Latest 4.12.14-2 update breaks Teamviewer12
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Im not really 100% sure but the latest update seems to break TV12. Uninstalled and reinstalled from software installer and TV12 wont open at all. Manjaro cinnamon 17 OS.

I can get more info later when Im home.

Anyone else having the same problem?.

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The only thing changed on 4.12.0-14.2 are that I merged in the latest updates for BFQ-SQ/MQ, otherwise it's completely identical. Maybe the only other thing that could have changed is the GCC-6 toolkit in Debian Testing has a bad patch, but that's wildly unlikely.

I'd suspect more that a different change occurred on your system and it only became active after a reboot.

Can you confirm on a different kernel?
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Hi, thanks for replying.

I can try a stock kernel install in the weekend and reinstall.

I might try and sort out a log. Then I can get in the right direction instead of guessing.

Cheers again.

If the stock kernel sorts it i'll let you know. but i'll probably still reinstall Liqourix! haha.

:: damentz wrote ::
The only thing changed on 4.12.0-14.2 are that I merged in the latest updates for BFQ-SQ/MQ, otherwise it's completely identical. Maybe the only other thing that could have changed is the GCC-6 toolkit in Debian Testing has a bad patch, but that's wildly unlikely.

I'd suspect more that a different change occurred on your system and it only became active after a reboot.

Can you confirm on a different kernel?

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If you haven't figured this out yet, you need to downgrade lib32-freetype2 to 2.8-2-x86_64.
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I see that on the manjaro forum, so ive done it and now TV wont even install due to it needing the correct version of free2.

I think ill just wait till something is updated and go from there.

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