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Pinned this topic - if you want to run liquorix on an older system, you'll need to rebuild with an older version of gcc or use anticapitalista's rebuild for Mepis / antiX.
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Surfing through my trusty notebook looking for something totally different I stumbled on an old tool: equivs... I knew something was there that could be used. That is just a tool that could be used for solving gcc-5 dependency.

Update: Beware that gcc-5 dummy package has one fault: update-alternatives should be updated because dummy leaves broken link for gcc. It is not a big deal but, nevertheless user(s) shoud be aware of that small obstacle, like a pebble ina shoe... ;)
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Actually I and possibly a couple other packagers are handling the backports of the Liquorix kernel for MX 15 and MEPIS 12.

I've also found out how to have the openSUSE build service do the builds and repository hosting on plain vanilla Debian chroots, which is an alternative. I'll set one up for Jessie--it's like an Ubuntu PPA, but even easier to setup, as long as you remember that "~" and "+" aren't allowed as characters in the version string.
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And here's the OBS repository for Debian Jessie (gcc-4.9) builds of the latest Liquorix kernel (basically the same as the MX versions)

I added it to an existing repo I had set up to backport codelite for Jessie. OBS is very nice; you can use it for Debian or Ubuntu packages, as well as other rpm-based distros, instead of PPAs.
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