Liquorix package vs zen-kernel
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I am little confused about what is what exactly. My goal is to tweak configuration of a kernel a little to get usable kernel for pxe diskless boot. So I want to enable some options (nfsroot, many network card support) and I don't know what source I should use.

On liquorix website is config for 4.4 (latest) and then patches - so I download vanilla source of that version from, apply patches form liquorix and copy liquorix config for that version, correct?

OR, I will directly download from zen-kernel git (master is 4.5) and I would get already patched vanilla kernel - so the same result as: vanilla kernel + liquorix patch + liquorix config?

OR, is it better just download source package of liquorix kernel, tweak config and rebuild?

I am still a newbie to this kernel stuff, so, please, bear with me :)

Thank you
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Hi osp,

Liquorix is a snapshot of Zen at a specific time (of when the package was built), plus a distribution type configuration where as many modules are built for maximum hardware compatibility.

The way you build is entirely up to how it will be used. If you mean to use it with another Debian compatible distribution, getting the package source with "apt-get source" and rebuilding is your best bet. If it's not Debian based, you can get the patches and configuration from

There's also an AUR repository here if you're using Arch:

The patches apply directly to the base version of each kernel, so exactly v4.4, v4.3, etc, not v4.4.6 and the like.

And lastly, if you want to build for Debian/Ubuntu, using pbuilder-dist is the easiest way to do so. It's a lot of documentation, but Ubuntu's page covers it:
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Joined: 10 Dec 2013
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thank you so much for the link I had plan to use debootstrap and minimal install for rebuilding, this is certainly better way.
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