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Error 34 - Missing Warning Section File: status_t
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Hello all,

I have read the mention in the FAQ about this error saying the problem should be on my end, but I tried with another internet connection without luck. Is there anyway to bypass this? My internet is working just fine otherwise. Thanks a lot!
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This is probably the broken wget issue, smxi should have installed curl when starting to work around that problem.

Otherwise I can't say.
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Alright, thanks for your time! Managed to install sgfxi so it's all good. Thanks for the good work btw
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The current version of wget in Debian is STILL broken even after the upstream had it fixed quite a while ago.

Basically smxi works around that by installing curl, or trying to, the first time it runs. However, this only works on a fresh smxi install, otherwise you have to manually install curl, then upgrade smxi manually like:

:: Code ::
cd /usr/local/bin; rm smxi; wget; chmod +x smxi

sgfxi will also try to install curl if it's missing I believe now to work around this huge wget bug.
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I get a downloader error from sgfxi even after compiling the newest wget and putting it in my /usr/bin.

Curl is already installed. Will try manually updating smxi.
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Well, that didn't work. The command to download smxi worked fine, but neither smxi or sgfxi can get anything from the internet. Obviously my internet works fine since I'm sending this right now.
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I've actually had problems with wget refusing to download a file because of a bad certificate. I wonder if this is the problem?

I had to use

wget --no-certificate-check

Just had a related problem:

sgfxi works now.

Maybe it should check for missing certificates before trying wget?

Every once in a while maybe the certificates change or go missing, not sure what happened. Maybe this is why the problem only happens every few months or so and has been hard to debug.
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I really can't say, to me debian totally dropped the ball on this wget / certificate stuff, the time between the original wget bugs being reported AND FIXED and those being in Debian was far far far far too long, totally inexcusable for such a serious bug/failure. This suggests to me that the old packagers might not be around anymore, or might have no time, whatever, because I have never seen Debian have these types of problems in the past.

Of course, did move to https some time ago, but that should be automatic, if debian is not updating their certificates properly, that's a problem, but then again, if smxi needs to update certificates for https to work, which is possible, then that's another issue which might require a pre test, but that's hard to do.

I do know the certs I got for are 2 year duration, so it's not like they are going to be running out every 90 days.
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I think my certificates have a tendency to go missing every once in a while for some reason, and then I get a bunch of errors without knowing why. Eventually ca-certificates gets updated and the problem goes away. So I don't think it is something that only happens when the server certificates change.
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run all of these, see if one fails, then paste in the failed message. I can't solve stuff that I can't reproduce, none of my systems have ever had this issue, and I've only in the most rare and odd networking cases ever found situations where this stuff doesn't work. Note that did move to https some year or so ago, which means certificates are involved, but I just don't see these problems.

:: Code ::

f=$(curl;echo "$f"
f=$(curl;echo "$f"
f=$(curl;echo "$f"
f=$(curl;echo "$f"
f=$(curl;echo "$f"
f=$(curl;echo "$f"

f=$(wget -O -;echo "$f"
f=$(wget -O -;echo "$f"
f=$(wget -O -;echo "$f"
f=$(wget -O -;echo "$f"
f=$(wget -O -;echo "$f"
f=$(wget -O -;echo "$f"

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