Kernel option "CONFIG_X86_SPEEDSTEP_CENTRINO=m" for phc-intel
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Can this "CONFIG_X86_SPEEDSTEP_CENTRINO=m" option be enabled? I'm using phc-intel undervolting utility for a long time, the latest liquorix kernel with above option was 4.8.0-17.2-liquorix-amd64 (the previous a 3.18 only). A Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Quad/Extreme Mobile CPUs (centrino speed-step) are so far fast enougth.
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The only reason I would not enable SPEEDSTEP_CENTRINO at this point is it's marked as deprecated, and enabling it may require someone who doesn't need it to change their system to use acpi-cpufreq like everyone else.

Have you thought about using the acpi-cpufreq patches as a DKMS module here?

I would also be interested in merging these patches into zen-kernel, but I'm more worried about the instability it would create for users that aren't interested in customizing their voltages. As far as maintaining the patch set, Dirk seems to be doing a good job updating them, so that doesn't look to be an issue.
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Yes, the phc-intel is a DKMS module in /lib/modules/blablakernel/updates. I don't know other way how to use it, if I understood Your question right. The utility looks like very stable and doesn't affect other kind of CPUs, no any problems for many years. There were some Ubuntu kernels patched a some years ago. The utility/patch (phc-intel) works for centrino based Intel CPUs only. I'm using cpufrequtils too.
There were lots of good liquorED LTS kernels what I can't use with this: # CONFIG_X86_SPEEDSTEP_CENTRINO is not set
I found an antiX kernels are doing same way, so they are useless for me too, so can use such configured kernels on non centrino machines. In the moment I'm using some Univention (Wheezy) and SteamOS (Jessie) 4.1 or 4.14 kernels.
To create a .deb package is as easy as possible, look in one of phc-intel-pack-revXX.tar.bz2
Links to examples for my CPUs are: [link] [link]
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