep posting about an issue that is a problem with your own install, or with opensuse, you have to file the issue where it matters, it does not matter here, nothing will change because there is no bug as far as inxi is concerned, the -U failing means inxi is working correctly, it used a tool to download, the download returned error, and inxi reported failure. this is what is supposed to happen.
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