kernel panic: linux-image-4.4-4.dmz.1-liquorix-amd64 doesn't boot
linux-image-4.4-4.dmz.1-liquorix-amd64_4.4-12_amd64.deb doesn't boot my Debian Sid system,
ending in kernel panic. :: Code ::
inxi -b System: Host: debian Kernel: 4.4.4-towo.1-siduction-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: Xfce 4.12.0git-0013a33 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux stretch/sid Machine: System: Acer product: TravelMate 4530 v: V1.11 serial: LXTPN0C01491707B691601 Mobo: Acer model: Elgon serial: LXTPN0C01491707B691601 Bios: Acer v: V1.11 date: 08/06/2008 CPU: Dual core AMD Athlon X2 QL-64 (-MCP-) speed: 2100 MHz (max) Graphics: Card: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] RS780M [Mobility Radeon HD 3200] Display Server: driver: radeon tty size: 80x24 Advanced Data: N/A for root Network: Card-1: Ralink RT2790 Wireless 802.11n 1T/2R PCIe driver: rt2800pci Card-2: Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5764M Gigabit Ethernet PCIe driver: tg3 Drives: HDD Total Size: 250.1GB (41.3% used) Info: Processes: 172 Uptime: 15 min Memory: 648.4/3703.0MB Client: Shell (zsh) inxi: 2.2.34 Back to top |
Can you try the latest kernel, 4.4-4.dmz.2? I removed the stable queue patches that probably are causing the kernel panic you get. We'll wait for Greg to clean up the stable queue before we re-merge.
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