Problem building nvidia module with last xorg
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First of all' i apologize for typing mistake, having Lost X , I'm editing by cellular phone ...
Aptosid box, kernel 4.3.0, xserver-xorg:amd64 1:7.7+18, nvidia GT440. With today update sgfxi log file shows warning because server has a video driver ABI version of 23.0 not supported by this driver. Tryed with 340.96 (my default) and lattest, same result error and module not created.
Any hint to have X back ? Thank you .
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why are you running 4.3 and not a new kernel? As far as I know, the drivers in the 340 series will work on slightly older kernels, though of course I don't test that on every new driver release.

I believe GT440 is the stable current branch, not the legacy 340 branch though I'm not positive about that.

So what you'd do is this:


nothing else, just that. Whatever driver sgfxi selects for you is the driver you should use unless you know for a fact that there is something wrong with it or you want to try an older version or something.

sgfxi usually gets the device id correct, so the driver it selects is usually the right one for almost all users. 340.96 is an old driver, the current legacy is 340.98, not 96, so I have no idea where you found that one unless you used sgfxi just to try it.

If you are doing anything other than running sgfxi without any options you are probably making a mistake unless you know exactly what you are doing and why.

Note that I hadn't updated sgfxi to the new 375.20 driver, I just did that, and of course, sgfxi updates itself every time it runs so all you have to do is run it.
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Thanks, 375.20 driver solved the issue !

I was used to sgfxi -o 340.96 since about one year ago, when I found this driver was the only one working with my video card. That after a previous long period where sgfxi was always able to run fine .

For kernel, I'm not in favor to change it often, every new one there is a possible issue ... Anyway, usually I do not wait so much to update it before next "rest period" :-) .

Again thanks for the valuable hints and suggestions.

All the best.
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can't argue with your observations about new kernels heh. Patrick volkerding of slackware used to call running brand new kernels 'sucker kernels', as in, only suckers use them, since as you've noted, new kernels can and often do break things that were working before.

The 340 series is actually a legacy driver, I don't remember when it was branched off from current stable, might have been a year ago, but the newer drivers probably would have worked fine for your card for a while.

Your card, just for your information, is supported by the current main branch of the nvidia driver. The 340 is for legacy cards, I think g210, 8-7000 series? Yes, I checked the comments in sgfxi: 8/9xxx gt100-300 series is supported now by 340.xx series, your card is supported by the new series, though sometimes a specific card fails to work for a while for some reason. I have had that issue too now and then, but usually they do pretty good job of supporting the cards the driver is supposed to support, not always, however, as you discovered last year.

Generally when new drivers come out it's worth trying the new one with sgfxi before using the one that worked. The old ones will fail on newer kernels, of course, in most cases.

sgfxi stores the old downloaded drivers, so to reinstall it, all you have to do is run the -o option to force that option again, and it reuses the downloaded driver, which saves time. That makes testing a new driver pretty fast. When I have driver issues, I usually test the new drivers first to see if they are fixed, then if not, I just reinstall the previous driver that worked.

nvidia also has a good bug reporting tool that generates a zip file of debugger data you can use to post a bug report on nvidia forums, they are pretty good about checking those, and if you have used the latest driver for your card and that fails, filing a bug report actually does help solve the issue.
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