Trying to install latest kernel amd64 on debian 9 jessie
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Hello folks,

I tried to install it using tutorials over internet, none of them worked. Even using synaptic manager when I click on the latest kernel avaiable for amd64 is says that can't get another libraries necessary
I'm getting the following errors when using
:: Code ::
root@paulopc:/etc# apt-get install linux-image-liquorix-amd64 linux-headers-liquorix-amd64
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências       
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
E: Impossível encontrar o pacote linux-image-liquorix-amd64
E: Impossível encontrar o pacote linux-headers-liquorix-amd64

"E: Impossível encontrar o pacote linux-image-liquorix-amd64
E: Impossível encontrar o pacote linux-headers-liquorix-amd64" means Impossible to find package

Already updated the source.list

:: Code ::
  GNU nano 2.7.4           Arquivo: /etc/apt/sources.list                       


# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 9.3.0 _Stretch_ - Official amd64 NETINST 20171209$

# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 9.3.0 _Stretch_ - Official amd64 NETINST 20171209$

deb stretch main
deb-src stretch main

deb stretch/updates main
deb-src stretch/updates main

# stretch-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb stretch-updates main
deb stretch main contrib non-free
# deb-src deb stretch main contrib non-free
deb-src stretch-updates main
deb sid main

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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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Please read that thread. Stevenpusser is maintaining a branch for frozen distros like Debian Jesse.

You cannot install a sid kernel on jessie, but steve's repackaging of liquorix will let you run liquorix kernels.

Give feedback to steve because he's the one doing that part of the project.

Make sure to remove from repo list, then run apt-get update again to clear apt of that data, then follow the steps to add steve's liquorix kernels.
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thank you for helping me

I followed all his instructions in the topic. I was able to install it but when booting it I got the following message in my screen
[new user link]:

it means that something wrong has happened.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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The image isn't helpful since there's no way to know what is creating it.

Does the system boot then show that image?

That image doesn't come from any kernel I know of, so it's unclear what is creating it, so for debugging purposes it is not useful.

Does the system boot? I mean, do all the lights blink, the hard disk run, and the normal boot messages show, then that message shows?

If so, it's simply a driver issue for video, probably, if not, then I can't say anything further since there is no real data.

Show to start:

inxi -bxxx

here so we can at least see what your system is.
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From the repositories, it appears that the OP actually is using Stretch, not Jessie.

His image is from the GNOME 3 startup screen, which requires 3D acceleration from the video driver, so something went wrong with the build for the new kernel. The Nvidia driver in Stretch won't build on the 4.14 kernel, so I recently backported the patched one from upstream Debian to MX 17, and it works on my Optimus laptop.

That driver update is also in my backport OBS repo along with the kernels, so it would appear as an update if the user has the Debian version installed. But it all depends what hardware, drivers, etc. that the OP has. They'd just need to rerun sgfxi again for the new kernel again if they installed the driver that way, for example.
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Thank you for helping me.

Yes I'm running Debian Strech. I have a GTX 1060, using nvidia's proprietary software. So can you help me, where do I get these files?
I don't know how to show the log file containing these errors on boot time.

Ryzen 1700
ddr4 3000 corsair
nvidia gtx1060 6gb
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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You aren't providing meaningful information. This makes it very difficult to help you.

1. how did you install your nvidia driver, specifically?
2. WHICH nvidia driver did you install?
3. how did you uninstall the previous drivers?

As steve notes, he has repackaged the nvidia driver in his repo for current nvidia and his liquorix kernels, so you have to be very specific and not be random or vague when it comes to non ambiguous technical information.

sgfxi you install by installing it, it does all the cleanup and then gets the nvidia driver from nvidia and installs it.

Steve's nvidia driver, as he said, is packaged by him, so you'd install it with apt after removing any existing nvidia drivers manually.

however, since the process of trying to walk or talk someone through the required cleanup steps is impossible to do time after time, sgfxi was designed to automate these tasks mostly.
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